The CC in this game has never been this bad

The thing is people conflate the obnoxiousness of CC’s with them being ‘too strong’. The only CC’s that are ‘too strong’ (in a game filled with micro-cc’s) are Clone, Kidney and Maim. Why? Long duration, short/no cooldown and undispellable (inb4 MD and BoP hurr durrrr). The CC’s aren’t too strong, they’re just annoying to play against. - Oh and Garotte silence is disgusting as well.

People above are correct, CC’s are not too strong, they are just too annoying and there’s too many of them. They should remove some and buff the duration of others. Like why do DHS and Warriors have 2 stuns? Remove 1 and buff the duration of the other.


hey vetaa, this is a new season with a new tier set and quite a few changes.
Boomy participation didnt increase at all at the last 2 months of the last season where we had the discussion :slight_smile: There were very few boomies actively playing. Stuff liek destro fall off and now everyone is switchting to boomy which is incredibly strong this season.

God tier when I initially said, God tier now.

Because it’s God tier and also the easiest caster to play in the entire game.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk.

EDIT: Elahri has self-reported that he is, in fact, the problem after revealing his retail character.

43% win rate at 1200. Nice.

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Totally unaware that my MMR is 2.3k:

And I was at 2150 last season, lol. I had played 5 shuffles with no set and you’re all “lol 43% win rate at 1200”, my CR is nowhere close to my mmr because I haven’t played enough games. For someone that profess to be so good at PvP you don’t seem to know that 5 games doesn’t get you anywhere close to your MMR. Which begs the question - how can you not know this? The second option is that you know this but decided to bash based on CR because you’re toxic. I think everyone knows which one of it is.


I kinda agree here but I don’t think that’s only because of ccs. I also think that most classes have too many defensives and you have 90s healer trinket on top of that and healers also have strong defensives which can be pressed while ccd.

I’m not really sure how to fix that tho but it’s getting boring how every game either ends when someone ooms or when dampening becomes so high that red numbers > green numbers. Maybe increase durations of long cc a bit and nerf all the disruptive micro cc, I don’t know…

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The problem came from Blizzard catering towards M+ players and with idea of class/spec development only for PvE.Excuse my language but Blizzard doesnt give 2 s h i t s about their PvP player base.All the micro CC problem came because M+ players wanted to pull more and more scripted mobs and do more dmg while they can control them to infinity.So we can thank our fellas M+/PvE players and most of all Blizzard that thinks PvP players are second hand subs.


What even is this cooked take. Have you ever talked to people playing m+?

People think there’s way too much stuff happening in m+.

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Its not my take only,if im not wrong Venruki and few more high PvP players were talking in video exactly about this micro CC bloat to every class from Blizzard to catter to M+/PvE players so they make them all viable in M+ with interrupts and control over big chunk of mobs.

Pretty much nobody playing m+ asked for the packs to be so overloaded with stuff that needs to be stopped, lol.

You are wrong fella,thats why high M+ players make routes with hige pulls that they can control.Routes that werent possible before this homogenisation of class/specs with alot more CCs/Controls.Alot of them wanted bigger and bigger pulls because by their words “its so much fun to make bigger dps numbers”

The 0.1% wanted it?

Oh yeah, that totally makes it something that m+ players asked for.


more like top 10%,and yes Blizzard listened and did it


Well this is wrong… You can’t blame us PvErs for this issue. Blizzards at fault here, not us.

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Yes i can,but i blame mostly Blizzard that care only about PvE players while making PvP worse without thinking how changes will work in both.

No you can’t. Us PvE people aren’t the reason why there’s a lot of CC in-game. That’s Blizzards fault. The game’s been mixed PvE and PvP since the beginning. Only now we’re more problematic than ever.

Yes i can and i explained,M+/PvE players wanted all of them class/specs to be viable to handle bigger pulls and be useful so Blizzard homogenised classes/specs by throwing everyone extra stun/interrupt/etc.

Where’s the source for your claims? You can’t blame PvE for this. This is entirely Blizzards problem.

It needs a whole rework. Devs need to just sit down at the table for a day, and just go through all CC abilities.

At this point, I’ll take an immunity to any CC under 1 second DR, but then you realise that it affects all aspects of PvP. Healers are already strong in BGs, and they seem to be swaying towards BGs in TWW, so removal of micro CC will just make the annoyance of healers even more apparent.

Idk, PvP is all over the place lol.

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You clearly didnt play mop, cc is a joke now

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I’m sorry, is 2.2 mmr healing supposed to indicate anything? Are you aware that healers were 2700 in the first few days of the season?

Also what does that screenshot even ‘prove’, there’s no timestamp on it lol.

So you knowingly played at a disadvantage and then complain that your spec isn’t playing optimally? Is that really how your brain works or do you just love complaining and complaining and complaining and complaining?

I see you have your 4 set now though and still went 4-8 earlier today and are now at a 44% win rate. What happened, did you get CC’d to oblivion on one of the most elusive healers in the game?

The challenge is still there for you to upload one vod of your gameplay that exemplifies your complaints btw, because I, and many others, have a sneaky feeling that a huge amount of your complaints ultimately result from your own shortcomings. If you prefer to keep trying to get people to side with you through whinging and random screenshots though then np np.

It’s Blizzards’ fault for the way they have designed M+. I don’t see many, if any, (good) PvE’rs complaining about how much CC they have now though.