The Alliance is responsible for Arthas

Well. You are german right?

NerZull in Warcraft 3 - “I have made Frostmorn to capture souls. Your soul Arthas is the first one!”…
Horde players and Anduin - “Its Alliance responsible!”…

b.t.w New info from Bolvar. All the time while he was with a crown, Jailor was trying to conquer his mind. So, NerZull and Arthas are not evil, its all Jailor responsible!

Anduin didn’t even say that the Alliance is responsible for his actions. Sadly people in this thread are legit braindead and completely misinterpreted what he said.

here is a realy wierd thing, if an alliance char does something realy bad, the alliance never follow this person, they even try to stop this person from doing bad things.

where horde if some idiot leader, decides to go berserk, the horde always follows, and once it starts to go bad, they realice oh, maby we should not do this, like every single time, be it Ner´zhul, gul´dan, garrosh, sylvanas, horde follows every single time, like why.

propably because the Team of writers didn’t like the Idea from Warcraft 3 that Orcs (etc) can be the good side and instead repeatedly portrait the Horde-races as braindead followers of genocidal maniacs.
But there’s always people who speak out or try to disrupt said genocidal maniacs as well…
I really have no idea what the team wants to show us with that…

yeah considering, in bfa for example when Sylvanas, burned teldrassil, horde was pretty much doomed from the get go then, Saurfang knew this, but most followed her still.

thing is had Alliance had a more unstable leader, like Varian or even Genn at the throne, horde would have been in major problems, becuse neighter of those two would have hold back at all, meening horde could have ended then.

here is the problem realy, horde does bad stuff most horde follow for a while, Alliance suffers, but doesnt realy retaliate as theys should at all, they just lol arround doing other stuff, like in BFA, why on earth did we stop after Dazzalor, it was like a mega mistake, Alliance should have gone for eighter silvermoon or ogrimar then, becuse of well reasons, to literaly retaliate, and not just go stagnant after Rastakhans death, considering the horde could not do anything then.

but alliance is always the good guys whit hig morale, even if it makes no sence what so ever.

“I want my Horde back” Anduin accect that and opens the door. After “Lost honor” Anduins goal is to remove Stlvanas and stop the war.

Now we know that we have been tricked to a war whose purpose was to feed the hungering darkness. There were hints in game from the start that the purpose of the war wasn’t the one Sylvanas presented to the horde leadership to start the war. The meta perspective for us was supposed to be if Alliance-Horde realizes that they have been tricked to the forth war and stop it before its too late. In retrospective Sylvanas tricked the player base also.


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