The Current State of Resto Shamans

For me quaking isn’t that stressful, it was more the sanguine and people that love to stand in there for a few seconds :smiley:

I really wish we had some big single-target heal. I am leveling an ally shaman alt because I want to play through the stories in draenor, legion and bfa, and I got kicked out of the dungeon because the tank died while I was silenced for 3 seconds, as I was trying to cast healing surge after that.

Apart from that, I enjoy the aoe heals for raids. I occasionally play resto in raid finder and I can’t complain there.

And I have no idea how any of the shaman specs do in pvp, since I don’t play any pvp.

At least it went better then the 15 ML i tried last week, that was just horrible (key depleted before first boss i think :flushed: ). U dont miss earthen wall when u play APT? And what essences do u prefer using? :slight_smile:

Hey Sinaaki,

In short; it depends.
Longer version; Wether you can get good use out of Earthen Wall mostly depends on the Dungeon ( Unless you have a monk tank, in which case ALWAYS bring Earthen Wall Totem due to Monk Stagger ) sometimes affixes. Earthen Wall in for example Waycrest Manor can do as much as 6-10% of your total healing done that dungeon, where in other dungeons with strong and high hitting single target mobs, your earthen wall totem usually doesn’t shield for more than 100k per cast. With that in mind I just started to explore some with APT. Turns out it’s actually pretty decent, it lasts reasonably long and actually has a pretty low cd. So in fights that are messy like Tyrannical first boss of Sethraliss, you can just precast APT whenever enemy spells overlap and chances are you both saved someone’s life because of the 10% more health, while actually saving someone because he/she died.

As for Essences, as of late I really like to use well of existence again. It’s a solid essence that heals when people are low which is always good, with a free Lay on Hands when you need it most. It might be overall lower healing than Seed of Eonar, but healing when necessary is way more important. Keep in mind that even Seed of Eonar has a valuable spot on fights like second boss of Underrot. That boss is a nightmare especially for shammies and you will need to precast heals for partywide coverage. Seed of Eonar comes in handy for that fight.

There’s more essences that can be played around with, but as of right now the most important one overall, I would just say Well of Existence. I know there’s downsides to that essence and Shamans with Mastery especially feel that downside. But it is a very welcoming heal when we need it. Just cast a few more healing spells when people are topped off to stack up some healing. Right now it’s literally an extra “ohsnap!” button, which I like.

patpat I feel you there Sinaaki. ML was a pain last week… :stuck_out_tongue:

I did run APT for a little while but my tank wanted me to run earthen wall instead (guardian), but maybe i’ll try it again.

I like the seed for bosses like 2nd in UR and witches in WM, but cant quite decide if its good enough. Guess i’ll have to play around a bit and see. And change between dungeons, i’m not good at remembering that.

I can’t recommend this weak aura enough:

https:/ /

It’s giving you a healthbar of your Earthen Wall Totem, there’s one for your Earth Elemental aswell.

It’s just a trial and error thing. Drop it, notice how it does or doesn’t lose health fast and you’ll know if you did or did not place it well. Gotta know certain fights ofcourse, but that’s why I like it so much. It helped me understand that the hallway to the buther boss in Waycrest manor is a perfect opportunity to get nearly half a million healing done with 1 button. Just gotta reflect on yourself and the environment what you did wrong when it didn’t lose health at all, and learn from it :slight_smile:

It’s small things like these that keep me interested in Shamans, make me understand that I don’t know everything and am still learning. Always an improvement to be made ^^

Then at the end, just use Skada. If your Mr. Bear wants you to run EWT instead of APT, then just show him the numbers :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the tip, aopreciate it :ok_hand:

If you dont have issues to heal your group try crucible flame as major. I switched from Eonar to crucible flame and my dps exploaded. I usually had between 8-11k overall and now im at 17-22k. Some Bossfights im holding 30k. Redicolous. I have to say that i switched from the 440 Alchistone to 455 Lady Waycrest too and play with the properly ring but the overall increase comes from the essence.

