The best ever city for Night elves

They’re not a second-to-godlike race.

Night Elves are just Night Elves…

A new city can still happen. Hyjal with a heavy emphasis on Druidism.
They don’t need 3 or 4 cities so they can have all representation, when every race only had 1 city.

It’s like Blood Elf fans asking for Silvermoon, Tempest Keep and Karabor.
Silvermoon for their Light/Farstrider City
Tempest Keep for their Arcane City
Karabor for their Fel City.

It’s not going to happen and it’s unreasonable for Blood Elf fans to want that.

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I highly doubt having a cool city and star customisations showing the ELune and arcane affinity is making them godlike.

I mean no one talked about adding a super powerful racial or changing the classes. Please read above I repeat what you quoted:

Surely you, who make suggestions , inspired ideas and insights for teh blood elves you like do siilar, and sometime even for other races you don’t like as much. I see you even making demands of where night elves should go etc which is k inda nice knowing they are not your favourite race. So I think you understand fans suggesting cool things for their races.

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Actually it isn’t, i don’t think you read the post if that is what you think. It’s really talking about a new city for night elves. .

and based on what has been done, should be easy to do several smaller cities and towns for them restoring the ruins using the building models they have for them. I mean who wouldn’t prefer cities instead of ruins huh? doesn’t have to be every ruin, but a few. I mean are we complaining that humans have too many cities etc?

Wouldn’t it be good if blood elves had more? Also what the hell is an arcane city you mention above? Sounds an interesting concept (for another topic perhaps?)

Anyway, as you seem to have glossed it over, I’ll requote for you:

“Updated Quel’Thalas.”

We’re not exactly asking for OTT stuff. I mean, a special unit of Death Knights because -Ravencrest.- Come along…why? And if they get that, then that means every race gets something special…more so Orcs and Humans actually.

It is.
You get one city, like everyone else. Small towns, yes - but you don’t get various cities that are all big and amazing, representing every part of night elf society…more so, a society from 10,000 years ago.

I mean, hell - the recent novel was written by a Night Elf fan and even though we can all agree that her politics are completely warped, not even she included night elf mages or night elf demon hunters or night elf death knights, in the current Kaldorei leadership.

Erm, no one said you had to limit the scope of what you suggested. I think you should let your imagination run wild, and let the developers worry about what is OTT or not, what they can do or not. We aren’t here to manage them or coax them into getting what we want, we’re fans, express what you like and what you don’t like. Be honest about it, whether you feel it’s OTT or not, that ultimately isn’t your call, because you aren’t doing the developing.

To be fair, everything I have suggested is based on what is already in game… Models, customisations, you name it, i haven’t asked for anything that has not already been designed and is not already available…

It’s really about using what we have already, work they’ve already done to do something really coo…

So what if it’s represented in game? Night Elf Death Knights don’t deserve something special with the Black Rook Hold mobs.

If anything, Humans and Orcs come first in that regard. Probably then followed by Forsaken and Blood Elves.
And the devs can’t even remember their own lore. which is why the majority of us keep things in perspective of what the current team can do. Theyve let their playerbase down on numerous times - you have to accept this team can’t do “big” and do it well. Shadowlands Expansion is proof of that.

Hell, I bet they’ve even forgotten about the mobs in Black Rook Hold to be honest.

Not at this stage, no.

Quel’Thalas update comes first as that is what is wanted most by Blood Elf fans.

There is much that isn’t represented in the game, this is why we make topics about what we like the most or would like to see represented in the game.

If you want more of night elf death knights in thet game, or what to talk about them, go ahead, create a topic, tag me I’ll add some thoughts. I think they could use Lord Ravencrest and Black Rook Hold as a DK faction for night elves that has something iconic and based on t heir lore.

you may have other ideas though, I’m just suggesting what I would find inspiring and cool.

Maybe they do, maybe they don’t, nothing wrong with suggesting the order change if you like another race, besides I’m not really here to talk about racial proprieties, that’s for the devs to decide.

