The current loot system will fail - here's why

Didn’t read the entire thread.

So… like… m+ has been open for what? About two weeks? Are people grinding m+ expecting to be geared by now?

Compare that to raiding. How many weeks do you think a raider runs a raids to get geared up? Or how many items on average they get in a week? Or how many weeks it takes on average to get item on desired slot?

That’s probably quite a long time.

Why should m+ shower you with loot? You can still weekly at least loot vault even if you didn’t grind m+.
I feel the situation is very fair.

Not that I should be speaking that much about it, but I did watch it in legion and BFA when i still raided. Now i’m completely casual and none of this really affects me. Its just odd to me that m+ players want to be showered with loot like they had so far in legion and bfa. That made raiding below mythic pointless, if you only cared about gear stats.

Think people need to go back and read the OP and not assume what they’re saying.

The OP isn’t against less loot, they just don’t want the less loot to become instantly obsolete by the next patch. So, for example, you grind and grind, finally get the item, like the op has done, and then the next few days the next season patch comes out and the item is useless or you randomly get an item in your vault that is better than the item you just grinded for weeks.

I know some have said, “this is how it’s always been” Maybe so, but just because it’s always been around, doesn’t mean it will always work with the new systems blizz keep introducing each patch or xpac, eventually it’s not going to work together and I think this instant is that point and what the OP pointed out

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OP, I agree 100%. If loot is scarce, then it should matter for more than one tier. This means less ilvl differences between tiers. As in, 213 being heroic this tier and normal next tier, and 226 being mythic this tier and heroic next tier. Otherwise, scarce loot simply doesn’t work, you get the negatives (people run just once per week, all runs become serious business, which leads to increasingly ridiculous requirements and tons of toxicity) without the positives (getting loot doesn’t actually feel great because you know it’s only going to last you for one-two months and then you are back to having to re-grind desperately).

This is worse than the Torghast debacle. They should fix it. Or, if they are going for less ilvls between tiers (a very bold step), they should say that they are going for that. The clock is ticking indeed.

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Not to burst your bubble, but you need to do this even harder to get your 226 weapon because ilvl 200 just sucks :smiley:

We are in the 2nd week of M+. People seem to rush way too much. My weapons are 155 ilvl too and i will get a weapon whenever i get it :man_shrugging: I also am +50 M+ runs in, lockouts of M0 for 2 weeks, and quite some heroic dungeons.

Whats wrong with gear being a bit more hard to get? If you’re having fun in the process thats what matters. Loot being relevant was a good idea… Just like OP said, he felt so happy when it dropped. Thats the same feeling you have when you kill a difficult boss in darksouls (without cheesing with coop) compared to other generic games.

What do you mean useless? Does the item looses its property or power? Honestly asking.

You down the bosses and you get nothing for it. The reward chain breaks. You stop downing the bosses and down only the minimal amount required to unlock the vault = 1 M+ instance per week or first 3 raid bosses (and no more, because why bother) per week. This echoes all throughout the game, there are fewer runs overall, these runs become more serious business, toxic, unpleasant, this then feeds back into the loop and reinforces it (there are even fewer runs, etc).

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It depends on the ilevel disparity next tier. At the moment it’s fine, but I’ll agree if next tier comes too fast, and the gear is hugely better then there’ll be problems.

Edit: I quoted the wrong person.


Legion didnt lloos to many players, was fine.

Wod didnt loose to manyplayers… was fine.

BFA lost to many players and there was no loot issue in legion or wod.

There’s nothing wrong with gear being more hard to get but like OP Said, it’s awful spending TONS of time grinding for those upgrades you need only for them to become borderline obsolete come the next patch. I also doubt many people are having that much fun spending all that time in dungeons only to get a whopping 35 anima.
I don’t think you can compare dark souls to WoW because DS has no patches that will make your gear obsolete and in DS you know what you’ll get aswell for all your work you put into it.

I personally do not enjoy running dungeons endlessly only to get nothing at all because the fact is that; it will become outdated in the next patch and one has to start grinding the same dungeons over and over again for the same or similar items.

I didn’t think blizz would actually reduce the amount of loot dropping in SL. Just that they would give us less options so it would be less confusing for the players but that definitely wasn’t the case.

