"That name is unavailable"

I have two former Sims players at work, so I’ve heard a lot about it. Unfortunately the game is not fantasy or sci-fi, which are the themes I love, so I’m not really interested in trying it. Any tips about that type of game, but with elves or aliens, and I’m in :grin:

Hmmm Sims medival maybe? its pretty much a fantasy :joy:
other than that, im not sure

That names a load of crap …


Sadly, that’s not how it works. People just start using ô, å and so on.

no there should be no listing for renames, if I come up with a name then its mine permanently.
Be more inventive, you bore

I get what you mean, but having a name that is most likely taken from a character from an anime, and adding accents to random vowels because the original was taken, making it sound far from the original name, is kinda counteractive.


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