The change to m+ loot is the best thing about Shadowlands

True but it will also make dead weeks even more dead.
Who is going to push in a crappy week like bolst/griev to get nothing? Better spend that time on a raid, way more high ilvl loot chances.

This will allow to be good gear more precious. Mabe even proffesion gear will be more usefull.


Here, i clarified with the bold part of your ‘‘raider attitude’’.
Raid finder doesnt count as raid.If thats what you mean. It doesnt even count for raid quests in wow progress lore in general.It either require normal or heroic for quests and rewards.And dont tell me about normal group finders.They are full of armor stacking boost sellers.It is impossible to find a group even though you are extremely geared. Most people write like ; ‘‘link curve for inv’’ lulz.

Besides; your ‘‘boasting’’ and ‘‘taunting’’ is invalid for me.According to raider io; i have alot more m+ score than you.(Even though i dont want to do pve,and being forced into it)Your highest m+ key complete is +12.While i defeated +15 several times. And im nearly double of your current raider io score.
According to raider io; im in 111.837 all druids world while you are in 215.797 Demonhunters world ; as you see im in tighter percentage.And im not even doing 10/1 of your pve schedule lol.

Yes, i prefer not doing raiding because i prefer not to.And i dont even spam m+. I only do once in a week. Because i cant stand being glued to pc for several hours in intense stressful 25 man content. ıf raids had 5 man settings ; that would be alot different story for me though.(5 mans are alot more stress tolerant within voice comms than raids; due to size )As for spamming freehold; its not very different if you learned the tactics of raiding, its just spamming more content.

Besides, i dont want to do forced to do raiding while you as a raider ; ‘‘can chose which boss you want to do’’. How would you feel if you were forced to do pvp in game to get proper loot? hmm ?

Why can you choose which content you can do; while i cant ? What makes your opinion superior over my decision? ah let me guess;

Raider elitism .As always.
*yawn *

Are u really saying heroic raiding is hard and m+15 is easy casual content? How many +15 did you do? I understand you think heroic is hard though, considering how many topics u’ve made in the past about heroic raid needing nerfs. Ah well, guess its weekend :popcorn:


Not really.

Unless you have specific effect (and so far they have shown none), ilvl and stats will matter more, so m+ gear will quickly die with few raid reset.
And profession gear is either low level, or bop, so that definetly won’t be useful.

I approve the ilvl change, however I do think it should feel more rewarding doing m+. The low drop chance feels like its really unrewarding to run outside of getting it done for the weekly chest.

Bad luck can have you do 5-6 15+ and not get a single piece of loot which is really unrewarding. I would like a way to at least make sure we have something for running them other than the weekly chest.

I don’t mind them keeping the drop rate low though I would instead like to see us having access to 2 dungeon coins a week where we get a bonus item when used. Making m+ feel more rewarding without making it way to easy to farm.

I have done
Waycrest Manor +16 in 00:30:53
Mechagon Junkyard +16 in 00:33:11
And all others under 40 minutes.
But I never have done full mythic raid clear because it is not possible to get pug group for every boss in 15 minutes.

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And your point is?

You need put more effort to do high level raids than high level keys.

no not really. a +15 is generally more effort than hc raid.

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But it give you mythic raid gear now, and mythic raid need more effort!

Actually now you get MORE choices in chest with more m+ runs, so this is actually a huge buff for m+ since the end of run loot doesn’t matter after the first few weeks. You should be thankful to Ion for buffing m+ loot.

1 item a week, as in bfa.
And myth raid need more effort is debatable, not every boss actually require effort.

Any boss on mythic+ have complex mechanic like Xanesh, Sktira, Il’gynoth, Vexiona, Raden, N’zoth?


I fell of my chair laughing.


I misspell “Skitra”. And it take effort on Mythic and Heroic. Have you done it in first day on pug?

No i’ve done it first try with my guild in both HC and Myth.
A joke of a boss.

And no, i don’t pug myth raiding, it’s a waste of time.

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Then why you pug mythic +? Do it with guild and you will do it without wipe.

Time flexibility, i do m+ when i can.
Not to mention that i tank and in m+ that gives me way way more control than in a raid group. If i play well as a tank in m+ i can avoid tons of mistake and wipes for everyone, while i have no control to most of what happens to other in a raid group.

Nice troll thread

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