The best ever city for Night elves

Lore wise, the allied races were not even part of the War of the Thorns.

Recruitment of the allied races starts when the Horde gets defeated in the Battle for Lordareon.

Yeah sure, Khadgar bring Thalyssra to Tyrande, after 10,000 years of separation, instead of saying Hello at least, Tyrande starts mentioning how the Highborne of the Suramar have left them and etc.

While we did not even leave them, we were ordered to protect the pillars of creation, to stop the opening of the other portal for the legion.

Ashamane has sacrificed herself to give us enough time to conjure the shield.

Also, after the talk, when you go to the gates of Suramar and interact with the Tyrande, she calls us mana addicts.

If you have no pride, you would still accept and join their faction, but we Nightborne are proud descendants of the Highborne of the Kaldorei Empire. We know what is pride, and what is nobility, we will never bow before the lowborn commoner.

She was not a Tyrant as you are saying at all. She was really wise and loving person. without her, the Nightborne would have been wiped out already.

Thanks to the writers who messed up her storyline.

And don’t forget, she says the following upon her death:

-In all the possible futures I scryed, I did not foresee one in which you were victorious. I wonder…
-Will you defeat the Legion? Will you fail? Time eddies about you fits and starts. Nothing is certain!
-Perhaps you will win. And in saving your world, my people would be freed from the terrible bargain we were forced to make

And then her echo helps us to defeat Gul’dan.

Now go away, while your lwoborn barbaric ancestors were savages, my kin was prospering in the Azeroth.

Recently, we learned, that the well of eternity in fact was the blood of Azeroth, therefore, it had this power to change everything around itself.

Childish as ever…

Let’s be fair, They’re never going to do the Blood Elves and Draenei justice on that front. TBC is the land that time forgot, even though Quel’thalas is the joint most popular RP location on RP realms. Never gonna happen.

What? Where does that come from? The Blood Elves aren’t really going to go for that, are they? And why should they.

That was the immediate aftermath of the Scourge invasion pretty much, drastic times means drastic measures and suchlike. Besides, it’s kind of more understandable than using Shadow magic to mind control and manipulate a rescue party come to save you so that you could go on a Boy’s Own Adventure, Mentioning no High King of the Alliance! :stuck_out_tongue:

Logically no. I mean they shouldn’t really be friends with anyone right now, the Void Elves are still earning their place, and moreover trying to find a place in the world.

Why? Why do they need Void help?

Well, if it wasn’t a hole under the ocean, sure…

No. They are not owed a lot. They are finally narratively at the same level as everyone else, having taken a colossal kicking and having to rebuild.

Totally, though that could have been avoided by actually trading lumber, but Garrosh was a douche, so probably would have eventually attacked anyway.

Err…what? The Blood Elves walled themselves away and were neutral since the 2nd War. until the Night Elves sent Sentinels and Druids to attack -them- and sabotage their efforts to get back on their feet.

Totally legit that was Sylvanas doing that, because Sylvanas was a trash person and needs writing -out- of the story. We don’t need Kerrigan 2.0. Have Tyrande kill her. Perfect. Job’s a good 'un.

Do you know why? It’s what they call ‘jumping the shark’ as a narrative device. Where you go "Yeah they have Demon Hunters (Like the Blood Elves) they have the Well of Eternity (They don’t anymore) the Emerald Dream (What the heck, is that not a Druid thing anymore, just a Night Elf thing, Power Creep much?) a freaking Goddess on their side (Should never have happened) and lets not forget also a Demi-God.

They basically over inflated the Night Elves to a bombastic level where it was actually -impossible- to use them as part of a narrative. You can’t write a story like that. There is no story “Oh, there is a War, no problem, we have a Goddess and a Demigod” It is weak writing, and frankly, they -deserved- to get panel beaten. Hubris is not a pretty look, even if you are ten thousand years old.

There we go, I knew we’d get there eventually. So you want an “I Win” button for Night Elves, and everyone to cower before their undisputed might?

