The best ever city for Night elves

Ooops, yeh, totally correct.

Makes me wonder though, if they do a main world revamp, will they revamp any other areas or specfic places ? Like say Telogrus rift or Azsuna even though they are not on the first two continents?

Outland also hasn’t received any revamp, nor Northrend, they are older than most of kalimdro and Eastern Kingdom

But then not everywhere in Kalimdor or EAstern Kingdoms was revamped.

  1. Feralas - this was not revamped: It is due a huge revamp, as one of the oldest areas in the game not revamped.

they could make this a grand night elf capital, redesign Eldre’thalas (old version available through timewalking ofc)

  1. Un’goro crater - this received no revamp either

3… Zul’Gurub: Although Stranglethorn was revamped, Zul’Gurub wasn’t.

After these: On Kalimdor and EK are the TBC zones:

  1. Quel’thalas and Silvermoon, Magisters Terrace and Sunwell Plateau City
  2. Azuremyst and Bloodmyst Isles
  3. Outland
  4. Northrend.

doubtful that you will ever get a new city or even a new home reflected in game at most you’ll get a foot note in some short story or novel so enjoy the streets of stormwind :stuck_out_tongue:

i still say the night elves would be better of moving into duskwood since its empty given that the town there joined the legion

their just to far away on kalimdor since lorewise crossing the ocean takes a lot of time and portals use a lot of power

honestly what bfa failed to do was kick the night elves and the draenei of kalimdor as well as kick the forsaken and the blood elves of the eastern kingdom but i guess there be to many Tears if that happen :smiley:

kinda hard to paint the continent red if most of it don’t belong to you :stuck_out_tongue:

YEh, don’t think night elves want to move in with humans, tha’ts the ulltimate bury, . Lost their lands, can’t reclaim recover. I mean 19 zones modelled after them, and somehow Duskwood is the best choice? Over Azsuna, or Feralas, or Suramar, Naz’jatar, , Val’sharah, Broken Shore, Hyjal, Moonglade, Azshara, Ashenvale, Desolace, Stonetalon, Crystalsong Woods, Darkshore, Teldrassil, Azuremyst, Bloodmyst and Vashj’ir

Would be a most disappointing day. I know some people want them to move in to Gilneas too… same issue with Duskwood and Darkshire - hey, we can build a city like Zin’Azshari, but now our fate and feature is confined to Gilneas.

I don’t think I’m being greedy in expecting the Worgen to get Gilneas back and for night elves to have their own city some of their own zones with their own urban architecture and their own forests.

If they don’t have it, the horde will, and I think they have gotten enough of night elven assets, don’t you? I wouldn’t mind the Ngiht elves running Duskwood as their Human embassy headquarters in addition to them establishing and rstroing their forests, cities and temples in their own lands. Now that would be cool.

But for Duskwood to be their solution? If the night elves have to move to the Eastern Kingdoms or nearby it should be the Broken Isles. IF, otherwise they should get back Kalimdor, or ultimately have both.

The 4 Great Powers on Azeroth.

The Human Alliance: Most of Southern and Central Azeroth, Couple of zones in Northrend, Half of Northern Azeroth and Kul’tiras
The Orcish Horde: Central and Southern Kalimdor, Zuldazar, 3 zones in Southern Azeroth and most of Outland
The Undead: Most of Northrend, Quarter of northern Azeroth,
The Night elves: Northern and Western Kalimdor, Broken Isles and Naz’jatar
The Pandaren: Pandaria

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suramar isn’t horde territory brah its a questing zone in legion, nothing more

haha :smiley: said the ugly fox who live in the desert.


only if goblins and unded get their cities right, which they don’t and won’t so yeah greedy

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you do understand that the nightborne helped burn your home and they are allied with the horde how would you be safe on the broken isle your just as unsafe on that land as you are in kalimdor specially since the horde in the book seem pretty ok with finishing what they started :stuck_out_tongue: but hey reject humanity’s noble offer of land to die on your own

on the broken isle you’d have highmountain allied with the horde on one side and nigthborne also allied with the horde on the other side your basically surrounded :smiley:

Duskwood is prime land it used to be called Bright wood you know and it even has a emerald dream portal … its perfect :stuck_out_tongue:

The orcs are in Ashenvale, but I also suggested the night elves control there too - what of the orcs there? What do you think should be done about them?