2nd and 3rd are well and eonar but only because im to lazy to play more Arena for the conflict & strife. Eonar is good as minor too but the well i dont know. Heals for 1-3% overall. Nice to have but the increases versality would definitaly fit better.

Only thing i am realy not sure yet is if i should go for unlesshed life instead of undulation. I like undulation because it doesnt take a gcd. On the otherhand is a instand heal which increases the following rly nice. Especially with high tide like it works in raids.

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Tried MW+15 today Orb wise, just not the best dungeons. We had issue if the 3 witches, while I think they’re not that hard. Got killed a few times by orbs on that fight, wasn’t necessary tbh.

What I did find odd was that a few times, using TAB, I didn’t get any orb, while it was in front of me. I manually selected a few times, since Flameshock does help. Orbs also quite an issue on the 3rd boss.

Did a WM 14 this week, but we put a dps dedicated to the orbs (and the others helping out). Not sure why u couldnt use tab to target though? I’ll admit i usually just click on them to target, so dont know if that is common or not…

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I used to TAB before as well, no issues, but now they just didn’t appear, weird.

I think some people still don’t know you can LoS the orbs. While I agree you can assign someone to the orbs, you got melee orbs, and ranged. I tried to take care of the ranged ones, but like w 3rd boss, there’s quite a few adds involved, and the odd thing w the orbs is, sometimes they appear rarely, and then they appear almost from every add/mob in the group.

Did SoB on my enhancement shaman, the orbs were hard to handle on some groups. esp the groups in the area of the 3rd boss.

I was sure I could time this WM though, but yeah, I don’t have any control over others. Not that I play perfect, but I healed the **** of that dungeon. And I felt I really was good enough for healing it at that level.

I did say that you couldnt tab target, I decided to check up on it, and it turns out that you can in fact tab target :slight_smile: but that it isnt very effective. This is according to wowhead.

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Ah well, new chances next week :slight_smile: sometimes it just doesnt go the right way. We usually have a hunter in the group that can deal with ranged explosives, so i never focus on them, but help out if i can.

I don’t think a resto shaman should deal with explosives, unless you have no ranged dps and the thing spawns way off. Personally as elemental I ignore all explosives that spawn in melee range which is like 99% of the orbs from my experience. My tank actually told me to do so, since I lose too much dmg with cast times on orbs that just end up instadying to a melee dps or tank instead. So only time I kill explosives is when they spawn in awkward locations or when I have icefury rolling cuz I can one tap them.

It might be different for an Elemental Shaman, but as a Resto Shaman, Flame Shock crits oneshot orbs aswell or just LVB procs / Lightning bolts. In non Fortified weeks I find healing trash mobs to be very “smooth” concerning health bars, and I can usually find some spare time now and then to tap an Explosive. :slight_smile: I usually snipe far away ones ( Especially on ToS 19 last boss, Explosives were a lot more dangerous than I thouhgt ).

I believe every little bit of effort helps the team, and considering Shammies can’t AoE DPS as effectively as other healers can, spare time, in my opinion, is best spent killing off some explosives :>

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I think melees doing explosives give more overall damage since they can cleave while doin it. But just like you said - everything helps. And if it works for your team why change it. My group however struggles a bit with damage in +15s atm and so we need every bit of damage on the adds we can get :slight_smile:

5 min cd, you drop it before someone dies, it gives 10% health for 30 secounds for anyone in it and if they die they get the abillity to reincarnate and it does not consume a res

It does not work if you get oneshot tho, i think if you take more than 50% in 1 hit it wont work

I agree, as a ranged DPS, you/we should always focus on ranged orbs. May have to rethink that if you have a full ranged party.

As resto, I’m not saying we SHOULD focus on the orbs, but I would say, if I can pop one ranged nobody is able to get to, or sees, why not? Flame shocks are really good for orbs.

So this week is easy, unless you have dps that ignores the stacks :smiley: A good group shouldnt have issues at all with these affixes.

Did have some slight issues with the saurid packs in AD :laughing:

I rolled a lucky WM 18. Left way was open so we could do witches first which is im my opinion a big advantage. Did it +2 so we now have our first +20 to go :slight_smile:

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