Fascinating that people can think that even works as a narrative. They would become bland, derivative and uber powered to a point where they might as well just end the WoW game. “Yeah, Night Elves can do -Everything- and are immune to -Everything- so err, Yeah, Game over”

Everyone who actually enjoys the game and story glowers at Night Elf fans with loathing “Cheers you guys, what was wrong with you just playing a WoW Species like the rest of us, what makes you so gods damned special and entitled?”

You see? You can’t even leave Night Elves out of it when pretending to talk about Nightborne and Blood Elves.

Oh My Gods, it’s pathological. Why? What do Void Elves have in common with Night Elves, apart from a distant genetic strain that has now been altered by the Void.

I mean, Bilgewater Harbour -should- be that, yes. It is, almost, but it has no actual facilities as such, which is fair enough, because Worgen got Jack all as well in Cata.

Yes! Why not? Why the devils not? That place looks amazing!

Would be good, because they could then sack off the Vindicaar which was impossible to build lorewise, (Draenei can’t build those ships) and also people keep going “Why didn’t we use our Spaceship Lasers to nuke Orgrimmar from Orbit!” (Another good example of jumping the shark.)

There’s only about 40 of them in lore, and we don’t know if they even -can- make new ones (No, the Silvermoon Scholars and High Elf Wayfarers are at Telogrus to -study- the Void. I studied the Romans for my degree, doesn’t mean I want to actually be a Roman Legionnaire! :stuck_out_tongue: )

That actually has merit, but it would involve Mechagon being expanded upon.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, enough with the hippy tree houses, the last one was borked. Something really cool for the Night Elves? Black Rook Hold. I know that was Kurtalos, but it was vitally important to the Night Elves. It also would be generally more interesting than another tree house but this time with arcane, whiskey and being able to do everything. Give them something -good-. Black Rook Hold with a Druidic grove and a temple in there. That place always struck me as interesting.

With Rock N’ Roll? :stuck_out_tongue:

Actually it does seem like their culture did alter, and I wouldn’t say mastering magics no one else has is ‘some’ advancement in magic…

Nope. Your chronology is whacked there (Don’t worry, we know Chronomancy is a Nightborne thing). At the time that Silvermoon was rebuilt, magically, it was entirely a Blood Elven enterprise. At that time, all Blood, Void, and yes High Elves were racially called Blood Elves. Kael’thas had made that decree -before- going to Outlands and started wearing his underpants on his head. :slight_smile:

Woot? Is that acknowledging that Mu’sha, An’she and by extension the Earth Mother are actually deities?

2 Great Powers.

The Alliance.

The Horde.

Pandaren, whilst they have homeland and agency, do not by their own admission have the ability to project force, those members they do send, join the Horde or Alliance.

Neither Undead nor Night Elves are a ‘Great Power’ to rival the two main factions.

Which is strange. Did you only play the whole War of Thorns on Alliance side? You should totally play these things on both factions. But basically you’re wrong. The Nightborne were not involved at all in the burning of Teldrassil. In fact it seems like Sylvanas wanted it to be a Kalimdor Horde only affair, as with the exception of Lorash Sunbeam, who is specifically a freelance mercenary and does not work for Silvermoon, there was no Horde elf present at the burning of Teldrassil. This might be because Sylvanas worked out (Probably correctly) that they would go “No, that’s too much, invasion is one thing, but this is too much!”

Not if they had Black Rook Hold as their new city…Come on…you know you want it!

Really? She doesn’t seem to embody any of the traits of a tyrant. I mean she even refers to herself as ‘First Arcanist’, not Queen, or God-Emperor or something stupid. She also doesn’t -act- like a Tyrant, given that she spent -ages- leading the Resistance against a Tyrant.

I know right, How terrible of those pesky Blood Elves to get annoyed when the Alliance attack their Neutral Nation…tsk tsk…

I mean it would be nice if the Nightborne players actually -got- Suramar, instead of someone’s allotment with no buildings and no chairs and just a little bit of garden!

But still, Black Rook Hold! Make it so!

