The Alt Army meta

irl when a person is being attacked by a hostile group people ignore but sometimes try to help the lone guy.

all forums on the internet has this - if 1 person is being attacked, more people join the attackers cuz it’s fun and engaging.

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now you are passive aggressive with every poster that tried to intervene.

I let here just a POV - random thoughts. Im not a meta roller. i dont care about power and FOTM isnt appealing me. Im happy to roll different char just to play different playstyles: for ages i mained a mage (arcane and fire) because i found it fun. after i tried different classes i said to myself: why stick just to one char? lets use every one! So i can collect mog, achievements and have fun in different ways (now i have 10 70th lvl in retail and 12 in remix). The downside was i never excel (and never ever excelled) in any class. is just enough for “normal play”. But sometimes i gave up some ambitious achie because the alt suited for it wasnt available (or too low).

Talkin about the past… in late vanilla was almost impossible to have more than 1 char and when i tried to level a pally togheter with my shammy (i was clueless, i didnt undesrtanding the “group content concept”) took ages and i had to leave the previous main to languish.

never read of this. Finally i would say.

Last thinf: DF was a nightmare for professions with alts.


They have been using this forum for years, they know what they are getting themselves into with the way they reply in this topic.


I am still not sure whats happening, is having alts bad?

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I’d really love prepatch just so that I can start collecting much more stuff. I’m still going to be cursing allt he rings, trinkets and items of a by gone age that aren’t gear/weapons.

I don’t think professions are changing that much beyond the horrible inspiration stat being renamed and changed. Hopefully to allow for better idea of outcomes.

The whole knowledge points system which is the bane of crafting IMO is going to stay. I’m hoping to get my bubble army levelled up faster this time as I was much slower last time and that put me behind with the weekly knowledge quests.

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I literally only clicked on the thread because the title was an interesting one. I don’t normally frequent GD and tend to stick mostly to my realm forums. I don’t know you, Vulgoku, and I don’t know anybody else in here. I’ve not poked fun because I’m part of the grand inter-linked conspiracy theory where every single person on the forums is out to get you, I’ve poked fun because you’re being kind of ridiculous RN.


OP made some point about alts. Is a long posts but i think it worth to be read.

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I am so far behind on professions :laughing: maybe in tww i will be able to understand it and keep up to date with it.


Excuse the geeky spreadsheet

I’ve managed to max knowledge on all primary profs and then on secondaries now it’s down to two miners and one herber. There is no way I can make up that deficit before TWW nor am I particularly trying now :rofl:

To put it like this, i managed to max both my main professions (not knowledge points) this week, so yeah…. :rofl: im not reaping any benefits from my little alt army :sweat_smile: guess thats what happens when u can only login and teleport to the dungeons and heartstone back.

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People enjoy all sorts of different things. Plenty of raid loggers out there.

Gz on maxing proffs xD

wow. no… i was succesful in pandaria and sl. but in df i reach max just with 5 main and i gave up with ench\alch\eng\ins\jew. i was draining all my will to play.


Still kinda useless since i still make the lowest quality pots and phials, but at least i got it to max.

For the topic though, im not much of an alt player and even though its a certain advantage to having alot of chars i will still prefer to focus mostly on my main.

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Oddly my prediction is by the time the 3rd instalment launches is that people will be playing less with alts and more focused on the main. Considering how TWW is been set up with warbands and just about everything Account Wide, there really will be no need for an alt army anymore.

Sure most players will probably play with all the professions but playing on 20+ characters will dwindle down and you most likely only find the habitual players doing so.

Of course I could be wrong, I am making my statements on my own behavioral changes since DF and how I have stopped playing with 8 characters and really only focus on 4 these days. I think there is a reason that warbands only show 4 and that is probably because the majority of players only play with ±4.

Will be interesting to see how this all plays out.


From the little I played with on the beta not much has changed with the knowledge points and is going to be just a grindy. Sill have the fly around and find the 3 point hidden knowledge and speak to x to earn an additional 3 etc.

The new system replacing inspiration is going to be a bane for most crafts as it relies heavily on RNG and will get depleted faster and takes longer to refill. I don’t think professions are going to be well received.

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My other gripe with professions was all the ranks of mats in DF plus all the random outcomes initially.

Another take is that having autonomus craft factory for everything always been meta in mmos.
Back in days. Dedicated crafters, traders, gathering characters, speedrunner characters. This applies to any mmo.
Only limit is how much time you have to waste on all of this

And yes, wow is very very far from proper alt meta.

Sorry I’m livin rent free in your head (and that I missed this - whatever “this is”)

If you’re going to carry on I’ll go get some popcorn.


You guys need to realize that “living rent free in someone’s head” is not the flex you think it is.

To put it in a perspective. My alcoholic neighbor and a junkie sleeping on a bus stop at my local store also “live rent free in my head” as I remember them since they are kind of a nuisance.
The same goes for a lot of people in everyone’s life. You somehow think that it’s some sort of virtue to consciously forget horrible insufferable people? Are you okay???

Big difference, your neighbour impacts your life through noise etc.

You can avoid interactions with me, yet you seek them out.