The biggest issue with M+

To be honest, I was always against removing key depleates.

But this situation makes it harder and harder to justify. Having your key not depleate has negative consequences. But I might consider changing my opinion because those consequences seem “less negative” than what we have now.

But so does excessively punishing players encouraging them to leave. They should be encouraging players to stay in keys. Like a sort of social contract when you sign your saying “i will try to complete this key within reasonable time”

Every person that joins a key is there to time it or complete it. And specifically for keys > 10 makes no sense to stay in a doomed key. So I find it OK to leave if its clear it wont be timed.

So I don’t really see your issue.

I still think it is quite strange to walk out of a dungeon where you just commited 20 minutes, and your run will just be 5 minutes over. I also prefer to just finish them.

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Yeah, but unlike keys < 10, its understandable to not wanting to waste 5 minutes. Especially if you add the frustration a low completion rate creates.

Also, there are reasons not to finish a key. If you are pushing a Mist +12 and you wont time it, it is a good idea not to finish it.

So you can then do Mist +11 which is a guarantee of timing it. If you finish the key, you might rerol to GB11 or some other key that might be harder to complete (especially with pugs) and downgrade it to a +10.

So. You have to be strategic with timing or untiming keys. Because Mist has 60% completion rate while GB has a 30%.

Even if there was no 15s death penalty, the keys that fail due to deaths would still be gigafailed. At least from my experience.

I just tried to do a nw +10. They didn’t interrupt the mages and people stood in amarths breath and so forth. Next try they didn’t kill all the skeletons so the final harvest one shot us.

Even if there was no 15s death penalty, that key was over at that point.

you can look at this from different perspective

you hit your wall early and now you can go play other games instead wasting time pushing m+

Obviously everything needs context :slight_smile: So yeah when it is about mists it is an easy +2 again.

I guess you are right. You wouldn’t happen to play Darktide would you ? :smiley:

Oh boi do I feel you. That’s why I stopped pushing for the time being and started playing an alt… Decided to go for a Disc priest because I felt like healing and Disc sounded like fun. I enjoy the heck out of my priest but it took me just slightly over a week to get to almost the same point as my druid (main) is sitting at.

Anything below 12s is, at this point, rather faceroll and then you get hit by the big 12. Getting into groups takes forever and is an unenjoyable experience and just playing your own key pretty much results in 500 homework keys for each timed key. :smiley:

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It used to be fun to try and overcome said “Wall” tho. Now your punished simply for trying.

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Im just dont push and play Alts instead then i dont have any issues in M+.

Because +10 is “easy” for every class and spec

hate to say it bro. either look for a group of trusted ppl or like me… stop m+ content.

i recently started super addcitve mobile mini game mini heroes - so much fun in there compared to in wow :slight_smile:

for trying ? nah not really .

but if you meet peopel like mage dong 170k st opeenr or ww monk doing 220k aoe on like 10 mobs pull … ?

yeah - you can be serious and say that those people were even trying .

I don’t think it’s about hitting a wall or anything like that. It’s more that I don’t even feel the desire to push anymore. Maybe I’m just getting older, or I just don’t have the time to play like I used to. Or perhaps the absence of the friends I used to “compete” with (who will reach 3k with pugs first and etc) is affecting me. Or again, perhaps just got burnt out.

I started the season focusing on PvP, but now that I have elite sets on my three most-played characters, I mostly just run a couple of 8-10s to have something in the vault on reset day.

Other than that, I’m not doing much.

I think they are doing it on purpose as Microsoft now own them. I’m pretty much living in the Xbox Store these days, although I was never a score pusher.

I dont do mobile games.

PC master race !

Ah yes the reason for failed keys “bad dps”

yes - thats what i see and htis season its so much more visible then ever before.

because its hardest m+ season since its implementation years ago.