Honestly, it’s a mystery to me why it wasn’t turned into a proper city. Phasing could have solved the questing problem. But i suppose the Alliance don’t have an equivalent of Suramar. But they could have just made the place neutral. Although that would have gone against the upcoming (at the time) faction war expansion. Maybe Dalaran could have joined the Alliance.

The problem is with dalaran is that they will make it neutral whenever they need a hub for something which means to the alliance players dalaran joining the alliance is meaningless because you know they will suddenly go neutral

also i was refering to the first arcanist claiming they was going to become the protectors of the world and then suddenly joining the faction that has spent most of the game starting wars, committing war crimes and attempted genocides … so yes she’s a Tyrant shes no better then the Elisande she learned nothing and proved tyrande right in that she was a backstabbing traitor now as well as 10000 years ago

the horde is a disgrace i want the og horde back when i played in vanila to the burning crusade once cata happen they lost their souls and became the warcraft 2 horde instead

And imo, this is okay we have an international druid organisation, and a paladin one too, since Legion and the class halls, Dalaran is the international mage one, no need to walk it back.

It’s also if humans rule it currently, with Nightborne back and blood elves proving themselves, it is likely we will see more involved.

Night elves and Thalassians I think should have their own arcane magical centres. We have several druidic bodies, it’s fine to have several mage ones, besides stormwind has it’s own academy according to the b ooks, and they don’t trust Dalaran for everything.

Dalaran while human led was really a combination of the Azeroth (eastern kingdom alliance races), so it is fitting, Quel’thalas, though horde now has representation, even if high elves (alliance or neutral ) are there.

Nightborne and Highborne Night elves shouldn’t be sharing thier advanced magic, they shoudl bring their magical expertise as a service to their faction but refuse to share imo. Same with the reliquary who is seeking to restore the lost knowledge of the highborne, whic hboth the shen’drlaar and nightborne shoudl have.

now friendship with the blood leves and nightborne is strong, - should the nightborne share their knoweldge iwtht he blood elves?

Night elven highbrone, those trained by the shen’dralar have been seen fighting with the kirin’tor - are they sharing their knowledge? I mean like Krasus, Kael’thas and Kalecgos, you can be a part of Dalaran, even teach and not necessarily share the secrets of your race. So is that the role they play?

Since the return of thehighborne/Moonguard and Nightborne, Dalaran would not be the foremost magical soceity. It technically wasn’t not witht he blue dragonflight and Silvermoon still around.

The best way to view it is like a university city in a global academic community. Now not every nation and it’s centres will share all their knowhow and secrets, but there is a common knoweldge stream that academics would release.

This is the ancient world, not the modern world, that sharing we do, shouldn’t be common there.

  • Night elves - Nar’thalas Academy and Eldre’thalas
  • Nightborne - Suramar Arcways Library with time accelerated learning
  • Blood elves - the Reliquary Silvermoon and the Sunwell Plateau
  • Void elves - Telogrus Institution
  1. Night elves - greatest and most knowledge experts in magical theory (Farondis) and magical wonders/applications (shen’dralar) creative/constructive uses of magic
    Specialist magic: Star/moon arcane magic
  2. Nightborne - greatest experts in magical artifacts and chronomagic applications
    Specialists magic: arcane purity and chronomagic
  3. Blood elves - greatest experts in magical reclamation/archaeology and destructive weaponisation of magic
    Specalists magic: Fire and Blood arcane magic
  4. Void Elves - Greatest experts in magical sources and void application of magic offensive and defensive
    Specialist magic: void magic

Dalaran is an international centre, you can find all sorts of magical knowledge this nation has gathered. I assume all of MEdivh’s collection of magic is available there. The efforts of the Tirisfal/

Humans are too young in magic to have any specialist area of magic that the elves don’t supercede in their various groups

Draenei would be the experts in magical technology and Light magic applications. I assume:
Lightforged will have the serious light and arcane magical experts.

Gnomes: Are more engineers, while they can make great mages, they don’t have a magical institution, they are technology scientists where magic doesn’t really play intotheir technology like it does for Draenei although some gnome mages can combine the too.

