The Catalyst is the solution to a problem that doesn't need to exist

Given how frustrating the Vault has been in recent weeks for me personally, I couldn’t agree more with this suggestion. Having different versions of the same item is basically a repeat of some problems we had with thunderforging. I’d like to see them move away from that kind of system in the future.

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Danellos always out here saving the day with logic

the % of players who use the forums are too Small compared to the playerbase itself to realistically make that judgement on.

People like Currency based systems, til they actually get them, then u reliese ur gearing progression is One enlarged timegated System which is Strained out over a season because unlike PvP Where its a Case of People play to get Better at the game, PvE players play directly for gear rewards and gaming companies know that.

so u’d end up, on a 21 week grind, to gear 1 char, providing u’ve played since week 1, with no ability to increase that speed of gearing.


Sure it does, the name give you a clue: it’s a catalyst to speed up complaints about the catalyst.


Drops from boss: WAHH RNG
Currency with weekly cap: WAHH TIMEGATING
Currency without weekly cap: WAHH GRINDING

You can’t win purely with one system or the other. The only winning move in this whole is to use currencies as a little wind at your back in case your RNG sucks. Something that drops and lets you go to a vendor and get a piece. If you try to over-emphasize any one of them the whole thing breaks.

Incidentally that system is currently the profession system, but for some slots it hasn’t worked out because people want specific trinkets etc.

If that’s the case then they would have to disable them in PvP.


creation catalyst wasnt a problem.

the problem with this is realistically, they introduced 2 other types of content of progressive nature.

M+ and PvP.

expecting these 2 player pools to raid, is basically the same as Borrowed Powers demanding torghast.

as proven by borrowed powers. if u enforce content for player engagement, ur basically bleeding subs for a really stupid reason. If u want tier sets to be Raid loot. then stop them working in M+ and PvP. and nobody will give a damn.

otherwise, they simply are not raid armour. their just gear.


Raiding is no longer the favorite content of the players. How about we reduce the tier drop in raids and let m+ drop more :slight_smile:

Ew. No. Raids can go to hell. I have better to do than wiping all night with 20 people

That is only mythic raids and maybe the heroic raid endboss these days.

Personally I would take wiping in a raid several times over the stress some people induce to others over the possibility of depleting the timer in M+

This is blizzard. They love creating problems and then come up with solutions to their own problem instead of just making sense and keeping it simple. Also they hate fun

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That describes them all right. They have embraced the fun detected mentality to the point of being meta about it.
Things have improved with DF but I think the mentality is still the same

Raids are much easier then a plus15. Just pug the bosses its like 5 mins per boss maximal. I never understand why people dont raid and say cause of no time, its just 3bosses hc is the same as 1 mplus 15, both will be like about 30 mins, and hc is super easy this tier. Probably the most easy raid tier in the last years.

Well, then shadowlands has done the damage. Half my M+ group stopped raiding after sylvanas. It is great though blizz made it easier. But i am not interested anymore in 7 weeks normal progression and finishing heroic after 8 months total in the season. It looks like my guild is now 7/8 normal.

That is a long time to be wiping in progression for.

just remove all drops in raids/dungeon and replace it by some sort of currency that you can use to purchase gear, the big advantage of a system like that is every participant of a raid and dungeon would get that currency.

Yes ,you can personally decide for yourself, how you wanna invest your time, but it becomes problematic, when devs see this as some type of “superior content”, and try to push people into it.

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I think currencies should be a supplementary part of the PvE gearing process, and in a way with how they’ve implemented crafting this expansion they sort of are.

The danger I see, and I do think this is a fairly legitimate issue with currency gear, is the homogenisation of gear paths and everyone ending up the same. If there’s a best way to do something, the majority of people will do it, we saw it with conquest and arena points all the way up until Legion, we see it now with crafting slots (Lariat anyone?).

Everyone getting the same items at the same time is really, really dull, as is having some sort of optimised progression path telling you what order is the best to buy things in.

To conclude, blizzard should be utilising deterministic gearing in PvE more than they necessarily do, but it shouldn’t be the main method of gearing to avoid complete homogenisation of character progression. The crafting system, while flawed due to timegates and various profession specific issues, does effectively serve as a currency system now, and is hopefully Blizzard testing the waters on how best to add supplementary currencies back into the PvE gearing process.

‘The community’ also voted for Grimrail Depot.