The aftermath of phase 2 is just beginning

Thank you , horde players are either some immautre pricks or children , or just people whom in real life never achieved anything and they tryhard to get ranks to feel a little bit of satisfaction.

Also , hordes on my server at least most of them , they keep killing grey level players , wtf man.

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Suppose when PvP realm becomes deliberately one sided, the only way to help solve it is to transfer them to PvE in order for the other side to have breathing space.
Otherwise your only solution is to make new character on different server. At least now you knowā€¦
Donā€™t get too attached to a pixel.

All allies should just reroll where they belong. On a pve realm.

Yeah, and as somebody else said aboveā€¦ howā€™re you gonna open AQ gates once all Ally chars leave your realm?^^

If anything, this just proves that factions split the community and is overall a bad idea to have in mmo. We can just thank kevin jordan for introducing factions, wow was inherently supposed to just be a pve mmo with no factions.

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Factions isnā€™t the issue though if implemented correctly. sadly, vanilla is an old game which brings tons of imbalance. Problem can pretty much be summed down to:

  1. Horde racials are simply better, period.
  2. Horde players in general are acting like backwards savages ganking anything with a pulse.
  3. Seeing as horde is the favored faction on retail and that most high ranking guilds play horde, it seems only natural for most people to roll horde.

Right now, horde suffers no drawback from their behaviour, hence their ā€œgo back to retailā€, ā€œReroll on pve realm and stop cryingā€, etc. mentality. I can assure you, as soon as they sit in their 2 hour BG queues only to get put up against a well-geared organized alliance premade, they will be the ones crying.

They will be crying even more, when theyā€™re sitting on the character theyā€™ve invested all their time in, playing on a server with 95 % horde population unable to open AQ gates

You reap what you sow and itā€™s honestly obvious to most, that their actions will have consequences.

Doesnt matter, vanilla had a huge faction imvalance where most players were alliance. Nobody knew or cares what daction was stronger when they picked their race, it is just really bad design to force your community to pick a side, a side they canā€™t reroll.

people are wiser now. hence:

Thatā€™s why MMOs with a PvP focus either have forced balance or three factions.

Not sure what forced balance is but I think free for all is better and sides can be picked while progressing, not when creating your character. Instead of having a mechanic forcing people to choose sides there should be metapoliticis dividing the community not the game mechanics.

They need to make new server and cap servers as it was in Vanilla. It doesnā€™t work, I am an extremely patient person, and a Vanilla soul through and through, but it is all to much currently. I shudder at the thought of AQ unlock.


This is the causeā€¦ we know the solutionā€¦ :wink:

This is a nicely summed up topic.

My personal belief is that everyone is missing the mark with what people are complaining about, itā€™s not wpvp, itā€™s not even imbalance of factions or racials - itā€™s the perfect storm. Even at 50/50 I suspect wpvp encounters would be more horde than alliance but the sheer population size has exacerbated the problem, thereā€™s seemingly no let up for the underrepresented faction.

Iā€™m on Golemagg and itā€™s clear thereā€™s more horde, as a mage I have a better time of things and Iā€™m not really one to complain, I like wpvp and donā€™t need to go far to find it, sometimes not even outside of IF.

Most people commenting on forums are morons whoā€™s suggestion is ā€œget a groupā€, thatā€™s fine, no problem at all but escalate that and the larger faction can always call the larger groupā€¦ seems obvious? 60/40 will always at best result in a 3v2, 6v4, 9v6 and so on.

My feeling as others have said is thereā€™s no ā€œfixā€ but if there was to be one, my suggestion would be this;

Split the servers;
Etc etcā€¦

Character creation would see them as all the same realms so no duplication of names etc (if they need to re-merge in future)

To introduce it, everyone gets assigned a new server in game, ahead of the change and has until a a certain point to pick which one they want to move to - after the cutoff date Blizz can assess to make sure pops looking right (maybe have guild options for choices so whole guild gets same assignment?) and make sure the split looks good before implementing - if it doesnā€™t they revise the cut off maybe forcing some to repick until split looks good - this way, if players do drop off in future, easy to merge back in without people getting salty about changing names etc - horde/ally imbalance wonā€™t change but the frequency will - 1 Gank squad running round rather than 3 etc

My feeling is that the mega servers are here to protect us as players in the future when people do quit so there arenā€™t dead servers but itā€™s just unwieldy at the moment and is inevitably leading to people leaving.

Also, as people have said - GL opening AQ without alliance, BG ques for horde will be awful (Even with cross realm) and thatā€™s a shame as I had always intended to alt a horde on another server as I played horde in vanilla.

Iā€™m a horde player, although Iā€™ve played both factions (horde vanilla-wotlk, alliance wotlk-mop, since I couldnt stand hordeā€™s storyline in wotlk and cataclysm).
Plenty of other horde players dislike whatā€™s happening. And also plenty of alliance people doing it, they just get fewer opportunities.

Good summation. I just want people not to come to my PvE server and crowd it some more. Already resources getting hard to find. Please just roll on another PvP server.

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