Goblins: while magical wise/capable when juiced by kaja, thy are also engineering minded, but while gnomes is technology /device based, goblins are alchemaical based, fuel sources, bombs etc - that area of expertise.

This is my impression so far.

That seems to be the fate of various races, to live in Orgrimmar or Stormwind.

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You can’t copy Lightforged for Auchindoun because Auchindoun isn’t related to the Lightforged in any way, shape or form.

Lightforged - from our timeline, became who they are after Argus fell. That was over 25,000 years ago.
The regular Draenei who followed Velen - they are the ones who established themselves on Draenor and created Karabor, Shattrath and Auchindoun.

I think your getting confused between MU Lightforged what Alliance have and the Lightbound from the AU.

Lightforged have everything that’s associated with them. Hell, they spent the last 25,000 years in orbit. They still are and on the same ship.

Good point, I kinda forgot about that…but at the same time didn’t think it mattered.

The Vindicaar could be the floating home of the Lightforged, but I wouldn’t bat an eyelid or complain if they built something like Auchindouin.

It’s just easier to do since blizzard has alreadyd one it, just copy it.

The reason I say so is that all these things take tiem and resources to design, cities are particularly tough and if you are doing a world revamp, ther are so many zones to do. If you already have models for cities for night elves and draenei already in the game with updated models like we saw in WoD and Legion… simply use them, then focus your time on doing things for the zone and cities or updates for races you don’t have new models for.

I’m sure blood elf and void elf fans would agree. They would need new models, but

Worgen, Goblins - were updated in cata - so they can use what exists there
Draenei and Night elves have cool updates in WoD and Legion - taken care of
Humans - well they need nothing to be honest
Dwarves - don’t think IF needs an update but they could spend time on it
Orcs - Orgrimmar doens’ need one
Tauren - Thunderbluff neither and i haven’t seen the Tauren expand their scope
Pandas - already claim the two shrines in the vale - either replicate something for them from that or just leave them to have what’s in PAndaria, it’s not like AU draenor trapped in another timeline and so inaccessible.

What will you do ? Best way to get really cool stuff for all your races? If you already have most of the models, then most of the work can go on updating the creatures and landscape

Auchindoun is a mausoleum. They could build their own mausoleum for their own deceased, I suppose…not sure what else a replica to a mausoleum brings.

Like I say, their isn’t anything else that the Lightforged need that they don’t already have. They have the Xenedar and they still live in orbit.

They already are.

The Battle for Darkshore took the new night elf buildings from Legion.
When the Draenei Isles get a zone update, they’ll get their WoD/Legion upgrades as well.

Everyone will get their chance for an update.
Humans have already got new houses that came with BfA.

Zone updates.

Blood Elves have already have some of the best looking buildings in the game. Upgrade Quel’Thalas with those buildings and we have one of the best looking zones in the game.

It’s a bit of a Deus Ex Machina, given that it can zoom around Azeroth, is probably why, it is used as their go-to hub. I agree this is a bit silly, but then giving Alliance another flying ship, (or four as well as Jaina’s, because the Exodar lorewise is fixed now…not sure how they did that whilst still having enough spare parts to make the Vindicaar, but hey ho, maybe it’s like IKEA self assembly furniture, you always have bits left over! :stuck_out_tongue: )

I think we can probably put down to the fact that the Blood Elves really did the charm offensive on them, whereas the Quel’dorei didn’t care, and Tyrande outright insulted their leader. Politics basically. I doubt lorewise they would have joined -either- Faction if Liadrin hadn’t greased the wheels a bit and then when Thalyssra met Lor’themar she was like “Grrrrrr, I want that!” Real life Alliances have been made for similar reasons I guess.

Yeah but she and the Shal’dorei haven’t. They haven’t committed any war crimes, and they haven’t attempted genocide… They’re guilty of doing the same as the High and Blood Elves after the Second War, and the Night Elves -until- the Third War, which is just going “No, you’re all idiots, we’re going home and sealing ourselves away.”