I just like one of my fave races to look good, have good stuff and reverse the trend of all the tragedy and whipping , ruins and devastation they’ve had em swimming in for most of wow.

Also, it’s interesting you think that 3 horde races are a priority and only 1 alliance. Maybe you are right, goes to show you that things really aren’t even between the factions, maybe that’s why the alliance is so heavily outnumbered. Who knows.

In Wc3, that list was the 4 factions: Humans, Orcs, Night elves and Undead (by their lead races). Blizzard can make who ever they want their main priority, I just wanna see exciting and cool night elven development

It has nothing to do with what I accept or do not. I can accept the team can’t do big things, doesn’t mean I won’t suggest, have ideas, or be inspired by what they can do or what I would love to see them do.

Well, le’ts help remind them by posting about the thing we love and supporting one another.

Isn’t that a contradiction? Quel’thalas being updated is blood elves having more stuff done for them than currently. And I fully support that happening and more.

Yes, I’m sure, but if you look up this very thread, some Night Elf fans want -Everything-. They want to be the best at Everything, they even want them to be so terrifyingly OP that all the other races are terrified that night Elves will just wipe them out one day.

Now tell me this. Does that sound like a credible idea for an MMORPG? If they were actually the hardest playable race in the game and any other character selection option would constantly be second tier to Night Elves.

Of course it doesn’t.
If they -did- do that, they would have to make Night Elves an NPC race, and remove them as a playable option. Night Elf characters given a free racial transfer to a balanced playable race instead, but a compulsory one.

Does anyone think they will seriously do that?

Of course they won’t.

Actually they’re not even my favourite playable race, I just like the cultural ethos they have, how their military works, and the fact that they aren’t Tolkein rip offs.

You’d be surprised.

Legit (I still think Black Rook would be awesome for that)

That isn’t what they’re saying, they are asking why fans of something want to have a “We are bestest at everything” motif as if they were -owed- it,

Hang on, How is it adding stuff for the Horde, if the premise is to make Night Elves more desirable to play, than playing their Horde character?

The problem is ‘Power Creep’ I mean look at it this way. Does any other race have the Avatar of a Goddess as their leader, whose husband is an -actual- Demigod? Nobody else has that. But now, saying that the Night Elves should be super duper at Arcane -is- directly taking away from Nightborne and Blood Elves, and to an Extent Draenei, though unlike the previous two, Blizz had made no bones about the fact that The Light is their major thing, not Arcane. Age doesn’t come into it -that- much, otherwise Jaina would be a minor cantrip peddler in comparison to the lowliest Elven sorceror.

Age should play a factor, but it depends what you did with your time. My parents are/were both older than me, (I realised how ridiculous that sounds, I mean they’re not going to be younger than me, are they :smiley: ) But I am certain I am a better shot with a handgun, a better Pilot than them, I’m Trilingual, they aren’t. So really it depends what you have done with your time. Longevity certainly gives you more time to hone your craft, but if you aren’t learning new tricks, you aren’t going to be better than someone younger who -has- learned those skills.

Now the Kaldorei are interesting in that regard (my Joint Second favourite race in the game along with Blood Elves, Joint first place is the unlikely combination of Tauren and Gnomes).

Why are they interesting? Because a) I always love the idea of Wild Elves. Not tame Legolas Wood Elves, but proper fierce Wild Elves, the things of the Wyld Hunt, the things you placated by leaving offerings. b) There are two motifs in storytelling that really appeal to me, well, three, and one of them is where the Night Elves are. (Oddly, that may actually be because I am a Brit, and we -have- had this happen to us over the last few centuries) and that is ‘decline and fall’. A great Empire, mighty in their works, who either stagnated over time, or broke up, or were supplanted by new powers. The Night Elves are in that narratively delicious point before it goes too far and they can still bounce back. They -were- all singing, all dancing, but like all Empires, such things are fleeting. That is the fascination of them. They sequestered themselves in their forests and made no contact with others for milennia (as a race, I know some individuals like Tyrande and Kael’thas did meet in the Third War.)

