The Alliance is responsible for Arthas

About as fine as high elves after Arthas went for a Quel’thalas vacation.

At least death knights never attempted to leave their faction like the blood elves.

We have far better methods of crushing the forsaken. Calia will be the new queen, they’ll get a weekly visit from Anduin and Jaina, change their Sylvanas tabard to that two-headed gryphon used in Hillsbrad and change their voice-lines to reflect their new ways of tirelessly striving to protect the living under the bright lady. Also, their heritage armor will be Alliance Stromgarde armor recolored and the quest will be about killing Belmont/Faranell/other pro-Sylvanas characters that still walk around. After that, forsaken will strive for peace between the factions much, much more than even tauren could ever hope to.

Just killing them would be far too merciful.


And that’s comming from a Night Elf herself? or did you made that character just to come on the forums to troll with it? Either way: What did the Night Elves ever do wrong to the Horde?

I was making fun of the logic people use here and how they somehow manage to blame it on the Night Elves that did nothing else than minding their own business before being genocided and nearly wiped out.

That was mostly a joke, but as a Night Elf fan you should know that the Kaldorei joining the Alliance mollified them and made them jokes as damsels in mistress waiting for the Humans to come to the rescue. And actually they were a powerhouse in WC3, look how they are now instead.

Despite their savagery in combat (as Grom confirmed), I’m not claiming the Night Elves should have joined the Horde at the beginning of WoW. Tensions between the Horde and them as a neutral entity would be very good for the story too, they could even be friendly with the Humans, but joining them? That was a big mistake. Blizzard could have just put High Elves or another race in their place in Vanilla, and the same for the Forsaken and the Horde too (and later, Blood Elves)

What? Haha you left and betrayed your TRUE faction, nature and allegiance…the Lich King and the Scourge

So technically I could say you actually betrayed your father. BUT, as you said, I’m not going to blame you for that, as a Blood Elf fan, jumping ship and changing factions is actually very convenient for ourselves, especially when your supposed “allies” actually don’t like you, like, at all to the points they are sending you in suicide missions (Garithos, Garrosh, notice how the two names are similar too) or just using you for his own evil purposes (the Lich King with the Death Knights) :stuck_out_tongue:

That is not a problem with the Alliance, that’s just the writers hating the race and having a blast destroying it

No, how did I sound “bugged”, I am just stating a fact.

This trolling post is fun haha!! Please, do continue!!

(An answer to those who are actually taking this seriously: NO, Anduin did not mean that, way to miss the point ahhhh)

And what did he mean exactly, then? He talked about “ghosts of the past”, “regrets”…he clearly acknowledges and takes responsability for Arthas in a way, despite I agree the Kingdom of Lordaeron was not actually in the current form of the Alliance faction, but he acknowledges Arthas and the Alliance of Lordaeron in the past did mistakes too.

Also if he really wanted, he could have left Arthas out of his speech in this case…he could have mentioned Garithos or someone else who did bad things in the Alliance…but he didn’t…

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Arthas’ genocide is on the alliance as a whole. Just facts.

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So what? Just because 1 alliance made a bad choice, a bad decission,
you have to blame the rest of the alliance as well?

No. But some could admit that everyone has their bad apples.

I honestly don’t know much about the lore and i know Anduin has’nt been king for a long period of time yet but Anduin does’nt really strike me as the kind that would burn down entire cities along with its inhabitants. I feel like he has more honor then Sylvanas will ever have.

But just to be clear, by no means am i saying that the alliance has never done anything “bad” (to put it mildly) but i’m certain that the Horde has committed far more worse crimes then the Alliance has done.

So by your logic modern horde should be wiped out for first and second wars


Arthas was under influince of frostmourne and Nerzul, does this mean that all what did Arthas is fault of the horde?
Arthas was an idiot who took the cursed blade, but this was influince of the cursed Artifact after all. Should we blame horde for what Garrosh did? Or Sylvanas? If we start point the fingers, then by the common logic orcs should return on Outland, it is mostly demon free now, so they could live on their home world in peace and don’t bother other races. And this is just one example of such depraved logic that this topic has started.

I never said that the “modern horde” (as you put it, Dâedra) should be wiped out either.

What i am saying is that those that committed (war)crimes, no matter what faction they are on, should be brought to justice. 1 way or the other.

But indeed even after Anduin says Arthas and Daelin have been mistakes of the Alliance in the past and he takes responsibility for them, the Alliance still looks better than the Horde, because immediately after Saurfang says that the gap between the bad actions of the Horde and Alliance is still very big, so the Alliance players cannot complain about that, they still get to look better than the Horde… as usual because of Blizzard :stuck_out_tongue:

They can’t because Outland is slowly disintegrating in the lore, and quite soon it will look like Telogrus’ Rift, a small rock in the Void and almost empty (the Void Elves can live there because they have an affinity with the Void itself and in lore they are extremely few)

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Anduin could be referring to the Culling of Stratholme among other things, for him the burning would be the last option. Right or wrong for Arthas was the first.

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thats funny. arent you german lol?

What does that have to do with anything.

But the Alliance stopped cheering for Arthas the moment he went insane, Many of the Horde (unfortunately, i think it was mostly very out of character) cheered the moment Sylvanas went insane.