The creator of Twilight Devastation has left Blizzard

No, I get this completely. I just enjoyed it as an end of expansion silliness.

If TD had been there since day 1, then yeah it would have sucked.

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Fair point. Thank you.

OK, so I never came across this guy before, but from what I see, he seems to have worked on all those systems and gimmicks that, IMO, have made the game worse.

Ofc, he may just have been assigned to them. OTOH, he probably could have arranged a move and worked on something more constructive if heā€™d really wanted. And he touts Corruptions and Azerite Traits as things he is proud of. So no, on that basis, I am not grieving his departure.

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Counter argument anyone who relies and/or likes on RNG big DMG proc effects like TD, Is etc needs to learn how to play their class.

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Get rid of the like feature too. Else you all are just corporate bootlickers.

Good riddance, most of his contributions could be summed up by : the game would be better off without those. Iā€™m pretty sure bfa would have been better without corruptions and Azerite.


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The issue is that dude was not willing to accept any kind of constructive criticism towards his work on bfa and SL systems. If you canā€™t take feedbacks then Iā€™m sorry but you shouldnā€™t be using social media or more broadly communicating on the internet.

I would not be that harsh towards him if he admitted his work was not as good as he intended, instead of going the way of saying that players are wrong and donā€™ t even know what they want.


A simple dislike to like ratio easier to see, not everyone wants to read thousands of comments and calculate which overweights.

People have the right down vote crap like ā€œSanta inc.ā€ For example.

Good or bad, people have been asking for new blood in the game-design sphere and his contributions seemed to have weighed heavily on recent gameplay mechanics.

I hope he does well in the future, I assume he, like most devs, just wanted people to enjoy what he made.

Is this guy the reason why my friend decked in full pvp gear got globalled by a tentacle in pvp and started to go raid instead?

Then express your dislike of something rather than coming up with statements like:


Explain why you donā€™t like something and what it means to you without bashing into the person or their beliefs if they donā€™t align with yours. That is how to express dislike rather than ad hominem attacks.


Who cares, fire them all.

No bias in this title what so ever :joy: He did a bit more than Twilight Devastation.

After four and a half years, Jeff Hamilton announced his last day at Blizzard Entertainment. As a senior game designer, Jeff contributed to many of the extensive systems and unique rewards found in Battle for Azeroth and Shadowlands, including Azerite, Corruptions, Shards of Domination, and items with novel special effects such as the Pocket-Sized Computation Device, Jaithys, the Prison Blade, and Raeā€™shalare, Deathā€™s Whisper.

Known as a very friendly and approachable developer who frequently shared design insights on Twitter and the forums, Jeff helped work on the endgame zones, dungeons, and raid content found in Battle for Azeroth and Shadowlands. In addition to designing the Mythic+ Rating system in Patch 9.2 and the Party Sync feature to allow more players to experience the game together, he was also credited with helping redesign the Paladin class in Shadowlands, adding Holy Power back to each specialization and reintegrating it into their core gameplay and talents. Additionally, he worked on a great number of the novel special effect gear in Battle for Azeroth and Shadowlands , including the Mechagon Punchcards, Inscrutable Quantum Device, Dark Rangerā€™s Quiver, Shards of Domination, Azerite Traits, and Corruptions. Before joining Blizzard Entertainment, Hamilton was a QA tester at Electronic Arts, an associate designer at Cryptic Studios working on City of Heroes, and a senior systems designer at Trion Worlds working on Trove, Atlas Reactor, and RIFT.

Just a sample of the many things that Jeff helped create during his time working on World of Warcraft.

Love them or hate them, his contributions raised the bar for future development, adding substantially more unique and interesting things to the World of Warcraft. No word yet on his future endeavors, but we wish him well and thank him for all his work within the Warcraft universe.


Based on some posts above, this part has to be sarcastic

Corruption effects were fun and made gameplay for tanks fun.

The grind to obtain them was not


Heā€™s not someone I interacted with on twitter myself but it would seem odd for Wowhead to report that unless it was true.

What have you seen online that contradicts that?

90% of cia bots will fail this challenge ;/ sad

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Dunno I just read this above

the systems were good. they were locked behind huge grindfests/waste of time by the marketing/higherups im pretty sure ;s

Ah so hearsay from another player.

I do think Blizzard in general are unwilling to back down sometimes even when the playerbase points out drawbacks with systems.