Now that is going to encourage stagnation, Still a Power, but one with no interest in the outside world ( which does seem to be an Elven trait in Wow, similarly to the fact that they all prefer Exile to Execution as punishment)

Even the Shen’dralar withdrew. So their story is one of a fading Empire, when the world around them is moving too fast to sometimes grasp (Again a very Elven trait in general) . The loss of Immortality is also going to be a heavy blow, as suddenly all those things they would figuratively get around to next century take on a more pressing need to do -now-.

And I -like- that as a motif.

I agree they need a new city (Coughs Black Rook) same as the Forsaken will need one under whoever their new leader is (Which won’t be Voss or Calia apparently).

Because then you get that ‘Decline and fall of Empire, but from tragedy, We Rise’ type thing.

I’m pretty sure narratively neither Night Elves or Forsaken will still be homeless when 10.0 rolls around.

Trying to supplant the Sin’dorei and Shal’dorei in terms of being the best Arcane users though? That’s not cool, that is their motif, the cornerstone of their society, whereas for Night Elves it has not been for almost Ten thousand years…

Whilst they’re at giving the Night Elves Black Rook (Sorry, I mean ‘a new city’) They really need to update Quel’thalas and the Draenei isles. Having them stuck on TBC maps in 2D graphics not 3D is just -awful- decision making.

Night Elves need more, but I don’t think trying to surpass the other races who have that as their ‘thing’ is the way to do that.

No, because it’s not expanding their current lands or giving them extra stuff for “representation.”
Asking for more stuff would be asking for a “fel” area for Warlocks. Giving more stuff for their Priests. Maybe even asking for a base on Outland for Warlocks and Rogues and their more…“questionable” side.
I’m not even entertaining things for Death Knights and Demon Hunters as they are their own thing, away from both Thalassian societies. (Void and Blood Elf.)

At the present time, we have to accept that only 3 core classes are central to Blood Elves. That is Mage, Paladin and Hunter.

But your setting yourself up for huge disappointment.

Start small and then extra things are a bonus.
Hyjal City is the best we can hope for, at the moment. This has been hinted at lots of times now. Obviously, it will put more emphasis on Druidism, Sentinels, Priests and Wardens, but if that is the leadership and direction of the new Night Elf city, then I suppose we have to grin and bear it.

Maybe the Shen’dralar will get a few towers on the outskirts of the new city? Maybe where that Satyr guy stood in chains…and then we helped him escape…?

Always happy to be proven wrong with the truth. Truth is the most valuable thing to know.

BRH is awesome, but not as a city, a rcial fortress or stronghold - like Grommash Hold or Fort Triumph . Strongholds, not cities, it’s nice to see night elves at least have 1. How many do humans and orcs have?

Could’ve fooled me. Anyway, I hope developers are not put off by fans’ tones, they should see it positively as passion and their work still inspiring this is a good thing which means there is hope to build upon.

however other fans getting cheeesed off though - I mean wtf? I don’t trust that - if a fan of another race’s passion or enthusiasm annoys you than tha’ts something for you to deal.

I think we can’t expect peopel to be the exact temperament and disposition that we like… so we shouldn’t allow ourselves to get annoyed at them for being them.

Is all of this to say night elves shouldn’t get anything more or new or improved? or are you saying it should be limited only to what you approve of or think of?

I’m glad you like some aspects of the night elves, I like all, both the dark elf magical caster type and the wild elf type, the female priestess warrior type, the female amazonian type, the celestial star elf high end stuff - these are all facets of the race and I like them all, which is why I’m so into the race. It’s okay to like only one part though.

I mean this is what draws us to try other races, we may not like all their aspects, but usually, if there is more than one, there will be something to attract us to it.

And given that, I’m not then going to suggest that only the aspect I like should be improved and simultaneously tell others who want things they like improved that they shouldn’t get them because that’s not what I want.