As for our kin in Suramar City, what do you think they might feel with night elves surrounding them on every side?

Probably business as usual, they cut our city off from us for 10,000 years and they were always surrounded by their kin - i guess it would make no difference to them. business as usual portalling to Orgrimmar at leisure. And I personally won’t like the kaldorei to invade the city just to claim it, it’s out of character. Ofc, if the Night elves there were to attack the kaldorei forces, then that’s a different thing altogether.

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they already thrown their lot in with the horde they aren’t kin they are just another enemy coming for your neck face it elf your “kin” betrayed you and choose to side with the horde to hunt your kind down for their Horde masters just like 10000 years ago they retreated behind their bubble and let you clean up their mess

what ever comraderi you imagine exist between the night elves and the nightborne is not there the First Arcanist is just another Grand Magistrix Elisande just another Tyrant

they fit perfectly for the horde they are both serial back stabbers like the blood elves no loyalty at all ironically the first arcanist proved Tyrande right in her doubts about them

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Last i checked, the Well of Eternity is nothing but a hole in the ocean.

Edit: Hold on a second, we could probably build another Well if we somehow removed Sargeras sword from Silithus. I mean, that’s pretty much how the first one was made. From a giant wound in the planet.

I am pretty sure Blizzard has gone on record several times, saying that they wouldn’t ever do a world rewamp again, that they will only update a zone here and there if it suits the story.

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither was Zin’Azshari. Building a city like that would likely take many decades and the entire Warcraft timeline (since warcraft 1 up to Shadowlands) only covers like ~35 years.

Admitedly, Darnassus was built seemingly overnight by a handful of Nelves. But i think that’s more of a lore hiccup than anything else. They needed a new capital for the launch of WoW, and so the “rule of cool” took place.

I believe there was some datamined strings in BfA which suggested that Blizzard had planned to do this. Something about Quel’Thalas sinking into the ocean after the Sunwell exploded and (some) Belves setting up shop in Azshara.
We do know a lot of content were cut from BFA. Remember the cannon in Azshara that were supposed to be fired in the direction of Stormwind? Goes hand in hand with the rumored Azshara (and Silvermoon) Warfront. Neither of which happend.

Makes you wonder if N’Zoth was originally planned for another expansion (perhaps the next) but were shoehorned into BFA after the “faction conflict” fell flat. Probably not since Blizzard plans things years in advance.

honestly that line has always felt like horse crap to me if they really planned in advanced their expansions would not come of as such rushed messes with poorly though out systems and story lines you know who else plans in Square Enix … and their expansions are master pieces even Bloodstorm which is widely regarded as meh is better quality then what blizz has pumped out this last 2 expansions

my self and others expressed doubt at bfa’s teaser because it seemed like blizz had learned nothing from Mist blizzard is trying really hard to sell you the whole alliance vs horde as a core theme but that has not really been a case in all of wow it was a core theme of the RTS yes but not the mmo because in a mmo no one can really win so A v H is pointless

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Probably not, since they are two fairly “new” zones.

I’d say, a “world revamp” likely includes Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms; however unlike the 2010 revamp, this time Quel’Thalas and the Draenei Isles are not forgotten.

Unlikely to happen.
People love Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms. Since we’re going back to Azeroth, I doubt Outland will see an update and Northrend (Icecrown specifically) has recently been used again for 9.0.1.

Outland only really serves for Orcs, Broken Draenei and maybe a few regular Draenei.
Blood Elves no longer truly connect with it, unless some were seeking out the Scryers. The whole “Kael’thas” thing, died as soon as 2.4 dropped, since Kael’thas returned to Azeroth.

outland is also falling apart with no way to save it heck you see when saurfang comes to get thrall that the grain is turning to dust one way to save it i guess would be to take wod dreanor and merge it with outland but i dunno how much magic that would require :stuck_out_tongue:

I hope they will revive, rebuild Teldrassil and Darnassus. Same with Undercity. No need to find new cities.

I wish they would give them new cities, we can still visit the old Darnassus and Undercity, be nice to have a new place. Like what Mecahgon and Suramar are essentially for Gnomeragan and Darnassus. except the latter has to now find a new solution.

