How did you end up in the forums?

I use forums as a tool that builds something. Not as a recreational thing.

Like most forums for PRODUCTS, people use them to give feedback, rarely positive. And a general thing is that positive feedback is an option only if you are asked for a simple way to review.

But a forum feedback is more like a visit to the doctor: “I have this problem, how can we solve this.”

If I would look at my account as when I’ve first written something on this forum:

30 august 2018 " BFA world quest reward for wrong spec"

25 december 2018 Yet another QQ-queue times topic Giving feedback about the “excluvsivness” for PvP, needing alot of PvE content to be done to be viable in PvP

Then, I’ve felt the need to come with a positive review, because I know those are usually a minority, cause again, no one comes, logins to a forum to say “GOOD JOB”.
20 december 2020 Thank you Blizzard/WoW Devs, keep up the good work!

Then, 3 months after the SL launch … things went downhill:

22 february 2021 … 3 months later

And it still went downhill:

03 april 2021 The current state of WoW’s PvP Matchmaking System, by TheScepticOne

Took a brake on 01 july, 1 day after 9.1 hit, cause I was so dissapointed of how artifical all is, and got off the threadmill.

After a 2 months break, a topic here made me subscribe, just to say to a blueposter what it is like to want to play the game you love, but to not be able to play it because of the game itself: Stop gating ALTs PLEASE!

Made all this timeline, just to show players like Jito that some of us are not only “crying over and over and over, criticizing, instead of just dropping the game”.

I play this game for 16 years while I know my wife for 18 years and married her for 10 years, I love this game, and no mater how blindly and oversimplifying some people make it, for me it is more then “just a game/some pixels”.

So the love for the game, and the hope that decent(creative, hardworking, gameloving, freeminded) devs might appear once more and save this game is what made me start using this forum. Since, from my PoV at least, the current DEVs are just some DEVs working on a “sideproject”, just a game, not THE GAME, and seems like they have no passion or love for what they are payed to do.
Moreover, if they would put the same passion and fire into developing, as they put into their own personal agendas regarding “minority inclussion”, this game would be at another level in the good way.

The first 14 years of WoW, I’ve never, or barely visited the forum, cause I was enjoying playing the game more, but NOW, it is exactly oposite. I’ve spend much more time, since I’ve resubbed in september, reading and writting in this forum, then I’ve played the game.
And trust me when I say I really wish to not touch the forums for YEARS.

Last Played 30 Sep 2021

Expiration Date 16 Oct 2021

And even tough I got 8 more days till my sub ends, I’m starting to loose hope, since many threads got closed, not because they were trolling, but because closed minded, probably minirity, people think that if they ERASE/DELETE STUFF, it doesn’t exists.
I rather wish the game would recover and we all play the game rather then to see DEVs out of their job, becouse of their OWN WILL and personal agendas, neglecting or actually DESTROYING the game we all loved for years.

Peace out.