So, after 40+ Mythic-Plus runs I finally got a 200 ilvl weapon for my warrior. I literally screamed at the screen and my chest bursted in excitement, since I had spent the last one and a half weeks since the beginning of this season inside of the raid and M+ just to get a new weapon.
The grind was real, let me tell you. Hours and hours of (sometimes frustrating) dungeon runs with recurring empty chests (well, at least I got Anima LOL) had left me exhausted. Bad luck I’d say, since I saw a few people getting weapons on the first day of the start of the season.
When I finally got the weapon, I felt so happy, I can’t even put it into words. The satisfaction was rising up inside my body and my heart was filled with joy! All the hours of grinding M+ and the Raid finally paid off, I got the weapon!
But then I realized it… this is ONLY for Season 1. When Season 2 kicks in, all the hours of grinding M+ and the Raid for gear will become completely worthless, since the cycle begins anew, only with higher ilvl.
And that’s where the big, big problem is, folks.
I can totally understand the concept of loot scarcity and meaningful loot. It is something that I actually support. since I love the feeling of loot (epic loot, tbh) to be scarce and to be meaningful. I really want those ilvl upgrades to matter. I really want to remember where I got that helm, that weapon or that trinket from.
But do you know what I also want? I really want my loot to MATTER in the next tier, in the next season. At least a bit, so that it does not feel like I completely wasted my time in Season 1.
Let’s take Classic WoW for example, since Blizzard seems to take a few steps backward with their Shadowlands game design approach. And let’s also take the warrior as an example, since it’s the easiest example I can think of right now:
No matter which phase kicked in in Classic WoW, I always felt that Molten Core (the FIRST raid) remained relevant to me as a warrior, since Ragnaros drops the Onslaught Girdle. Until Naxxramas, that item is actually my BIS girdle. I haven’t seen a better one in BWL, ZG or even AQ. To have it drop and to know that this item will be totally viable (and awesome) in the next raid(s) is the ultimate satisfaction to me, speaking warcraft-wise.
If I would have known that even though I’m spending hours and hours of my time to get that item, just to have it DEVALUED a few weeks later already by the next “phase”, I wouldn’t have bothered to begin with.
I have seen this exact problem in the last expansions way too much: Loot gets easily and quickly devalued. In BFA it actually wasn’t that much of a problem, since loot came simply from everywhere, and you always had your bonus rolls.
But now, in Shadowlands, loot is scarce, really scarce. So the only way to counter that (following the meaningful loot approach) is to NOT devalue the loot we got in Season 1 when Season 2 begins (meaning that the ilvl should not increase that much like in BFA) . This would also mean that every hour we are spending now grinding for loot will also matter in the future, and that is a pretty nice and solid return on investment.
That is, in my opinion, the only way to make the current loot system work successfully in the future. Otherwise, the grind will just get more and more frustrating, reaching its peak with the complete devaluing when Season 2 begins.
People are already beginning to get frustrated. And from a psychological perspective, I can totally undertand it. Having 3 items drop for 20 people and 1 item for 5 people while NOT knowing if these items will get heavily devalued in the future is frustrating and not really motivating
The clock is ticking, Blizzard.