So after having battled my way throug different things with a 320 timewarped mace as holy…
So when this 370 wpn emmisarry got up, i almos wet my pants.
“FINALLY, im getting a decent weapon for healing”…
Did the 4xWQ, turned it in…and got a shield…
Since when did shields become weapons?
Now im not sure of this shows what “state” Blizzard is in atm, but im sure it give us a hint…
“GET YOUR 500ILVL GEAR TODAY” ----- ops you got a ilvl 500 tabard……
Well, they are on the off-hand slot… and not an armor piece, nor trinket, neck or ring.
It actually makes sence to drop from a weapon emissary chest
(The idea of bashing some poor mob’s face with a shield is cool tho’)
Ha anyone ever recieved a ranged weapon on a hunter btw? I have never seen one, and I just handed in mine, and got another polearm. Major letdown getting a 360 Polearm I can’t use, when I am wearing a 310 ranged weapon… Oh well.
I’ve been getting agility weapons on this one, it just seems it’s exceptionally bad for hunters. Especially since you can’t use it at all unless you are survival.
As a Prot Pally, technically my shield is a weapon
Having said that, I’ve lost count of the number of two-handed weapons I’ve been RNGed. No, I don’t want to play Ret at the moment thanks. Blizzard are changing this with Season 2 and RNG drops (like the Emissary Weapon’s cache) will now be decided by your loot spec rather than just your class.
No the quest today for Alliance in Stormstrong valley was specifically for a wepon. I got a 370 two handed mace on my druid alt. I haven’t done it on this toon yet, but unless he gets an Elephant forged one with socket it will be just vendor trash anyway.