You assuming I am pinning my happiness on this. I have learnt how to be passionate and love something without making my existence depend on it.

I take the approach that anything is a bonus. Even when I feel, yes this definitely needs to be improved, and x, y, z would be great improvements to have - the lack of it materialising isn’t going to massively disappoint me because I’m not fighting a war or or arbitrating demands

I’m just posting what I like and would love to see, and ways I thought of that could make it happen. The ideas aren’t mine, I’ve just seen what blizzard has done and written for night elves and have gone “oh cool, I’d love the playable models to have this and the playable faction to be in a place like this.”

Should i be massively disappointed if all I want doesn’t happen, knowing full well they are under no obligation, might ever even read this? Well I have been down that road, and as much as I may want something, this is not healthy to be so dependent on something totally out of your control.

Something you can only hope for the best no matter how much you want or may like them.

So what’s going to happen with a Hyjal City for you then? I mean, it doesn’t take Columbo to realise that a Hyjal City means heavy Druidic and Warden references and features. With a strong Priest and Sentinel vibe. I mean, I’m going off what is written as well.

The recent meeting between the Horde and Night Elf leadership was written by a Night Elf fan. Not even she bothered to put the Night Elf Mage leader or any reference to Demon Hunters, in that. It’s quite…something when Blizzard approve of her not even putting Mordent as part of the night elf leadership - and she’s a night elf fan, for goodness sake.

So, this means little Magi references and no Demon Hunter references (I mean, if Blood Elves don’t get a Demon Hunter reference in an updated Quel’Thalas, then Night Elves won’t either.)

I’ve also found that some people will argue with anything that is not written by them, oppose any idea that isn’t theirs.

Everything here I have suggested belongs to and is with night elves in game and in the lore - it isn’t OTT, it isn’t too much, it’s already there - all those cities, all the arcane lore development, the forests, the druidic lore stuff. The assets, the multi faceted stuff.

I am not asking for anything that isn’t there already - and yet I am opposed. You’d think I was suggesting something fantasitcal, and I note …“why is it the same people every time, that always oppose too”

Bah! Maybe it’s your nature?

This dude just wants to see significant night elf improvements

How would I know… there isn’t a Hyjal city yet, how would iI know what is going to happen to it.

druidic influence in a city shows up as gardens and forests, whether it’s in Hyjal, Naz’jatar, Ferals or Azsuna, I expect a night elf city to show heavy druidic infulence by walking trees, creatures, parks and houses with gardens - whereever it is.

Warden references? Wardens are a part of the night elves, what influence do they have in a city? I guess they could have a vault, or they could be the city guard -but then they’re an elite order have a vault and watch towers. FOr warden presnece, I’d probably like to see some of the broken isle Warden towers in whatever zone the new captial is going to be.

I’m not sure I can envision any other contribution from wardens in a city.

THat’s her take, not every night elf meeting involves every aspect of the night elves… you know how much stuff Malfurion is missing in, or Tyrande (who was basically awol until 7.0 for almost every game activity event aside from 2 cameos in MoP, not every night elf event invovles Illidan, or Azshara, or the Shen’dralar, or the Priestesses.

I mean,if she doesn’t include the mage leader representative, that’s up to her no, does it not depend on what the meeting entails. Last I checked the Highborne are allied with the Darnassians, not totally integrated, though I’d like to see that. And personally I think Farondis would make an excellent Highborne leader - he has demonstrated this and is a more fully developed character. Mordent would always be the Shen’dralar leader.

there are many night elf fans, and all have aspects they like, dislike, sometimes differnet, sometimes the same, that’s okay. Just because she doesn’t have one thing, doesn’t mean I don’t, ANd her desires are no more or less valid than mine. To me they are less valuable off coruse, but she has every right to write about what she likes.

Surely you aren’t claiming that because one fan doesn’t include them, it means it’s not important, or isn’t desirable or shouldn’t be.

