The death of the Zandalari Empire

And your point is what?

That’s why we need to kill all Alliance leaders AND the entire Horde council! Only when both factions have no more leaders, there won’t be a bias!

Alliance Bias! For true equality, everything needs to be destroyed!

And becuase the Alliance leaders are Anduin’s puppets, they also need to die! Let’s just… kill everyone in the entire game! That would be SO MUCH MORE FUN!

It definetly is! Can you believe that some weird people claim that the Horde is dead and then, in their next sentence, say that only their ideas could “repair” or “fix” it? I mean - who says that? How could you fix anything that is “dead” or “beyond repair”?

And of course, they’ll reply to you and ask for more details, right? Did you apply for a job in the writing team already?

Absolutely! I mean, imagine what would happen to the game if people could play both factions! As if anyone would do that!
It’s within your soul, you’re either Alliance OR Horde! :+1:

It’s basically your anthem. It’s called “It has to be this way!” :metal:

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Do you have anything constructive to add regarding the opening post or are you just here to mock me as usual?

Whenever you do it, it’s “the only way things can go” and “your fight for the Horde” - when I do it, it’s “mockery”?
Why do you always get upset when someone else uses your argumentation and logic on your posts?
I’m just as motivated to fight for the Horde as you are!

I opened this topic here to inform the community about how bad the Zandalari have been treated by Blizzard during Bfa. That is all. Horde joined a ruined Empire nobody wants to play with because they were turned into a laughing stock. Kul Tiras is far superior because they defeated all their enemies in their story without losing anything in regard. Their fleet just as their leaders are doing fine. That is a big probolem because the Fantasy behind the race you want to play with is being treated badly. Anyone can be proud to serve Hous Proudmoore. Nobody can be proud to serve Talanji because she was almost defeated by a rebellion of two dozen people if it wasn’t for help from the Horde council.

Alliance and Horde are not equal. My point towards the Empire is here to show that problem and I tell this to the community because we need to find a solution to fix these story beats Blizzard has given us.

I’m sure all these BfA interested people who have played through BfA have already forgotten what happened in BfA. What would they do without you? :heart:

Thank you for clearing up the confusion! I wasn’t aware that the Horde is now part of the Zandalari Empire - I always thought that the Empire allied with the Horde, especially after Talanji’s speech. Silly me. :smiling_face:

Sure, but only if it’s a Horde race! The Night Elves deserved what they got and Sylvanas is a Queen for doing it! I mean, who cares about Alliance players, am I right?

Alliance bias? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

True, joining a pact to survive is despicable and weak, no Horde faction would do that. Just imagine if the modern Horde were created for such a purpose. Preposterous thought.

Yeah and you’re doing a terrific job at that!
I mean… killing Alliance leaders will totally bring back the dead Horde leaders! Killing Jaina (but not Genn, he had nothing to do with it, i guess) will definetly revive Rastakhan! Then the Zandalari should raid Kul Tiras for trees (because they don’t have any more on Zandalar) to build new ships!

I didn’t know that the community was able to rewrite or fix the story. How many people do we need for that? :thinking:

Though I think he has a point. The big problem between Kaldorei Orc relationship is that they Kaldorei all they time wanted that Horde take responsibility for what the warsongclan did. The orcs never took it because that would mean that even after Grom’s sacrifice they are the same old demonic horde. This is part of the animosity between alliance and horde. Maybe if they would not have so much desire for revenge their could have been a better treaty about Ashenvale’s lumber which is part of the fights.
But at the rest I am with you.

It will bring some much needed parity. Since Varian nobody from the alliance has been harmed. Meanwhile, Sylvanas, Nathanos, Rastakhan, Gallywix, Saurfang and serveral dark rangers were ousted in Bfa alone. The Horde losses have been growing far too much. It would be even more if I counted the losses between WoD and Cataclysm. It is about damn time the untouchable alliance gets the shaft for the sake of equality.

It is. They turned Talanji into a beggar. Who is too incompetent alone to deal with internal problems. Everything that has happened since they allied themselves with the Horde has been nothing but misery. Especially the big alliance attack on their city. The Zandalari are now merley a shadow of their former glory. Unlike Kul Tiras who didn’t lose anything and still can provide massive fire power thanks to Jaina and the Kul Tiran navy.

My point is here that the Zandalari has no fistbump moments. Everything from Patch 8.1 onwards was losses left and right. Blizzard owes the Troll fandom a victory that is actually worth the name.

The the night elves still have their army intact and all their leaders alive. Not to mention they left Stormwind to settle at Hyjal and got a big seed from the winter queen to grow a new world tree. Zandalari are ruined however. Their army is depleted, their leader is dead and their fleet is sunken. And no Talanji is not a replacements since she only made everything worse then it was before. It all comes down to the loss of Rastakhan. That was the final nail in the coffin what turned the Zandalari to crap.

What Talanji wants is no relevant. The council denied her her revenge against Kul Tiras because Baine and Thrall are friends with Jaina who is a cold blooded murderer with not positive traits. The council betrayed the Zandalari for the sake of their filthy peace treaty.

And I will keep bringing it up until Blizzard finally is willing to change their lore and give the Horde what we deserve to get. Which is a total defeat of the alliance in a faction war story. Just like it was with Bfa for the alliance.

All of them. If the whole community bands together Blizzard can’t ignore us any longer. Is worked with High elves so it should work here too.

Now you’re starting to see my point! We can’t bring back the dead, so all we can do to get equality is killing every single leader and potencial leader!

