The CC in this game has never been this bad

Honestly, the CC is outrageous! I just played a skirm vs a Disc, Spriest and Rogue. I basically sat in fear throughout, followed by full stuns. One after the other. Where the hell is the DR!? DR seems NON EXISTENT.

CC has never been this bad and this infuriating. This makes PvP very unenjoyable. What are you even doing…?


All cc should be on the same DR
Same with roots

With the amount of random 1 shot dmg and mobility in this game half the cc is enough

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Cyclone is my favourite to sit in

considering nearly all major cc durations were significantly reduced just a few patches ago, cc has actually been much worse previously.


There’s literally nothing fun about sitting in CC 24/7. I have time to make a cuppa whilst I wait for all these annoying micro ccs to stop, and even then, the DR resets shortly after. It’s a joke.

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It’d be more tolerable if healers had more tools to use while CC’d, like Evokers and Emerald Communion.

The trinket is way too valuable.

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Here is the problem. DR has been the same basically since Vanilla, 18 seconds. After literally 20 years of added CC, and different classes and abilites, it still is 18 seconds in DF. How can this be the only thing remaining a constant while the game has evolved and changed so much. It was acceptable when classes had 1 maybe 2 CC abilities, but not now when everyone has multiple CC’s available, and some of them without any CD.
Also, a solution for removing micro CC from the game is that CC only DR’s 2 times: Full Duration - 1/2 Duration - Immune. That’s it. No need for 1 second stuns or fears.


I feel like cc needs at least a 6sec cd.
Instantly trinket clone/sheep/fear only to get one instant cast out before you’re in cc again is dumb when the pace is this fast. Especially with the added cc everyone got now.
It’s just one after the other

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Everyone pulling skilled games now, use to be just rogue/mage top skill team, as they say.

I disagree, I think the problem at the moment is cc is not strong enough and does not matter because the duration of major ccs was nerfed. The game is too much about spamming pve dmg/healing now.


This is not true they changed drs multiple times, major ones were in TBC and then Wod but I might have forgotten some other times.

Also been a lot less of it then…

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All I could find is that before WoD it was a variable 15-20 sec DR, now its static 18 seconds.
And yes, that also my point. CC should matter, in the way that it should be stronger in terms of duration, but less often. When someone gets caught in a 8-10 second CC chain, it should matter, something should be traded. Remove micro-cc completely.


Not strong enough? Are you for real? The game’s full of it and it’s game breaking.


Nice troll


He is right, setup comp are either bad or barely need cc to win such as rmx for example.

The game is too much about doing dmg than doing any setup, even though some spec like dh are super broken with similar cc to sub rogue while having the most dmg in the game, it should be one or the other but not both.

But the problem is blizzard with their m+ design not cc itself, imagine if they nerf cc more better remove pillar too and afk pve.


playing affliction is like … casting get stuunned …casting get interrupted …casting get stunned…thanks to m+ pve cancer melee design.every melee has two stuns and a 12-15 seconds interrupt .super pve m+ meta where only casters with instant cc and instant damage are viable


I wouldn’t go that far… You can control a DH throughout. Heck, played against an Ele sham, I was hexed, rooted, static totemed, etc. There are far too much CC tools in the game and it’s not exactly making PvP fun. Infuriating if anything.

Cant blame the man, plays arms. They dont do the whole getting CCed part.


Isnt trinket 1:30min cd already? I can legit make 20sec cc chains and yet i wont be able to kill anyone. If anything cc should be longer and more powerful so you can win before 60% damp. At this point every game is only about mana and whoever does more dmg (picked better class) wins. You know when the game is trash when rogues land 0 cc on your healer, Blind defensively second dps and just do dmg knowing they will win in damp. Absolutely disgusting.