That's enough. Blizzard need to hire me

Thanks to my extremely efficient, steamy brain, I intend on single-handedly saving the game.

Here’s a short list of what I, an intellectual, will do in order to improve everyone’s experience:

  • Revert class design back to MoP and adjust from there.
  • Revert Survival to its Legion iteration, bring back ranged Survival as a 4th spec.
  • Bring back WOTLK/Cataclysm tabards as a means to earn reputation, and improve the system: dungeons/random battlegrounds will grant moderate amounts of reputation, current raids & arena will grant significantly more.
  • Keep only Pathfinder part 1, and allow people to buy flying once the first big patch hits. Design maps with flying in mind, with floating islands for example.
  • Bring back gear currencies as they were in Cataclysm, with Justive/Valor, Honor/Conquest.
  • Cataclysm levels of difficulty for Heroic Dungeons, as well as meaningful rewards.
  • Bring back the Glyph system, gems and reforging.
  • Improve leveling by taking inspiration from Korrak’s revenge: once you hit level 10, you’re able to queue for battlegrounds and matched up against players from up to level 119 - everyone gets scaled to level 60.
  • Make everything that happened after in the past few 3 expansions non-canon. No time travel, no major lore threats dealt with in a single patch without achieving anything of significance.
  • Unique mount skins earned in game, not bought at the shop. This is an expansion subscription game with payed expansion and costly services. Store mounts are outright disrespectful.
  • The unapologetic and very much permanent removal of the Demon Hunter class from the game.
  • Reintroduce elite PvP weapon skins. Elite sets at 2k, elite weapons at 2k1, tabard 2k2, illusion 2k4, gladiator title reverted to its pre-BFA requirement.
  • Bring back the ability to blacklist some battlegrounds.
  • Visual updates for Classic zones - especially those with lots of really outdated trees such as Dustwallow Marsh.
  • Every single capital city made relevant and usable by adding portals, auctions houses and transmog NPCS at convenient spots everywhere.

Some of the ideas


What is a “steamy brain”? Is it related to steamy romance novels? Because I was disappointed to find no smut on this list…


A brain that works so hard it produces steam.


I was expecting some rant going by the title, but I’m glad I’m wrong. :slight_smile:

Interesting idea, but how could ‘AFK leveling’ be prevented?
No one likes people on their team that don’t contribute.

I would like that back. Brings back some customization. Just because a theoretically best configuration exists, doesn’t mean to remove the choice.

I would really love that. The layout of the terrain can stay the exact same. Just update the grass, sky, trees, etc.

No thanks, cata heroics were awful. Only reason they were hard was because early days of cata you healed for barely anything with ST spells and even less with your AoE spells so you’d just spam your ST and go oom in 5 seconds.

Rest of the changes I like, except pathfinder, might as well drop the whole thing in this imaginary scenario.

I don’t agree with everything, but it would be enough to make the game great again for sure (especially classes back to MoP) revert the autistic change to the glorious tyranny/primal victory glows too thanks

i take the classes back to MoP and can now say this is the best change

The problem with all the customization is that when you get a drop in a raid, you need gems, enchants, heartstone to reforge and then get summoned back in your raid. Last night I got a weapon in Ny’alotha and got an enchant from a guild member and don’t have to worry about it anymore.

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Hell, no.

Buying flying with gold instead of acc-wide unlock sucks. I’d just remove the rep grind from pathfinder, keep it story and exploration only. And make part 1 unlock whistle accountwide below level cap (instead of the % speed bonus).

Hell yeah, we need some non-RNG way of getting gear.

This will help none if the reputations themselves are crap that only serves as a gate for pathfinder. What the game needs is to give reputations a decent meaning. Rep gear is obsolete before you get there. Profession recipes are useless because professions are useless (because the ilvl of crafted gear is way too low).


No, make a new Tinker class and make it as a hard DH counter

No, they were hard because not reacting to things actually lead to dire consequences.
Take trash mobs in the Stoneheart for example. The ones who would slice you to pieces if you didn’t move quickly enough, or those giants who would remove like 80% of your HP if you didn’t press the jump key by the time they finished casting their “stomp” ability.
Those were fun. I’ve never enjoyed PvE as much as I did in Cataclysm. Nowadays, you just stomp everything, it’s just a boring grind.

Yeah but they were easy to move out of, though come to think of it it is weird that they stopped doing abilities like that.

Oddly enough, the cata dungeons right now are still kinda hard but none of the other expansion dungeons you que for while leveling.

Couldn’t these things have been solved differently instead of just removing the choice for everyone?

Gems and enchants could be stored in the guildbank, and withdrew for a nominal fee.
Reforging could’ve been made more convenient to access, instead of having to go to a main city for it. Like (consumable) bots made by engineering for example.

That’s my point. Cataclysm dungeons are the only ones left with a sense of consequence if you fail to react in time or deal with a mechanic. That’s why they’re exciting, unlike the boring grindfest that is the rest.

well, you clearly don’t have an efficient or steamy brain, not are you an intellectual.
pandaland sucked.
yay more shooty hunters, ugh.
yay, more afk botting in raids/pvp.
earn flying.
everyones been asking for a return of pvp vendors, nothing new there. more mindless grind doesn’t mean you deserve the gear.
a lot of people didn’t like reforging because it took so long to work out which was better.
and what happened in korraks revenge, mass afk farming.
time travel gives you a good chance to see stuff you’ve never seen before, its good.
its a for-profit game, if youre stupid enough to pay real money for a few pixels for your own ego then why shouldnt blizzard make money off of you.
yes that’s what the game needs, less tank classes.
yes that’s what the game needs, farming of particular pvp instances.
yes they should focus on making old areas pretty, a fine use of resources.
why would I want to go to some other town, what for?

all in all, your ideas are rehashed nonsense from other idiots and of little to no value whatsoever.

Never before has someone been that wrong about anything.

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I’d say it’s more valuable than the cynical complaint threads/posts that offer little to none constructive feedback and discussion.

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Right, that’s fair. My point was that in cata they were hard because healing was bad while now it’s because they’ve been tuned that way.

Did the lava dipping boss in blackrock the other day and back in cata you could easily do 3-4 stacks then out for a few seconds and back in for another 3-4 but now keeping him in the lava for 2 stacks and everyone haa 10% hp left so as long as it’s the dungeon being tuned and not healing being nerfed I’m all for it.

I’d argue weaker healing means you can’t 100% rely on your healer to save you when you fail to respect the dungeon’s mechanics, and rescind every mistake you made. But I’m of course open-minded on this matter.

As long as Warlocks are banned in PvP, sure.

Sure idc

I like the WQ systsm but I’m not against tabards either.

And lock me into playing on one realm and character even more?
Keep gold out of flying please, ty.

Eh, sure w/e.

I prefer the current system tbh.

no thank u


Yes please.

Yes, please.

Or at least nerf them, god please.


Let me forget that Ashran exists please.


Yes please.

Overall I actually agree, never thought I’d say that

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