The death of the Zandalari Empire

So with the arrival of Shadow’s rising it is official. The Zandalari Empire is dead.

Their army is depleted.
Their fleet is sunken.
Their leaders and priests are dead.
Their treasury was plundered.
and their vengeance against Kul Tiras will never happen because Blizzard holds an alliance biased plot armor over Jaina to make sure she won’t get harmed in any form. Not to mention the treason of the Horde council who refused to give the Zandalari soldiers which they could use against the alliance.

I think it is safe to say the Zandalari Empire is officially dead.

The allied race I was most excited about to play as literally got humiliated beyond repair and will, like most trolls, never see anything good going for them ever again.

I beg you Blizzard do the troll community a favor and delete the Zandalari from the character creation screen. Nobody wants to play something which is broken.

You would do all troll fans a favor if the Zandalari didn’t exist. Give us Drakkari and Amani instead. At least these tribes still have enough pride left in them that they would never accept a peace treaty with the alliance.

Consider what I told you today.

Best wishes, Erevien.

Trolls need culling from time to time, otherwise they become problematic for everyone, so the Alliance is just doing all the different kinds of Elves a favour here… :stuck_out_tongue:

but seriously, I think that Blizzard just made the Zandalari eat a bit of the “humble pie” to justify them associating with the Horde in the story…which also explain an attack of the Alliance against them to justify this.

Otherwise they would be too proud and arrogant and they would never join or associate with the Horde in any other case (surely not King Rastakhan anyway).

In fact, the Zandalari still call themselves an empire while they are NOT an empire anymore, not in recent times anyway. Otherwise all other playable races should call themselves an empire too, but they do not…pride and arrogance from the Trolls, again…

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As for the Amani, it won’t happen either. Unless they recognize that the Blood Elves have rights holding the majority of the lands in Quel’thalas too.

But you know they won’t…

Kul Tiras joined the Alliance at full strength. Meanwhile Zandalar had to be beaten to a pulp barley surviving. I smell a double standard here which you seemingly ignore.

Finally, something I agree with.

I wrote a story about Darbakh slaughtering Zandalari with some allies. It was quite representative of the reality in-game. It’s called The Truce Can Wait; you should check it out, it’s a better alternative to copium.

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the troll empire like all trolls never learned the lesson of their original downfall and have been destined for a bloody end ever since the Zandalari has nothing but a joke a this point it’s hardly a empire when they been reduced to one city :stuck_out_tongue:


Kul Tiras was powerful when they joined the alliance. Zandalari Empire however is reduced to the zone of Zuldazar. Nazmir and Vol’dun are no man’s land. Stormsong Valley and Drustvar however are sitll populated by humans. That is the big difference here. Zandalar was too much focused in the story about being an empire in decline. Trolls desperatly need a victory. Otherwise players lose interest in them.


Even if they are nomads and they have no official Capital City (and will never have one), I think the Vulpera pretty much own Vol’dun anyway with their caravans and trade routs. Realistically is under Horde control anyway, most of it.

Nazmir as a swamp, it makes sense that it’s mostly empty. So you are right that it’s a weak point for the Zandalari and the Alliance already used it as a staging point to pretend an attack against Zuldazar. But swamp territories are very hard to live in for almost everyone (except Orcs, Ogres and Forsaken, and some Jungle Trolls maybe). A lot of Humans who lived outside of Theramore in Dustwallow Marsh were outright becoming crazy, for example…

Nah its the Sethrak who live in Vol’dun mostly. See that temple of Sethraliss? That was build by the snake people.

When it comes to Vol’dun, I suspect the Vulpera will maintain some presence and control over the zone, also the Scorched Sands tribe is affiliated to the Horde afawk. Nazmir is home to several Loa who are, de facto, Horde-aligned. I’m not sure about the current state of Stormsong Valley and Drustvar, but Tiragarde Sound is filled with pirates, including the Fogsail Freebooters who give the Horde a foothold on KT, while the Alliance has entirely left Zandalar.

I agree the Zandalari were done dirty but I’d say the balance between their state and that of Kul Tiras is decently respected. The biggest loss is Rastakhan. That stuff stung

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That is the understatement of the century.

The biggest loss was the fleet and the army. Read Shadow’s Rising. There they say Zandalar can barley muster 40 soldiers. The Empire is dead. And Alliance bias is to blame for it.

I meant the biggest symbolic loss, the biggest loss in the narrative. I did read SR. I agree writers went incredibly hard on the Zandalari in BFA. However that might precisely lead them to play super important roles in future narratives – I’m confident there will be some retribution at some point, and right now my guess is they will be part of the Dragonflight Expedition, given their skills on sea

The current state is unknown one is dense firest fulled with crazy animals, creepy children and witches that even gallxwixx wet hinself.
On stomsong boar people and some leftover loyalist of the thd lord.
Probably some naga too.

Why, that they become op at sea again?
Shall i remind you that the Horde get a full Zandalari fleet that overpowered that of stormwind for free!
While the alliance work for it in multiple quest chains with another long chain to counter that.
Only that that fleet one patch later get smashed with heavy loses.

The alliance is the superior faction. Blizzard made that clear. Kul Tiras fleet is fully intact. The Zandalari one was sunken. Alliance bias ruined the Empire. It would be better for everyone if that race gets deleted instead of being a laughing stock at large. Troll fans deserve better then what we were given.


Thank you for admitting the truth. I can stop tracking this thread now.

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Also you forgot to say that because of Alliance bias, Blizzard retconned the size of Kul Tiras making it into an island that’s just as big as Zandalar or the Broken Isles.

Originally though, in the maps before BfA (and before the Chronicles), I think Kul Tiras was supposed to be quite tiny. Indeed I think originally Kul Tiras was supposed to be more or less the same size of Isle of Quel’Danas, and smaller than Gilneas, but certainly not as much as big as it is now anyway… as showed in this map of Lordaeron at the start of WoW


Actually they shrunk on the game map the rest of the world. On the maps of the sources KT got actually smaller the more fleshed out the world become where it originally whas either on the scale of Gilneas or the Swamplands it is later getting smaller and smaller. Only on the game map, the Broken Islands, KT & Zandaler and Pandaria look overproportional big. From the old maps Zandalar should be big like Stranglethorn while the Broken should be twize the Size.
By MoP lore it should have lost a big size of territory to the sea so that should be the explanation why Zandalar actually shrunk to KT area.

Also because of alliance bias Alliance won all major battles after Teldrassil. Horde looked like a big loser. We need parity for that. The alliance needs to lose something which is important to them. Like a few dozen lore characters.

"Let’s kill a dozen important Alliance NPCs and burn down their cities. Of course, first we have to kill the Horde council and then have the Zandalari deleted from the character creation screen.

With even less NPCs on both sides, less cities, less players and no leaders, WoW will finally be great again." :poop:

The game would be as dead your Twitter Accounts. :stuck_out_tongue:


Two Dozen at least. If we count all Horde losses since TBC then there is quite alot to compensate for.

Not many cities. Just one. Boralus. Stormwind and Ironforge can stay.

Yes becuase they are puppets of Anduin.

Because the race is ruined beyond repair. Nobody wants to play with something that is broken. In Bfa the Zandalari lost everything what made them cool(Rastakhan, the fleet and Rezan).

I don’t need twitter. I can contact Blizzard via emails.

Great for the Horde at least. I don’t care about alliance players having fun. They have been priviliged since Vanilla and it is about damn time somebody pulls the ripcord and gets rid of all their special priviliges that has catered them for almost 20 years.