That isn’t what the word ‘Tyrant’ means… A Tyrant is an absolute Ruler who is cruel and oppressive to the land they rule over. We see no evidence that Thalyssra is cruel or oppressive to her people. (In fact quite the opposite) and you can’t be a Tyrant against another nation unless you invade and conquer it and bring it under your rule, which she has not.

You do know the lore behind that, don’t you? Thalyssra argued -against- Elisande’s decision, and for that she was -literally- (using the word correctly) Stabbed in the back by Elisande’s assassins and dumped in the river to die.
You actually see the cutscene when you first meet Thalyssra. You must have done the Suramar quests? Unless you’re someone who just hits the ‘Escape’ key when they pop up you actually see that happen, she is literally shanked in the back after decrying Elisande’s decision!

Nah, they’d be rubbish. It would be some tired Lord of the Rings rehash, where the Alliance are the good guys against Mordor again. It is actually clever narrative to have them in their current situation, two major Power Blocs on the planet, in a (currently) state of Cold War.

Yeah, they would never have been there, and most of them probably haven’t even heard of it!

Back on track, vis a vis Night Elves. I don’t want to see them suddenly turn into a race of Superman/woman. I don’t think I’d be able to play my druid for sheer shame.
The Night Elves are -Not- the best at -Everything-, nor should they ever be, unless Blizzard wanted to remove them as a playable race and make them a world threat, which we simply know is not the case. They’ll never remove a playable race once introduced. Never.

However if they changed the narrative as suggested earlier, to make the Night Elves just uber everyone else, that can solo everyone else, that would be abysmal narrative. That would be utterly ridiculous. For a start, there would be no Night Elves if they were that much of a threat. Horde and Alliance would regard them as any other world oppressive threat, and annihilate them.

Again, they’re not going to go "Sorry, we made your favourite race too OP like you asked, as a result, in the next expansion, Horde and Alliance are fighting Night Elves.

Just wouldn’t happen. Would be rubbish writing.

What would be good is to focus on what they -are- good at, and make that their motif. It’s like everyone knows Gnomes and Goblins are inherently skilled with engineering and tech, even if they are not an Engineer themselves, they know how to use it. Other races can be Engineers, but pound for pound, Gnomes and Goblins have the edge.

With regards Night Elf mages, (even including the Shen’dralar) let’s not forget the lore fact that Blood Elves apparently “Watched the rejoining of the Mages to Kaldorei society and their efforts with ‘amusement’, waiting to see what mistake they made this time” Exact wording. “Amusement” .

Night Elves will be good at magic, the Shen’dralar very good, but they can’t hold a candle to the Sin’dorei, Shal’dorei or the Draenei. So it’s something they’re good at, but not OP at.

Same as Blood Elves, sure, they have Blood Knights, but just about every named Blood Knight is Retribution spec in games terms, they’re not so great at the other two, (Which is understandable, they created the Blood Knights out of vengeance, not as protectors or particularly Holy people)

Every race should have it’s strong point. Trying to push for one’s pet favourite race to suddenly be the best at -everything- is not a power look.

I have some thoughts on what could make Night Elves awesome again, and locations (Apart from Black Rook Hold, obviously! :stuck_out_tongue: ) but I might post those later, tea time now…

Where is he getting this nonsense from?
Wants the best for the Alliance and Night Elves, but doesn’t seem to know Alliance racial lore.

Some believe that the Shen’dralar created the Empire - it seems as though they are taking the part of:
“Azshara’s demands being processed in secret” and applying it to them creating the Empire.
Also - I can’t find anything on this, but apparently the Shen’dralar were scrying on the world. Is that true or is it headcanon? Again, no source gives this - even the Shen’dralar Ancient Spirit in-game, doesn’t reference this.

I don’t understand night elf fans.

I mean, what they want is for basically, Humans 2.0, but the focus is swapped from Humans to Night Elves.
I mean - how does this help alliance story?

