Actually it is, but there’s one thing to start trying PvP cause you want to have fun in it. And a totally different thing to abuse it with actually 0 care of what happens in that side or what’s happening to the players that actually LOVE that part of the game.
In PvE the enemy (mobs/bosses) stay at the exact same point (hp/dmg/etc.) while in PvP the enemy is an actual human being.
As a solo player, If you want to play 2s Arena the NORMAL way, without having friends in game etc., the main problem is the LFG wasting you time, more then half of your actual playing time. On top of that, now there is this huge problem with PvE boosted players that are disrupting the normal way of arena.
This is my own, personal opinion, based on how things went for me since launch of SL until now. While the first month of the game was EPIC since all players were gearing at the same time, gated ilvl, all progressing at the same pace; the second month being okish, but after that it is a hell to start doing 2s Arena with a new ALT.
As I said in the first post, Blizzard should introduce multiple brackets filters, since ilvl gap is to damn high, and even with ilvl 200 full bg gear, it is hell to play against ilvl 226 teams, even at 1200-1300-1400-1500 rating.
Later edit: (since it doesn’t allow me to post 2 consecutive posts)
So, after a few weeks of break from the LFG Arena 2s, today I said I feel like trying to get some games with my rogue. Again, I reiterate, I play solo, don’t got real life friends playing WoW and I try to use the communities and the LFG tool.
This is how it went:
So, it was 1220cr, (max 1430 this season). So I make a LFG Party: “1.2cr lf heal - be same cr”
Waiting about 20-25mins, a WW Monk pops in.
After waiting for so much time, even tough I saw he was 1016cr, I say … hey, wth, lets try some games. 1 game we win = 10cr points 1 game we lost = 16-20cr points. So I excuse myself explaining that it is not worth to keep playing since I will keep go down.
Again I make a group 20 mins later a Holly Pally pops in. Checking his 1034cr again I say, hey WTH, can’t wait again 20mins, lets try.
Starting 1218 and ending at 1186 after 2 looses.
It doesn’t mater we lost, that is out of discussion, and I can dig winning and loosing.
But the way this system is build it is pure idiocracy:
- it forces 50% winrate arena
- it punishes you for playing with lower CR players
while at the same time - it wastes your time 4-5 times more then you actually PLAY. You wait 15mins-30mins for 2 games that total 5-6mins, just to loose more then you win.
@Blizzard, @CS : This idiocracy system should be fixed. I know the punish is there as an antiboosting protection, but man, give me players to play with game after game, win/lose don’t care, make my time feel respected. BUT NO, you make me waste 20-30mins for every 2-3min game, then you punish me for accepting in party someone that joins with 200CR lower even tough I’ve asked to “be same cr”.
This is ridiculous, mind blowing hillarious … pure dissapointment.