The Anti Social

Yeah, you’re right. I was just editing my post as you replied :laughing:

I’m Anti-social (Introvert), I see nothing wrong with that.
Does that mean I don’t talk, help or be friendly? No. It just means I’m less chatty or need much social interactions.

I hardly ever start a discussion but if people need help/directions I’ll give it to them.

I sure don’t miss people trying hard to be funny or needing the spotlight/attention (you know what kind of behaviour I talk about) and I would say those kind of people aren’t an improvement over silent ones.

I think what would be a better case to bring forth is the increased selfishness that is out there and partial blame is on Blizzard for that. Someone else has touched upon this already: but it seems we’re constantly in competition with each other and that just breeds selfishness. Most things following a speedrun mentality doesn’t help either and I’d add: neither does mind-numbing chores where we mostly do other things (watch vids, read, listen to music,…) in the meanwhile.

As to increasing social interactions: just start a normal chat in group. I tend to see people talk in groups once someone breaks the ice. Not always but most of the time.

Also, feel comfortable that at times people aren’t really in the mood to chat.

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Because it’s messy typing while playing.
Now i personally never use mic, don’t even have a guild.
I use the text chat, although i rarely use it neither.

When i’m running trivial content. I just want to rush through it.
I’m not there for conversation or idle chat. That’s why i rarely reply to people, or even bother saying hi.

I play problably one of the most lonely and anti social online games out there for years, Elite Dangerous on open play strangely i dont get that kind beahviour there, maybe cause its bigger open world dunno , only when some band of cmdrs are RPing hard , you get wrecked but hey they RPing exacly as it is suposed not for pure joy of messing with others and destryoing hours of game work.
…if i go on exploration i can spend weeks on open play without seen any real player , sometimes when my radar picks one up i just PM him and we have few loools about it , but i still drive sometimes 2/3h just to go into Hutton Orbital gather with friend :wink: Cmdrs , and get me mugs!

The game matured.

The advice to “join a guild” that many no doubt already gave you (already see some posts giving it) is not without cons either.

Yes, you can “join a guild” or a community. But if that guild or community is laid back and friendly and all mee-mee-mee, usually they aren’t great players. So, yes, people will forgive your mistakes and they will not object to you not having a flask but they will not use flasks themselves and will make tons of their own mistakes as well. That’s why they are in this friendly mee-mee-mee community after all. And most importantly, no, they won’t improve much.

It’s a choice of either getting some abuse and playing at a higher level, or being surrounded by the internet friends who will happily fail with you and playing at a lower level. My suggestion would be to man up, tune out the abuse, and play at a higher level, because the second option is boring. But nothing wrong with the second option either, and if you are really valuing “the experience” more than completion / etc, you could prefer that option.

its because crossrealm

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