I mean not Auchindoun, certainly, the LFD wouldn’t have heard of the place, and also it is a Mausoleum, a mass Necropoli. Not a nice place to live… I mean technically they shouldn’t have the Vindicaar as -it’s not their ship!- They basically hijacked Azeroth Draenei star fleet. You almost expect Turalyon to do the pointing at his eyes thing and going to Velen “Look at me…I am the Captain now!” Pretty sure there are settlements on Bloodmyst Isle, and Azuremyst for that matter, that already have Draenei style architecture.

That doesn’t sound like a very Shen’dralar thing to do at all…They were Highborne, not the Secret Police. It might be wishful thinking.

There is no canon source for it, and if they were, then they are the real villains of the piece, the problem with that being, if they -were- then other Highborne would have known, which means Dath’remar Sunstrider, and I’m pretty sure that would have cropped up and been mentioned.

Now it depends on if you mean scrying certain places on the world, because that’s fair enough, but if they were trying to create basically an Arcane ‘World Wide Web’, then that’s basically a pretty good invitation to the Legion, which would make them responsible for everything that came after. It sounds incredibly unlikely the Shen’dralar would be -that- stupid. It’s basically inviting the Legion to an ‘all you can eat buffet’. Even assuming they did not know of the existence of the Legion, which in fairness, no one did, That’s still a flagrantly irresponsible use of magic, and it would be hypocritical in the extreme for The Kaldorei to Exile the Proto-High Elves, whilst being cool with that ten thousand years later and allowing them back into society.

I like Night Elves. I hate Night Elf ‘Pity’ posts, as if they are somehow special in not having taken a slap like practically every other species that is playable. I dislike posts where people think they should be godlike at everything, because that is just silly.

I like the basic take on them though. Sure, they’re not -particularly- Elven as in our myths and legends, being a bizarre mash up of Drokalfar and Drow (Right down to the Matriarchy and Nocturnal thing!) But then they were Dark Trolls, altered by the Well of Eternity, which is an interesting and fresh take on it.

Oh it’s worse…it’s so much worse.

Humans have flaws, and are not the best at everything, they’re the ‘jack of all trades, master of none’, which is a human trope for fantasy novels, and settings, and it -works- because it is something we can all relate to, and compare the other species in WoW to, and go "They’re like a human, but better at this, but equally, they always make bad life choices, and they’re not as good as this.

Making Night Elves The best at everything ever, would finish off the Alliance as a credible faction, and make them embarrassing to play. Who the hells wants to play Superman (with no Kryptonite weakness) when you could be Batman, or Iron Man, or the Hulk, or any other hero who has flaws and particular strengths.

How boring a narrative that would be, and frankly, not worth playing.

Now if you’re looking at strengths, if we’re talking nature S.A.S types, the Kaldorei and Sin’dorei are strongest there, in the person of the Sentinels and Farstriders.

The Kaldorei are the unmistakeable daddies and mommies of Druidry, because no Other Elves kept that knowledge. Sure, Farstriders have nature magic, but it is a mere vestige of what the Kaldorei can do. The Shal’dorei have ranger types, but they were walled away mostly all this time.

The Blood Elves are the best with Paladins, and actually weaponised the concept with Blood Knights, but even there there are flaws, they all seem to be bloody Retribution spec!

The Shal’dorei are the masters and mistresses of Telemancy and Chronomancy. Equally the Sin’dorei excel at Golems, probably because they shamelessly nicked a lot of their knowledge of Enchantments and Thaumaturgy from the Amani when they invaded. The Shendralar on the other hand, were until recently, immortal, they likely remember old techniques that the Sin’dorei would simply have thought irrelevant, but then that’s like the difference between a Shendralar being able to light a fire with two sticks, and a Sin’dorei needing a cigarette lighter…what do you do when the lighter runs out of gas/electricity? Whereas finding two sticks is easy…

They all have specialities.

I’d like to see the Kaldorei play to their -strengths- in the future, rather than adding new abilities to them.

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I think it comes back to “Night Elves were the first to do x, y and z - so they should have all of this shown for them!”

Of recent expansions, Blizzard truly don’t care about who did what first. If they did, we’d see Tauren Hunters all over the place.