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But they have added a lot of PC lore to keep up with the times. They have ticked the boxes. That’s all that matters, right?

And that is what we have been saying since Wrath!

You should never, ever, get nothing for downing a dungeon/Raid boss.

This is not Diablo, where you solo Greater Rifts and are killing the final boss within minutes of logging in. To down a raid boss you need organisation, preparation, takes a lot of time, and everyone in the group must not make (many) mistakes. Players prepare all week to just run a couple of raid sessions.

It is unacceptable that after all this effort and after having succeeded in killing said boss, you get nothing.

It is a subscription game, not a casino.

Imagine tuning in to Netflix which you pay for a subscription each month, and randomly Netflix says, “sorry no films right now, better luck next time”.

We have been asking since Wrath, to allow a number of boss kills to count towards getting an item from the boss’s loot table. So no matter how unlucky you are, eventually you will get your item. And not after having tried said boss 27 or 40 times…

With the current drop rate, 1/5, I have calculated you have an 11% chance of getting no loot in 10 successive runs. In other words, out of 100 players that make 10 M+ runs, 11 players will get nothing!


Yes it is acceptable.

Yeah becouse online tv is same thing as rpg game. You coulndt come up with worse comparison.

Except of fact that this isnt case and happens only to ver very small amounth of players. And you have guaranteed item in weekly chest + pvp vendor + raids + mythic+. There is no way you can go week without getting single upgrade.

Subscription services both. Do you pay for it yourself? Do you pay taxes? Just wondering.

Yes, it happens to about 11% of them, raids and M+. That is the “very” small amount? Are you a maths major? Not…

I personally would wish for a complete overhaul of the loot system. Just forget about dungeon / raid drops. Lorewise they don’t make much sense anyway. Why should monster xy have a sword, a cloth robe, a mail glove etc. in his possession?

In addition, loot based on luck isn’t fun at all, it’s only frustrating and mostly unfair, because there are always the ones with more luck than others.

Replace every boss loot with some kind of neutral currency, a little like back in the good old WotLK days - but this time fully. Yes yes, don’t panic, dear high-end players, stronger bosses will drop either more currency or another kind of currency, which allows you to get different (better) gear or faster.

Put some merchants for gear into the capitals: cloth is sold by the tailor, leather by the leathercrafting guy, weapons by the smith… and so on.

It makes so much more sense to have skilled NPC crafters sell good weapons / armor enhanced with some kind of magical material dropped by strong enemy.

Makes it also much easier for the developers: no more time wasted to think about which boss has to drop which loot. Different dungeons only exist to do specific quests and to introduce different mechanics.

Just have the NPCs sell everything, and players can freely choose which item they want to buy next. Every hour invested into the game counts, because you will always get your currency and you can work on one specific item to purchase at the time.

Or course, there have to be limits; for example, the first random dungeon awards additional currency at the end of the dungeon (brings more people back into the random dungeon pool), and there is a weekly cap to that currency. Some people can grind it out on reset day, others can take their time and only slowly collect it over the whole duration of the week.

I pay wow to play wow. I dont pay wow so Blizz can give me free gear so i dont have to play game. If i am supostu use your stupid analogy. Its like paying for Netflix and complain why you have to watch movies when you pay for it.

Except this goes againts everthing what rpgs stand for. You are supostu kill dragon and get loot. No to farm some stupid currency and have bunch of vendors for it.

I think its pretty clear you simply so not like rpg games.

ye … i guess you didnt see the 200 itlv anima gear that is locked “only” behing campaign chapter 9 timegate

“meaningfull gear” - lol :slight_smile:

I’m not sure if you are fully aware what rpg stands for. All my charcters have a background story and they kill enemies because of lore reasons, not because they want the cool sword sticking out from the dragons back. My characters want to interact with people in the capital, want to talk with crafters and would like to support their trade. :wink:
And by the way; you will still get loot from your foes - but an unfrustrating neutral kind of loot, which will always be a good reward for your efforts and not just a “Oh no, I already have a better weapon, well, lets throw the new one into the bin, because I can’t even trade it to my guild mate”.