The Crumbling Hall QUEST - [One Step at a Time] Achievement

The Hall of Statues in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms is bugged. In the old version of the Vale, the floor loads both versions, making every tile have two effects. This makes the achievement (One Step at a Time) impossible since there’s no safe tiles, and makes the quest very aggravating since there are now wind tiles in front of the orb you need to click, which push you back from the orb.Its only for 1 part of this achievementcalled : The Crumbling Hall QUEST. Second quest work perfect.

Greetings Łukasz,

Thank you for contacting Blizzard Customer Support.

Sorry to hear about your struggle with that achievement.

The best place to put bug reports are from within the game. Customer Service doesn’t have the know-how or the tools to verify or fix bugs. Please go ahead and make a report with the bottom steps. When you place in a bug report from your character, the developers get a ton of info to work with:

Click ESC on your keyboard and go to help.
Click Bug Report
Enter the details of the bug, making sure to follow the guidelines outlined on the submission form.
Click Submit

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation on this one.

Best regards,

GM Lourithea

*Ita so boring whole time replay this same. *

EU - > [The Crumbling Hall] QUEST Check Date when it was posted.
US →

TICKET: EU70850647 6 month AGO, I did 3 tickets and 20 report Bugs
PPL from US/EU at link up did this same. Still not FIXED - NO answer.

@Update i got new answer :slight_smile:

I understand where you are going from with that feedback.

World of Warcraft is an evergrowing game, with hundreds of thousands quests, locations, NPCs, many complex mechanics etc. All of that is managed by a limited number of people who can actually do changes within the game.

While we do appreciate that players would want to come back to old content to pick up old achievements, quests, transmogs etc, sometimes the focus needs to be placed on more pressing matters (fixing emerging bugs in new content or… preparing new one)

As long as the bug was reported and verified internally, it will be fixed eventually. Just please keep in mind, that reporting them through tickets would not be as impactful as reporting them through specially designed channels (bug report system in game).

We in here have no capacity or access to the game mechanics, we are administrating your account. Not the game itself.

Bug reports from game and forums are sent directly to developer’s team, and while there is no promise they will receive a reply, those are red and lodged for our quality assurance team to investigate.

So again, thank you for sending bug reports via appropriate channels and for your patience.

Best regards,

GM Lourithea

Its not Funny we pay for this game. And a loot of people like do achievements. So hard fix it or normal replay to us ?

Also 1 question More why US got section for report BUGS at forum ?? And EU not ??