So, because Night Elves were the first Elves to look into the Arcane and be Mages, that should be a big thing within their society. The other Elves have just taken from the night elves, but the arcane isn’t the Thalassian or Nightborne legacy, because it started with Night Elves. That seems to be the argument.

I think that’s a generic Fantasy thing to be honest. Most writers don’t think about the ramifications when they go “X Race lives for ten thousand Years” Because in that time you -would- be a master of every possible field of endeavour. No Human would ever be important in fantasy, no Orc, no nothing, in WoW it would basically just be Elves and Draenei.

This is why in the -original- myths and legends, Elves, Dwarves and similar were -never- the protagonists. Because how could they be? They were generally the antagonists, things to be combatted, tricked or just appeased.

The Only flaw there is that the Night Elves studied Arcane, and just stopped there. The Shal’dorei studied Arcane but also Telemancy and Chronomancy. Nobody else can do that sort of stuff. The Blood Elves nicked all the Troll Magic and incorporated into their studies of the Arcane, hence they are masters of Golems and Thaumaturgy in general, right down to the sweepy brooms.

So the Night Elves learned Arcane, but the Nightborne learned Arcane -and then- some extra, and the Blood Elves learned Arcane -and then- some extra…

in the end elves are just kids playing with the titan’s magic compared to even the eredar with their 25,000+ years of being a magic society the tree elves should stick to being hippies and leave the Arcane to the space goats that goes double for the shal’dorei and sin’dorei their ineptitude already broke the world once

It just adds to the many reasons why. Seriously there is so much arcane and connection in this race, including first at it.

Every aspect of the race is intertwined with it:

  • Their origin, creation and essence
  • Their story
  • It also has the arcane present in multitude of classes - the only race to do so
  • It has traditioanlly one fo the strongest
  • The arcane has always been central to what the night elves have done - in both their eras… Even when the group we play didn’t use it, it was central.
  • The whole star and moon thing is arcane orientated
  • and it is also the core from which all elves gain this affinity.
    I think this race should have something in character customisation to reflect this - and in a way that fits and lends it self to it’s theme. You can’t have the others show evidence and ignore this original race . It is fitting they show it too, and in more than one area, not just in mages, but in druids and preist too, in ways the other elf races don’t show it.

But also as the eldest, and the ones that it has been a part of the longest, gained the highest mastery and also the lessons of over reaching, they should show the most maturity and balance too involving it.

In Customisations
Arcane stars and moon for effects and tattoos is the perfect addition on customisation - because

  1. it appeals to it’s three biggest and most lore relevant classes - priest, mage, and druid. Where racial night elves cast and use these spells, (in the case of the druid they’ve taught other races some of this)
  2. It also is a representation of the race name -kaldorei - children of the stars. You kinda should have stars involved for the children of the stars racially.

Come on that’s tons of reasons to - I don’t think even blood elves have so many reasons. You gotta have a reflection too in the other things you show for them.

When you show stuff for kaldorei you should show the really cool things you have for them in their lore that represent them.

  1. arcane stars and tattoos will represent visible expression on the character of their arcane and star connection - in a cool and obvious ways - star tattoos and effects scream stars
  2. Vines represent a love of nature and the forests so that was spot on
  3. Great kaldorei city represents the civilization side of them, how great and marvellous they can do these things - showing thier pre-sundering side but also their recovery and rebuilding
  4. Great kaldorei forests demonstrate how special their love ofr nature is, flowers, plants, tree types, colours seen no where else in such quantities and arrangements, and bestiary like no where else.
  5. Great temples : show how revered and established Elune is as a part of their culture - it’s one of the sacred places Illidan talks about in the Illidari video when he gathers his Illidari to take down the legion - they desecrated our sacred places - you need to have visible representation of how important Elune is - extravagant temple shows this.
  6. The illidari themselves (already playable) show the Illidan influence and side of things, That is already fully realised in game, both in character customisation of demon hunters and the class order hall too. It can be expanded off course, like having a night elf warlock class that only uses Illidari models. But it’s all there

This 6-point visual realisation actually really covers the sum total of the aspects of the night elves.

