The Alt Army meta

OK, this isn’t a rant or asking to change things or whatever, more of an observation.

Have you noticed how WoW turned from “single character” to an endless alt army “meta”?

Back in vanilla maintaining more than 1-2 serious characters was an adventure. Nothing really was “alt friendly”.
The pressure on altoholics was alleviated every expac a little bit but not much - rerolling was always a PITA and basically progress on one character wouldn’t help the alts.
That was even noticeable in crafting - most crafts were always BoP so you couldnt craft much gear for your alts. You couldn’t even enchant your alts gear before vellum etc etc.

Only in MoP they introduced account wide rep bonuses and slowly Account Wide stuff started. Still, skips were rarely introduced until later.
Certain “Power” grinds also made you specifically attached not only to one character but sometimes even a single spec (remember Legion??)

Now we were in SL, later in DF - some of most alt friendly expacs - a lot of transferrable currencies, account wide stuff etc. etc. But that’s not “only that” - over time the process of levelling was super streamlined, hastened, eased, dumbed down so pretty much anyone can get as many characters on max level as they wish. Even if they don’t have time - they can just boost either via Blizzard service or Custom LFM “gold boosts in Azure Span”

If you’re still with me - you might be asking “What’s my point? Why do I point out the obvious”?

Well, here is the catch - WoW, by its design, unintended or intended - promotes the “alt army” approach.
Basically if you have 1 character you are cooked.
It’s infinitely easier to play and focus your “main” if you have many alts. It’s easier to achieve goals, complete achievements and collect items if you have many, many alts. The more the better. It scales in a way that having a character cap on max level is “the most efficient way” to achieve your goals, whatever they are.

The goal was most likely to let people switch characters freely but the unintended consequence is that the more characters you have, the easier your game becomes.

But, Vulgoku, what the hay, gimmie examples, you talk garbage!

Just a few random examples

  1. if you raid on ONE character in a given season - you will never collect mogs for all armor types in a raid. You will even have a low chance to collect your own class. Now imagine you have lock, mage and priest - you raid with them all - you have many more occassions to complete mog sets. For class or armor type, whatever the season meta is. Just because you raided on more characters. There is no catchup for 1-2 character player. They are cooked.
  2. If you have only 1-2 characters, then completing certain achievements might be way harder, especially if they involve “lockouts”. My favorite example will be collecting Minis in Mechagon. If you try to do it on one character - good luck getting King Mechagon - with 1 box per week with 0,7% drop chance. What people do, according to wowhead is making alt army and mass opening boxes every week. And it’s only logical. Trying to do it on 1 char would be insane. I myself parked some of my unplayed alts in Mechagon just to open 1 box a week.
  3. Same goes for any pet/mount drops. Whether it’s a weekly lockout or daily lockout - if you want to achieve your goal faster and it’s “something important” to you - you obviously have to run / kill the thing on multiple characters. The best examples were seasonal events pre Midsummer nerf/buff - having character cap was what hardcore collectors did to get the pet/toy/mount. Luckily the change now kinda stopped the madness. But it’s not only that and you know it.
  4. We have a situation where having MULTIPLE WOW ACCOUNTS ON YOUIR BATTLE NET might be the “best thing to do” in order to be top in this game. Be it transferring gold/items between server AHs or just idk, farming old raids with your second account on /follow? Well, let’s not forget how multiboxers farm(ed) materials, making millions until Blizzard stopped it (a little).
  5. Professions - do you know that having 1 char with, say, JC or BS, is not enough to be “Good” at professions? See start of expacs since DF onward. You have to get knowledge points and invest in trees. But you have limited number of points and you need, say, gems as well as rings and necklaces… What do you do? You have 3-4 JCs who spend initial points in different trees - having this way everything covered you can dominate the market easier. And now with addition of “Concentration”, or mettle before - the more prof alts you have the better for you. All “wow economy guides” tell you to set up army of prof CD alts like “alchemy/tailoring” alt being most popular. Draw the conclusions yourself.
  6. Meta rerolling. Imagine you maintain several chars but play 1 mostly at a time. But this main of yours, thanks to Blizzard’s meddling, suddenly is bad. But now you have some alts to choose from, you can easily gear your alt and get back in the meta.
    A funny example - I have a friend who, every season, starts with several chars of the same class - and sees which of them gets “best gear” at start - then he mains that one. So instead of letting RNG get him in trouble, he simply just play several times to see where he gets lucky. I wouldn’t suggest this approach but it’s not dumb - if you have enough time, this might actually be the efficient way.
  7. season 4 “bullions” - remember people crying they can’t get enough bullions for mogs and the mount but they also need gear on their “only character”? Well, see, if you have alts, and you maintain them to the level of LFR, you can collect “jokingly infinite” number of bullions and buy every single mog on the vendor that you care about. People with 1 or very few alts were basically in trouble here.
  8. access to professions. Like - 1 char can have 2 main profs. So you don’t have access to anything else. Now with all prof stuff being Work-Order-able, having several alts with “all the profs” might not only save you time but is just convenient and get you gold. Someone with 1-2 chars can run into some issues.

