The Alt Army meta

As long as having an alt isn’t required, I’m fine.
I like focussing on my main. Yes, I have several max level alts right now - most of them leveled through Remix. But this alt (Tah) is basically the only one I’d ‘somewhat’ try to keep updated. But even then; I’ll only do that when there’s not anything else to do for my main.

It’s cool to not care about meta.

Main for life! :blush:

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nope. you keep coming 9 out of 10 times.

now it’s some sort of a funny hide and seek - when are u gonna come and what kind of silly denial of whatever I said you are gonna come up with.

it’d mean I’m super dumb and goldfish if I somehow kept forgetting what kind of a nuisance you are around here.

After, hyperbolically speaking, 50 encounters here with you, it’s hard to forget. It might be a pavlov’s reflex at this point lol

I’m not even mad or hating u - you apparently have to be this way but pretending you are non-existent would be also silly.

Deja, those are some impressive stats :joy:


Yep I call them the bag space hoggers :smiley:

logging in and then going to the warbank with 3 of my alts those tabs filled up pretty quick. Looks like ima have to suck it up and pay the 2.5 million for the last tab :man_facepalming:


I also fear my warbank will fill up fast, my bank guild is already pretty full.

You have been playing way longer than I have so I can imagine. For me its all those legendaries over the years. Tried to delete them but just can’t bring myself to do it as they were really tough to get or grindy. Then there is alot of mop stuff from Timeless Isle like those weather thingy- nope can’t and won’t delete em. I’m sad I know but they have memories attached.

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I think mine are in void storage

:blush: they are indeed.

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Well you have 7 chars all above 518 item level and mostly meta specs, you seem to enjoy alts and i suspect you have more then just the 7 i found.
Blizzard have already stated in blizzcon last year that the way forward for them is more account wide and alt friendly as its the player not the char that earns rewards.

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“meta specs” XDDDD everything is meta I guess.

How much into conspiracy theories are you? I like them too but this is on another level. When all my alts are connected on rio you suspect I need to have more.
Also, do I compress time in a day to have more time to play? :clown_face:

Also, also - the fact I got from 1-2 chars at start of DF to several is this:

  1. super giga ez levelling with no skill or time involved
  2. ez gearing of alts
  3. literal advantage of having alts, as described in OG flagged post.

so I’m not sure what kind of point you are doing? That having several alts, some barely played as indicated by low rio, makes me… wrong or dishonest? Just reinforces my point that to be efficient in WoW it’s good to have an alt army.
Not that I particularly find it good. it’s too much on the plate already.

i was polite to you so no idea why you resort to below the belt comments but i guess thats why so many comments of your’s buried.


I literally play with just this character and one Alt that I don’t bother gearing beyond getting 1h mace transmogs for my Priest to use.

Got zero compulsion to play beyond that.


Just an observation.


it’s funny indeed. You want congratulations now?
the difference is a bit intricate tho.

Dejarous made himself a sort of an eminence around here - he is everywhere, talkative, usually talking absolutely insanely stupid things but he is everywhere - his goal is to annoy everyone. He is hard to forget to the point where him thinking that he lives rent free in anyone’s head is some sort of victory. Well, he is literally everywhere, writing the dumbest posts imaginable. Of course everyone recognizes him now.

You? You are literal nobody. Hiding on some low level alt, and having no opinion on anything or nothing I ever stumbled upon, I now only remember you as someone cataloging old posts. It’s a specific level of being locked in.
Do you have literally nothing better to do than search thru rando’s old forum posts? Spare me talk “oh I just randomly remembered it”.
If you do - you have a problem and consult some… coach or therapist. It’s unhealthy.
Also… if you really memorize my posts that might suggest you… have nothing else to strain your mind with.
Get a job? a hobby? IDK what is wrong with you lmao. It’s an 8 days old forum thread of someone else you digged up with. I can only express some lowkey pity for you. It must be a horrible experience to have a mind working like yours.
I literally don’t know and don’t care who you are or were. You just appear randomly finding some of my weeks old posts right now. Of course here, might be some sort of exception and this saying of “rent free” might be not cringe and applicable

  1. I’m not high profile
  2. I never encountered you otherwise
    yet you somehow specifically memorize or search thru my posts?
    This might be the realest of “rent free”.
    BUT IDK. my beef with dejarous is a constant encounter barrage.
    You? Who are you? What are you? What is your point?

You might, with this consistent pointless digging in my old posts, make me memorize you but what kind of W is this?

Also, I stand by my response. Even if it seems ironic rn.
As a literal nobody I never remembered encountering, you appear trying to dig up my old posts and if I recall correctly - you straight up lied about it, which was proven quickly.

You are an extremely low tier troll. Like really, hilariously bad.

you responded though :thinking: gn


You must be extremely lonely irl* so consider this a welfare of social interactions from me. :kissing_cat:

    • can’t otherwise explain why you stalk me, of all people.

(and I will point you to some of the (Flagged?) posts above where I outlined your modus operandi, of all the trolls

  1. craving for attention
  2. getting a response as a result of inconvenient behavior
  3. bragging that it’s a W that you, indeed, got a reaction.

Refer to my IRL comparisons why it’s not exactly the W you think it is.

If someone flings a dog’s business on you, you will get a reaction too. It’s nothing special, mate

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You know what, I generally agree with what you are trying to say OP. People that have the time and will to play many alts do have an advantage.

That’s always been the case to some extent for certain goals but there is “some” evidence that the game “could” be being designed around that type of gameplay now going into TWW and that can definitely be seen as a bad thing for some people that do not find that kind of thing fun.

We will have to see what happens throughout the expansion to be sure though.

If it is, I suspect it’s a “boardroom” response to all the juggling and changes they had to do with Covenants due to the backlash they got for them not being very alt friendly OR very main friendly. People want to consume all content these days, since we’re paying for that content, and Covenants made it very difficult to do that with a single character for a long time AND made progressing alts a real pain.

I’m being totally objective here because I have a huge alt army, which has just got even bigger after Remix, and often have the time to use it.

But, this thread is embarrassing and you should delete it and try again. Try to interpret replies in a non-personal way and less cynically. Do not refer back to this post in any way. Do not mention any other forum user when trying to make your point either.

If you want to make a point like this you have to be prepared for some people to disagree with you and you need to be mentally prepared to handle that without resorting to personal insults and attacks even if you think someone else is trying to do that to you. Uphold the point you are trying to make and don’t start arguing about arguing. More people will hear you that way.

Most don’t care about the point you were trying to make now, its derailed into something nonsensical.


I still dont understand whats going on. Is having alts bad? whats the angle?

OP is a hypocrite

but to the topic, im not smart im a dumb person, i have skill issues… now that that is out of the way before op criticize me.

I love all my alts for the leveling because it is fun, i know right, a bloody shocker. but it would be nice to just have all professions on one alt.


The point about how TWW has adapted more and more to people having an army of alts is correct. The dark side of renown being account-wide is now the inability to earn the rewards more than once.

Thankfully they have not yet touched the older reputations so you can still farm the paragon chests on different characters. But I expect changes there soon too.