If you are talking about the resto druid artifact weapon mission, the Well is replenished as the NPC says, subsequent visits to the site have it fully restored to match she says.

I think the official lore was the Legion were draining the water from below, but tha’ts been reversed. I could be wrong on this last bit though.

Indeed, ihn wow cities are built by magic, especially with elves, if the Night elves achieved Darnassus via just their priests and ancients, it is easy to see they could do so much more with their mages and druids - this was how all those cities and their wonders were built, and we know the Shen’drlaar and ancients that handled most of those wonders are with them.

They are capable of building that level of city. At least by lore.

The thing is though, when has lore ever stopped them from doing anything specatacular anyway.

IN a world with magic and already great background story, it’s very easy for night elves to have a gerat city. The real motivation however is doing really cool and amazingly nice things for the alliance, especiallythings the alliance likes, like their elves, cities, arcane magic etc.

For a while they gave the best versions of those things to the horde, it’s hard for the alliance fans not to resent that (at least those who didn’t switchwholeheartedly), but they felt the horde needed to be more attractive back then, and it was their call to make.

Now, it’s the alliance that really does need to be more attractive, and it’s got the races that can handle such things legit lore wise (not that they ever needed that in order to give them). Now the horde is built up and extremely popular, no need to keep the alliance down anymore, they can develop the Night elves and void/high elves who are the most popular races and loved there.

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Firstly they need heritage armor and secondly using words like “dear “ lol .good luck blizzard paying any attention to your post .

Can do much than ask, and it’s good to be polite. So asking politely is good.

My passion may make me come across a bit forceful, but it’s a compliment to the product and the franchise and I hope it’s taken positively.

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Liking it or not, I think this is a very well put together suggestion. Well done op.

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Wait, is that one also called the Well of Eternity? I mean, i suppose it is a tiny one but i figured it would be called something else. On that note. We don’t know what happend to the two vials Illidan brought to Outland, right? He gave them to Kael’Thas and Vashj, whom we took them from. But then what? Were they used up? Otherwise two more wells could be made with those.

Also, this Well of Eternity i was thinking of.

I don’t really think the problem of building a new city is so much lore related as it is… location. Where in the world (of warcraft) would Blizzard be able to fit a Suramar sized city?

The only place i can think of is northern Darkshore and Silithus. The former of which, if i remember right, is just a bunch of ruins that are unused. Maybe that area can be flattend out to make space for a new city.
As for the latter, if we can remove the sword from Silithus, it could become an ideal spot for a new Night Elf city. C’Thun is either dead or weakend enough that it’s going to take 1000’s of years before it can cause any trouble again. And the hole left after the sword’s removal would make for an excellent place to create a new Well of Eternity. Night Elves already have a base there which could just be expanded upon, and it’s close to their second most populated region, Feralas.

If they ever make a new city for the Night Elves i kinda hope they don’t just regrow Teldrassil or another tree and plonk the city on top of this new tree. Night Elves never lived in trees until WoW. And i am pretty sure Teldrassil is the only instance of this happening, ever.

Back then? Are we talking about giving the Horde Belves or the Nightborne?

You know what would be interesting? Giving the Alliance the Shen’Dralar Highborne as an allied race. I know they are not technically a seperate race from regular Nelves. But if Kul’Tirans, who are just humans (i know some of them have Drust blood or whatever, but most don’t), can work as an allied race then the Shen’Dralar could too. And they could serve the same purpose the Kul’Tirans do. I.E, giving Nelves another body type. A less muscular, more “mage-like” body.

Shouldn’t take much work either since Blizzard could just borrow the Nightborne’s body mesh. Maybe touch it up a bit since the ancient Highborne Night Elves were said to be incredibly beautiful/attractive. If i remember correctly, they frequently used magic to enhance they “physique”. With Azshara herself being one of the biggest culprits.

Alternatively, this could just be a toggle for Night Elves if Blizzard doesn’t want to go through all the trouble of making an allied race. Especially since they would have to give the Horde one too.

Based on recent interviews with the devs, i honestly don’t think that’s going to happen. It seems like they would rather abandon the Alliance than try to make people want to play the Alliance.

With cross-faction raiding coming in 9.2 (or next expansion, i forget), and presumably cross-faction dungeons and PvP at a later date. Blizzard has basically no incentive to prop up the Alliance any more.