The CC in this game has never been this bad

Yeah in this expansion after the cc nerfs set up based comps are basically almost extinct. Every game is a dampening game and damage is more important in PvP than ever before. If you guys got your way we would basically be playing mythic plus but inside the arena.


There’s so much CC in the game now it’s not even funny anymore. Played a spriest rogue, root root root root fear fear fear stun stun stun. Who in Blizzard headquarters thought that would be a fun adaption to the game. Sitting in constant CC throughout fights is a major headache.

CC NEEDS to be reduced, it’s way over the top.

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They’re not nerfed enough.

Try to cast flash heal → incapacitated → try casting flash heal → stunned → try casting flash heal → stunned again → try casting flash heal → disoriented → try casting → disoriented → try casting again → gripped → try casting again → gripped → try casting → pushed → try to cast again → NOW THEY INTERRUPT.

It’s impossible to cast. People should have to interrupt to stop casts, not just spam stuff at you to stop you from casting, without even using interrupt until you’ve run out of stuff to throw at someone. Put it all on the same DR and force people to actually interrupt to stop casts.


If not CC as it is, then what are the other options? More damage, less healing?

Can you upload ONE, just ONE vod of your gameplay? Playing victim as a Holy Priest is hilarious and really indicates that you’re playing the spec completely wrong.


At least in SS killing healer is option when lobby feel healer is noob. Otherwise its hard to believe he gets interrupted like that, if dont stand in the middle of map.

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While i agree that the micro cc is a little over top atm as holy priest you have more than enough tools to prevent beeing stopped.

  • Precog
  • Holy Ward
  • Fade
  • Angelform
  • Shadow Word Death
  • Sanctified Ground
  • Devine Ascension
  • Chastise
  • Fear
  • Your teammates?


On top of it as Holy you can do a lot of healing before you are forced to cast. Our biggest heals are instant.

Additionally you can cast divine hymn behind a pillar. Swap. Guardian, even while stunned. Ray of hope.

Use racials to meld a cc. Will of the forsaken fears. Tauren stomp. Tauren charge. Displace as void elf. The list goes on.


Requires people to actually interrupt and get faked. If they don’t interrupt and just use their CC to stop you from casting you can’t make any use of precog at all.

Can’t be used while casting.

Stops one ability and is a complete throw to spec into pretty much.

Who even specs into this? It only works if you’re standing on plain ground, slightest elevation and it stops working. It also doesn’t stop stuns and so on.

My teammates who decide it’s a good idea to fight on top of their healer? For a starter, they shouldn’t even be on top of me or anywhere near me.

Thats why you force them to kick with things like MC or Mindgames, and fake it.

Thats why you prefade cc.

Thats why you track enemy CDs and know what cc you have to prevent.

I use it agains boomis, it works on every terrain.

It requires practice and knowledge what to skill against each matchup.

There are thousands of holys out there rocking high rating. Holy is absolute bonkers right now.

I agree its a lot of cc atm.

But as holy you are in a far better spot than others. I listed you a lot of things which works for me and thousands of others. If you dont want to improve, your loss.



You’re going on ignore as well. Don’t try to gaslight me.

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I tried to help you rly with tips. Your choice to ignore it. I will be off then trying to climb and improve, you should, too.


Gaslighting isn’t “tips”.

Do you see sanctified ground on my buffs? No. Because it doesn’t work if the terrain is uneven. It only works on plain ground.

I’m not listening to someone who doesn’t even know that the talent is bugged. It hasn’t ever worked on uneven terrain since its implementation in the form of holy word: concentration yet here you are, trying to gaslight me.

A demonstration of this:

It does not work on uneven terrain. Yet you’re claiming it does. It’s a complete throw talent because the ground isn’t plain everywhere.

Tested a few times, its not that its “uneven” its about being “below” it.
Tested it on the same stairs and I get the buff if I go up the stairs, but not down the stairs. Even stood on the “pillar”.
So the bug is about the ability to go “under” it.

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If the terrain wasn’t uneven, you couldn’t be below it.

uneven means all forms of it. You can go “uneven” above it and still get the buff. So its extremely misleading.

That just isn’t true. CC was heavily mentioned in the most recent ACW finals at the weekend. Even just look at the final game of that between Liquid and VoidGG. Cdew basically sat in a chain of Blind > Kidney Shot > Cheap Shot > Gouge > Cyclone/Fear. By the time the Cyclone/Fear came the DR had reset from blind. That’s at least 18 seconds of someone not playing the game (outside of Trinket).

Just cause the meta isn’t RMP doesn’t mean setup comps are gone, they are rife in PvP just now and when you consider that this is with “nerfs” to CC Duration and before we even look at micro CCs, that is just insane when damage is as high as it is.

CC REALLY needs looked at and fast. Either, every CC (maybe a select few that are exceptions (Druids = Cyclone, Mage = Poly, Lock = Fear) and class based) should all share a DR or, they need to increase the window for DRs from 15 seconds.

thats more of a outlaw/sub rogue problem which have high presentation in awc but not really on ladder and they are not playing nearly as good at the ratings these people here complain about.

Its just another excuse unexperienced players have to not take responseability.
Its either boosters, op specs, the mmr system, in SL it was oneshot mechanics and now its “too much CC” while kick duration and CC even got reduced by quite a lot this expansion.

If people get easily frustrated sitting in CC then WoW Arena is just not the game mode for them. Its as simple as that.

Funnily the same people that complain about too much CC also complain about melees having too much uptime and casters not having to cast etc. Doesnt make sense at all.


Hey Broxis, do you still disagree with me that Boomkin is God tier, since the stats now also affirm my claim (like I said they inevitably would)? :slight_smile:

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Do you realize that blind and fear/cyclone is same Dr right?
So how can he be off Dr?

Atleast when crying on something try to make sure you don’t tell wrong stuff or you’ll look stupid.

Also yeah not gonna lie rogue/boomy comp is rough and frustrating mostly cause the druid has guaranteed cc while the rogue setup and cant dispel clone but all other cc in the game can be dispel and most of them can be kicked or delay.

People crying about cc are always low rated player (don’t wanna bash rating at all just pointing the fact only you got issue with it).

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Not sure if you did read it fully x)