I’m just trying to call attention to the importance and why i makes sense and also is good. Come on, the night elf stuff is really cool, would love the players to have the customisations, the city, temple and forests around to represent it.


Why are night elves so special that they’ve got to have everything represented? Why can’t Trolls have everything represented since they are actually the oldest race, on Azeroth?

I mean, Trolls can be everything, barring Demon Hunters…

As Brigante said. They studied the Arcane and that’s it.

And let’s also remember that the Blood Elves and Nightborne have arcane-based racials, with the Blood Elves having 2 in TBC.

Nightborne studied the Arcane, plus went onto Telemancy and Chronomancy advancements.
Blood Elves studied the Arcane, plus adapted the Troll Magics to their own and mastery over Fire and Blood Magic.

I just don’t see why night elves…a middle-man’s race, should get everything just because a few fans got their feelings hurt in 2018.

And when you see Blood Elves in-game, you should know that big stuff should be going down. Again, not something that should just be for night elves. Your not special, I’m afraid.

You’ll have to ask blizzard that, I am asking/suggesting night elves have every cool thing in their lore represented. Because the topic is about them and I find many cool things in their lore that could help make them more attractive and enjoyable and the bonus of making the alliance really attractive too.

Advocating for trolls to have everything is beyond the scope of this topic and not something I am interested in doing, but if you want to advocate for better and more exciting/cool Troll portrayal, please, make a topic for it, I would support it and may even have some ideas.

Anything that makes the races cooler, things you enjoy about the races that make you love warcraft, go for it. Share, I’m not going to complain why you don’t talk about another race, but I might include suggestions for other races too, (not to sidetrack your topic ofc, just as an aside or adding thoughts for the things i like - so don’t be offended).

And as I said, there is a lot more to it, and showed where too.

I can go into more detail off course, the lore and game tells and shows a lot.

Birgante is a blood elf fan, he may not know or care that much about night elf lore to remember or be sensitive to the details, the contexts, etc, I believe I have in the previous reply shown quite a few areas the race has this involvement, in all it’s groups and it’s various factions.

Yes they did, it’s not taking away from them, but what blood elves and trolls do and can have is outside the scope of this topic.

That’s not constructive, we are asking for a new city and customisation that display more of the night elf lore that’s so cool and in game - are you seriously asking why fans of something want to see more of what they like and cool versions of it?

Quite cool with blood elves having big stuff happen too, but there are enough of you constantly talking about it, so I don’t need to make topics or discussions.

Night elves i know have had a lot of neglect, are a huge race, have a lot of cool stuff going for them that hasn’t been properly or nicely shown well in the playable faction.

Naturally as a fan, I want to see more of those things for them , as you would for the blood elves you like.

Just because I make a topic about the night elves doesn’t mean blood elves and trolls can’t have improvements. They can off course, I’m just not concerned with them here, that’s all.

the alliance and the night elves really need some good stuff happening for them. Saying that doesn’t mean the blood elves , horde and trolls shouldn’t get - and me making suggestions for night elves based on what blizzard does shouldn’t stop you from making for blood elves.

  1. But I hope you understand that I don’t have to provide suggestions for alll the races or for blood elves every time I do so for night elves.
  2. I also hope you agree that it would be very good for night elves and teh alliance to receive really cool things, even things you might find desirable. THis is not a thing to be feared. It would really be good for the game if they were really attractive, and good if it helped increase the faction’s numbers too. It adds more cool things and reasons to play wow for everyone, even if on the other faction.. and
  3. it also doesn’t mean that blood elves and the horde can’t get nice things or cool things too, nor does it mean other races shouldn’t be made more attractive, I’m just not doing a “cool things for everyone” topic, I don’t think I’d do it justice, because I’m more passionate about night elves and nightborne, blood elves and void elves too and I wouldn’t give as good insights nor suggestions for other races, which would create a negative reaction.

I think I’ll just focus on the ones I know a lot about and actually treat them in separate topics.

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Stormwind is our city now :wink: All the gnomes and dwarves must leave!