what meaningful loot?
There is no meaningful loot, its just loot, period. This “OmG bUt LoOt iS MeAn SoMeThInG NoW” is just teh bandwaggon heroic raiders who were hurting bad that m+ players got the same loot as they did, so they asked for nerfs. Lucky , and im glad for it, Blizzard nerfed the drops on raids also.
Next time raiders, especially BAD ONES, be careful what u ask for
mimimimimimimim my, my , my
its all i read
Ofc they dont like fact that m+ rewards heroic and mythic level gear when raiding is far harder to do lol. You migh also remove raids completly becouse nobady outside of world firsr guilds would ever bother to raid when they can do easyer 5 man.
First of all, thank you all for your replies and opinions. I’m amazed that this topic caused so much controversy, but it’s still interesting to read all your different opinions on the subject.
Second, I think that a lot of people did not really get my point, so I encourage you to read my original post again and try to understand the underlying problem.
I never said that I was against loot scarcity or loot being hard to get. I said multiple times that I am in favour of loot scarcity and loot being meaningful. In the past, Blizzard has had a history of devaluing loot too quickly, so combining that with loot being hard to get right now is the problem I am seeing.
Let me give you some examples, and just try to understand them from a psychological-motivational perspective:
Why should I study for 5 years when I’m only allowed to work for 1 year after finishing university?
Why should spend months (or years) trying to build a house, when I’m only allowed to live in that house for 3 months after the building is finished?
The same logic applies to the gearing system in WoW. Why should I invest so much time into a system that prefers quick satisfaction over longevity? It even matters more now than ever with loot being hard to get.
Personally, I always found it quite demotivating to know that all my efforts will be gone when the next Season starts. This “hard reset” that Blizzard practices with devaluing loot at the start of the next season is, from a psychological perspective, bad game design when it comes to RPG.
Warcraft is a Fantasy-Role-Playing-Game. The core of an RPG is to get stronger by the day to be the most powerful version of yourself at the “end” of the game (expansion in this case). Having this hard reset being forced upon you and having to start from zero again and again simply does not fit into the concept of RPGs in my opinion. It should be a straight progression path without any setbacks.
This would also make “old” content (from older seasons) valuable. It increases the longevity of ALL the content in the game, everything becomes meaningful.
So, just in short, so that no one misinterprets my post again:
Loot scarcity? GOOD!
Loot being hard to get? GOOD!
Gearing being slower than what it used to? GOOD!
Possibility of loot from S1 being devalued in S2? REALLY BAD!!!
Longevity of loot and content? GOOD IDEA!!!
Hope I made myself clear. Merry christmas to you all, brothers and sisters of Azeroth!
Nothing unusual about this. WoW has always done this.
Exactly, bad luck.
This is the real problem here. You should’ve just been happy, period. Having such a steep gearing curve and having you farm the same M+ items every 6 months is draining as hell.
I was coming into this expecting to start a disagreement or a quote-war or something, but I’m finding myself… strongly agreeing. Wth m8 pls.
Find me something to disagree with!
People are posting so much dumb claptrap on this topic, trying to destroy things that actually work in favour of things that don’t or, even worse, undermining the sense of world.
You’re not doing that.
Hmm… hmmm…
To be fair, you’ll kill 10 bosses. That’s 30 items for 20 people, which is 1½ items per person. So after about 12 weeks, probably 16 or so with duplicates, everyone will be fully geared, so it’s not that bad.
Alright, that’s all I could find to disagree with. Thank you for that wonderful, intelligent post. The loot system is fine, but it’s trying to work within a framework that’s completely busted.
That’s what I was trying to say all along mate. It’s so cool that loot now matters more and takes longer than in BFA, but Blizzard has to execute this idea correctly with longevity in mind to let it unfold the way its supposed to unfold with a concept like that.
Your maths is terrible and takes no account of rng. Some people could be 5 raids in and still have not got a single drop. Others could have got several duplicates. Others will be looking for a specific drop. It will take a lot more than 16 weeks for everyone to be fully geared- as when you’re down to the last 3-4 pieces you will get many repeats.
Yes, this is true, but the chance is ridiculously, ridiculously low. It’s not gonna happen - the chance is so low that not even 1 single person in the entire WoW playerbase, which is big, is likely to have it happen.
In addition loot can be traded if someone keeps getting all the loot. A good loot council will take pity.
f loot scarcity. i want bonus rolls and epics and stuff. i was much happier when i kick @ss then getting 1 item after waaaay too much grinding,
anyone who says “blizzard please, i want to be weak. please” “i want to pay hundreds of thousands of gold and irl money for tokens to buy BoEs” “i want to pay real money for carries” is dumb and is going to regret that request.
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