The creator of Twilight Devastation has left Blizzard

It could be argued that the Like count is only visible for the poster itself and Blizzard, but no one else. Similar to how Dislikes now are displayed on Youtube. Only Youtube Staff and the Content Creator can see it.

Yeah, the sugar-rush of these systems is fun while it lasts but the slump after they’re removed is horrible.
Even now with my ZM gear with two legendaries and spheroid enhancements I don’t feel as awesome now as I did back then in BFA when I had tentacles sprouting from the ground around me and I was doing awesome damage in non-raid gear.
And I’ll be losing these two legendaries and spheroid enhancements at some stage to be even weaker…

Ye, because admitting you (Blizzard) are wrong is not always easy for the psychology xd

Some things they do change, other things they aren’t willing to.

I hate how covenants work now, even though we can swap, but it’s clearly a band aid on a system that wasnt’ really intended. It’s awkward, certain things carry on when you swap and other things are just halted or cancelled. It’s so annoying.

I hope we never see a system like this again. It was awful from a best covenant for content perspective and from a collecting perspective.


And people kept saying to them since the SL reveal that the covenant system was a terrible idea both for a normal player and for a more dedicated one.

Yet they stuck stayed bullheaded until some beancounter made them change it after the subs dropped to what probably was critical levels

Yes there was lots of feedback and even talk of a ripcord that never existed.

Which begs the question of what kind of thought was behind disregarding all that feedback.
My head starts hurting from just out of how frustrating that time was

I do understand that they aren’t always going to bow to the playerbase. This was how they wanted the game to work.

I just don’t agree with them that it worked well or should have been a thing.

I believe that all they had to ask themselves was “who are we making this game for?”
Perhaps they did not came to the correct answer.

I legit miss City of Heroes. Little sad to see him go, seemed like a pretty chill guy.

Good riddance !

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Go back to killing troggs in classic your troll!

wow , Wowhead disabled comments under that post. Speak volumes.

Whatever he was, i hope more like him will leave. Ion should be fired.

Not really if the comments are filled with garbage like this…

WHAT a constructive and well-thought-out post from your usual repertoire of common sense.


Yes they have to disable comments on certain articles because a portion of the playerbase is rather toxic and they go ham in the comments.

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So someone who helped create the Corruption system has left Blizzard.

Corruption was probably the worst thing blizzard ever did.

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It is rather stupid to blame one person for a entire games unpopular systems when hundreds/thousands of people work on it.


Indeed, it’s also stupid to ignore everything they worked on and just concentrate on a system that was disliked.


It is absolutely fascinating how this is almost - not quite, but almost - a shortlist of combat and character progression gameplay elements that I don’t like.

Now we just need to find the guys responsible for the social devastation of that game, but I think we already know who that is: Greg Street. Blizzard has been desperately trying to fix the mess he made in late WotLK up to early WoD and it has proven exceptionally tricky.

Could not agree more! Honestly I did like Bfa quite much!