The Boats of WOW, vanilla/tbc/wotlk

The boats that your char can/could enter and they bring you to a new place/Zone.

With this thread I wish to get help to map out where the boats departed from and to where they went. I know several of them but some lines were only active in one or two expansions and not available in the next and its kind hard to remember which port connected to what port(s) =)-

As an eternal Night Elf player I start with ;

  • the Boat from Rut’theran Village to Auberdine (Darnassus to Darkshore), only in Vanilla, or also active in TBC ? Wotlk it was gone ?
  • Booty Bay to Ratchet, in all 3 expansions ?
  • … pls help with other lines =)

(Maybe a horde-player can make a thread for the Zeppeliners ?)

Do you mean just for Classic Era, TBC or Wrath?

All 3 of them. Or all 6 of them. Original Vanilla, original tbc, original wotlk, classic vanilla, classic tbc and classic wotlk that will be launched 26th Sep.

A simple google search will give you a map.

There are only three, well two actually, as the Classic versions have the same boats and zeppelins as the original.

I’ll start you off with Classic Era. There are no extra boats in TBC.

Red = Alliance Boats
Blue = the Tram
Yellow = Horde Zeppelins and one boat.

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There so is an extra boat in TBC / TBCC: Exodar (Valar’s Berth) to Auberdine - end of pier.

In Wrath Stormwind Harbour did / will open, and change the boat lines.
I can find no map of this, but you can use this Cataclysm one if you omit the ones to Vashj’ir and add the one fron Feralas to Feathermoon (Forgotten Coast one in Dottie’s map).

And an additional question: Do you get a kick out of having peole explain you things you already know?
You’ve been hanging around in the forums at least since Jauary 19, and Rivendale as a toon is over 8 years old … Looking at your ‘backlog’ I see a slew of similarly ‘innocent’ and basic questions.

What is it that you think you are onto here ?

That’s what I’m trying to find out.

I forgot about the boat to Valaars berth.

The map from vanillataur

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