You know she is allowed to only focus on some aspects and doesn’t have to do a presentation on everything the night elves should get, and that she is allowed to like what she likes.

But why is it if we suggest something that is more…in keeping with the alliance night elves, we get shot down? We talk about Night Elf Druids because the Night Elves are jointly led by a Night Elf Druid.
We talk about Mt Hyjal because that is where Blizzard have taken them.

So what, if the new Night Elf city has a heavier Druidic aspect than that of a Mage aspect…?

No, it’s what Blizzard approved. She has said, in an interview - she was going to Blizzard and ensuring that the detail was correct.

They approved of leaving out Mordent Evenshade and him being replaced by Maiev.

But so what if they are less valuable to you. She wrote the night elf leadership and that was approved by Blizzard themselves.
Your not “more of a fan” because she didn’t include the bits you like.

The fact that it was approved by Blizzard speaks volumes.
This wasn’t her take, directly. She wrote it - Blizzard could have easily said, “where’s Mordent?” They didn’t.

you can have it we’ll just travel up north cure the blight and rebuild lordaeron :stuck_out_tongue:
we’ll divert a bit to silvermoon to kick out the blood elves from there so we can paint the continent blue as we was promised in BFA

sadly due to the laws of equal exchange that means the space goats will be homeless too

If I remember right the original BFA project was Alliance had the east, and horde had the west.

I assumed basically:

  1. THe night elves would be driven out of Kalimdor (hence WoT) and then have a new home zone base in the Broken Isles (whether sharing or displacing Highmountain and Vrykul ) this was before they decided to make the nightborne playable, and playable on the horde. But then they could easily have just moved the horde nightborne to Silvermoon or Kalimdor night elf zones the horde had taken.

  2. The Draenei would eventually take off and land in Eastern Kingdoms, where Dalaran use to be most likely.

  3. The Blood elves would lose Quel’thalas after an epic struggle and be based in Kalimdor too - transforming Azshara zone into a new paradise.

  4. The Forsaken losing Loraderon, would then take most of Northrend.

It would end up:
Alliance: Eastern Kingdoms and Broken Isles
Horde: Kalimdor and Northrend

Kul’tiras - goes alliance
Zandalar - goes horde

New revamped Azeroth would have the following:

  1. War on Kalimdor: The night elves would be launching campaigns from the broken Isle to take back thier zones nand forest in Kalimdor
  2. The blood elves would be waging war from Kalimdor to take back Quel’thalas from the alliance
  3. The Forsaken would be fighting to get Lordaeron back, Western Plaguelands etc
  4. The Draenei would be trying to get Azuremyst and Bloodmyst back too.

Moonglade/ Hyjal remains druid class zones and dragons.
Dalaran remains mage class city
Pandera remains neutral.

However I think that’s been tossed out the window, and they are going to just reset thingsto how it was before. Personally I think the original plan would have played out better. While the factions controlled the main continents above stated, those who were displaced would have war camps, bases etc and fighting to claim what they’ve lost back.

Providing new fights, and new stories for a revamp.

No - they didn’t carry on with it because it was Night Elf fans who wanted the Night Elves back on Kalimdor, in their forests. The faction war story was getting them nowhere, so in the end - they gave night elf fans what they wanted with a victory on Kalimdor. Now, what we need is the Forsaken to start going back to Lordaeron.

Their was no mention about the Broken Isles because Blizzard wouldn’t update new zones so quickly.
Silvermoon and the Exodar - that question was already brought up and Blizzard stated that they would be the last Bastions respectively of Horde and Alliance presence on their respective continents.

Now though - it doesn’t make a difference, since Night Elves have gone back to Kalimdor and Forsaken, as far as the Dark Rangers go, have returned to Tirisfal Glades.

actually going with their original promise of painting the contients would have required some actual talant blizzard had none the rework require is beyond this inept fools

MoP 2.0 wasn’t working out.

That is all BfA was. The whole Naga/Void plotline was just Isle of Thunder 2.0.