This was just several examples where “alt army” makes your game better easier.

I don’t know if it’s the right approach. OTOH it rewards dedication to maintaining characters but also it can be abused by boost/no gear if it comes to camping/farming… Many people don’t want, don’t care about alts and they disadvantage themselves.

Now we’re gonna have a warband. IDK how all of that is gonna work as I didn’t dabble in meta but I sense problems… Will account wide rep be infinitely spammable by repeating conent on alts? Or will there be some limits and deductions so people don’t abuse it?
What about rare lockouts? or currency farming? With transferrable currencies you might be able to funnel stuff to one char. etc etc

I’m not sure I like the meta where having 50 active chars is the best way to play. I liked it more when it was harder to actually have alts. Things got so streamlined, convenient and pro-player that it got a little stupid.

and Deja, spare me your talk that I don’t have to do this - I know. I don’t have to. Nobody has to. But the fact it’s actually a thing is the problem. The game evolved into promoting this kind of “meta”. A bunch of players abuse it without hesitation…


Very good post and very well written -
I agree with most things, although I really think this game needs to be more alt friendly (Progression, like pick up questlines where you left them across different characters) But its undeniable that 99% of what you said is true.


Making casual gameplay have meta is a bit daft to me. The whole point is you do as little or as much as you want.

Collecting is something people do for fun. If you like doing it yes you may have multiple characters to increase your chances. Ironically for this discussion, mine are all Paladins. My collection for plate, pets, mounts is pretty decent. I collect for fun as and when I feel like it.

In TWW I will be able to collect all armor types on my transmog runs, that I do solo. So my collection is about to grow a whole lot.

If you can’t be bothered to level lots of characters because it doesn’t interest you or it would make the game seem like a chore then don’t do it. If levelling or having an army of maxed alts is something you enjoy then go for it. Or anything in between.

Personally, I level my main and my bubble army (all paladin profession army) first. Then over the expansion I will usually level others too (mostly just paladins). This time I had to level my druid as she had the Tarecgosa legendary and I wanted the mount added to my collection even if I couldn’t use it on my main. I levelled my hunter too though I can’t actually remember why.

My aim is to have all paladins and then just one of each class on my account. I don’t care about second accounts, I’m certainly not interested in running multiple subscriptions. But others love alts, they love continually making characters. Good for them.

I have a friend whose account is nearly all warriors, he subs for a short time then on mass runs them through whatever mount collecting content he wants to do. Then he stops again. Is it my idea of fun? No ofc not but it is to him.

If you want to treat alts as some kind of meta gameplay, then best of luck. Personally I’m not about to make my casual gameplay hardcore xD


It’s not just WoW, it’s a general shift in how people play mmos in general compared to 20 years ago.



address the topic if u want, stop dunking on me or doing “hehe gotcha”.

and i will do the same.

Move on

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I see what you mean

So if i understand you correctly you want the game to be less alt friendly?


I don’t really get your issue.

People who put in more effort have an advantage. That is true for every facet of the game and has always been.

You could rewrite this entire thing about playtime and it still fits. Especially in vanilla.

Unless you want to biologically limit how much time someone can play… I honesly do not get your point. People have been trading time for ingame benefits since the dawn of video games.


I love leveling alts. I have 2x max level of every class horde plus some alliance.
Usually play 1-2 chars at max lvl tho.
This is a big overkill in terms of tww changes as i dont do rmt

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There’s better ways to get a forum vacation if thats what u’re looking for. Doesnt seem like discussing the topic is on your to do list at least.

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It is a topic I would gladly contribute to some other time. Some good points there.

Getting all personal just detracts so much from that, though. Such a shame, dude.


Sooo… what was the actual point of this post? Are you just bored and wanted to throw out some bait and hope someone would write an answer you could start attacking? Cause if so then just let us know and we can start popping the popcorn.


Is this a longstanding beef, Vulgoku? Because if you’ve gone on a tirade like this before, then I fear the person you are talking to may suffer a case of…
…Deja vu.



I just wanted to make a pun tbh

And others have also given serious replies but get ignored and its just the derailing left.

Personally im all for alt friendliness and ofc that will give an advantage for collectors. But they also will have to spend the time doing all that on their alts. I could never go and do all those things, i can barely muster the will to do one current raid once a week.

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its a shame. this would be an intersting thread. BUT since you continue to bepassive\aggressive it becomin impossible to write.
A shame, really.
EDIT: im an alt army owner


The amount of snowflakiness in this generation is the real shame.
Oh no, you were passive aggressive to someone I adore! I can’t comment on the topic but I will just to show obedience to the cult leader and show how progressive I am!


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Word to the wise - generally not a great move to accuse others of being snowflakes while being so noticeably agitated.


I read your post. Im confused, what is it that you dont like?

Okay I was kind of poking fun before but you are coming off as legitimately unhinged. Genuine advice: Step away from the forums for a bit.