That's enough. Blizzard need to hire me

The only edit I would make would be to outright remove flying, or at least, make it disabled if you enter warmode, assuming that system remains :wink:

Otherwise, epic.

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Blizz give me cow level back. I had it last week…

I’m sure even Rompuche wouldn’t troll Alliance this much. There are greater trolls among dev team, Rompuche would be an improvement. Hire him.

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Because the balance effort/reward is broken.
It’s not fun playing against someone who doesn’t need to be as good as you are to perform as well, if not better.
It’s not fun when you have to do pro-level moves to counter a dimwit’s sneeze.

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Yeah, when my class is op i say its op aloud. Like at the start of BFA discs were op and should have (and been, rightfully) toned down.
Its effeciency and lack of synergy in-between abilities is something i have problems with, not everything else (gameplay-wise). They have too much for so little effort. Id be okay if everyone else got buffed and dh not nerfed. But we know whats easier to do, dont we? And yeah, specs which dying for what i’ve mentioned should have given exactly that.

Yes, HURR WE ARE BIG DEMONS is stupid, why? Because whats the point of DH if its basically 50% of the time being turned into demon? Maybe it should be DEMON instead of DEMON HUNTER then? Back in wc3 it was a potent and huge ability, now its like “we constantly in demon form”. Moreover with all the anime style fighting dhs have (i dont have problems with acrobatics, but that X-strike is just making me want to rip off eyes and sacrifice everything) why dont they have ACTUAL refined strikes and dodges and stuff? I simply dont get it.

They ARE a part of universe, i dont mind that at all, thought imo they lost the reason to exist as DKs did back in the days with the death of Arthas, its their fighting style which is from dragonball z or some other disgusting anime stuff where heroes leap three kilometers into the air and dash like an arrow i am having problems with. Yes, AND the lack of balance.

I’m still willing to accept the job, Blizzard. Slide in my DMs whenever you feel like it.

Reads title

Sees its Rompuche

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There you go

Since I am rank 2 I can do youtube.


I’d be rank 2 by now

If i didnt get a forum vacation a week :joy:

Hehe been there done that :rofl::+1:.

It’s funny how more than half of this list is what people used to whine about back then. The only thing that would change is them coming back to the forums to start whine about it again. Especially about MoP class design when people hated that almost every class had everything and nothing felt unique.

Not that i disagree with you but not the whole community want what you do.

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Not unique beats not fun in my book.

LFG removed
LFR removed
All difficulty levels removed including mythic +
Mythic raid as baseline for everyone
Remove Flying
Remove catch up and welfare gear

Actualy go back to TBC desing.

The yak mount had reforging.

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