That’s why we should kill anyone who did that once and for all and send them to their final death: The Horde council and the Alliance leaders for making their pacts in the First Place. Sylvanas for making a pact with the Jailer. Kael’thas for allying with the Burning Legion. They’re all weaklings who have no place in Azeroth!

That is true and probably the reason why the entire Troll community supports you! :heart:

Yeah, they should be deleted from the game! Just like the Blood Elves - Lor’themar truly is no Anasterian! With Silvermoon in ruins, a Sunwell that is loyal to the Light, isolated in the North, the Blood Elves are also a lost cause! Death to the Zandalari and the Sin’dorei!

It’s true, why should anyone care about Talanji or her wishes? She’s annoying people, the people in charge ignore her, almost nobody supports her and she claims that she is as important as the leaders of the Horde!
And don’t get me started about Jaina. A cold blooded murderer indeed, not a single positive trait, just like Sylvanas in BfA - screw them both!

So you already were successful in BfA? That’s amazing! :open_mouth:

That’s great, let’s show em how it’s done! :star_struck: How many supporters do we already have?

:roll_eyes: I am done talking to you. If you can’t take this topic seriously then pls stop responding to me. I want to have a constructive discussion. Not a mockery. Thanks.

They are not isolated, Forsaken are back in their place in Lordaeron and eventually will fully get Undercity back too as a capital.

But Erevien would just like them to return to the times when they were under Kael’thas (not Anasterian actually), dangerous and magically reckless and pro-active against the Alliance like back then. I too agree to a point, especially if the Alliance becomes too aggressive against Quel’thalas especially since they have Void Elves now anyway…

The fact is, the Troll “community” and “fandom” is very divided and everyone is just looking for their own wishes for their own favorite race, for example the fans of the Amani would like to destroy the Blood Elves while the fans of the Darkspears and Zandalari are okay to work alongside them.

Just like the fandom of Quel’thalas is divided in 3 parts (the majority is about the Blood Elves of course, but small communities of High Elves and Void Elves also exist), and they all 3 have different wishes too. And they are openly in conflict between themselves beyond the Alliance-Horde limits too, I saw High Elves fans wishing for very different things than Void Elves, and wishing to become a separate allied race too, or saying the Void Elves ruined the game. So there’s no single wish who would satisfy the Troll fandom anyway, even if you give a victory to the Zandalari, the Darkspears could still complain about being ignored for example.

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Darkspear are the smallest tribe. Of course they get ignored by the lore. Blizzard will focus on the bigger tribes because their choices matter for the whole race. And lets be honest here. Without Vol’jin the Darkspear fans have no one in the game who could represent them.

Yes. Thank you for clearing that up. My blood elves were strong and controlled huge parts of Outland thanks to the Sunfury under the direct command of Kael. That were the best times before we were forced to kill him over bad writing.

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Oh, really? He said it best:

Didn’t you pay attention? It’s weak to make pacts or join alliances, we had already established that with Talanji.

Come on, you know the drill! :stuck_out_tongue: I can’t just stop!

If you judge me differently, that’s Erevien bias!

That is, indeed, objectively proven!

Well even without Kael and the Sunfury, I think the Blood Elves still have some outposts in Outland. Maybe not the Manaforges anymore but still some in Netherstorm… surely they still have a presence in Hellfire and Shattrath/Terokkar with the Scryers. Of course Outland is doomed in the long term anyway, so it’s better to focus on Azeroth I guess…

Don’t they still have Vol’jin as their own Loa technically now? Rokhan as a leader is kinda famous anyway. In fact in Warcraft 3 Rokhan was playable while Vol’jin was not, and travelling around with Rexxar in the founding of Orgrimmar, it was implied Rokhan had greater potential than Vol’jin as a leader, too, so maybe that was foreshadowing even back then.


They are neutral sadly. I don’t think Blizzard will make any move to bring them back to the main faction.

Silence. I told you to stop.

I am already a meme. So there is nothing you can do to make me miserable.

He is dead and never coming back.

was worfed by Telaamon with little effort. Troll fans don’t need such a weakling as their leader.

Rokhan became the leader because Blizzard has failed to build up any other trolls who could take the mantle of leadership. If we go by logic then one of Vol’jins many sons should be the new leader since we know he had in lore a wife and children. Which is stupid because Blizzard took their time to establish Greymane and his entire family. But apparently developing Horde characters and make them awesome has never been a priority of Blizzard. It will always be the alliance who get the love and the Horde who get the shaft. That is what we have to deal with.

He was a sidekick nothing else.

without that it is impossible for the blood elves to have a fistbump moment. Under kael’s rule they took over Tempest Keep and absorbed all the power from the Netherstorm. Ruthless and cunning. That is how blood elves should be. Not being boring light elves who suck on Naaru light.


Why would I want to do that? I am your mirror, just without an Erevien bias!

Just as Kael’thas, the weakling that allied with others!

Well… he’ still better than Vol’jin, who befriended a human in Pandaria!

Still no weakling who entered a pact!

Kael’thas acted like a fool and died like a downgraded moron in… a dungeon! Once again with a overly dramatic lament that was so annoying that in the end even Horde players wanted to kill him. There’s no place for such weaklings in the Horde!

Kael’thas wanted to save his people. THe right way. Velen making the Sunwell light infused destroyed the blood elves. Also Lor’themar made peace with the alliance which is a crime that deserves death.

A weakling who deserves to die just like Bob. Anyone who makes peace with the alliance is an enemy of the Horde at large.

And instead we will make Jindo and the Gurubashi join us. Actually an trol ltribe who is worthy to be friends with. Not the trash that is called Darkspear. They are literally the worst tribe in the history of troll kind.

Kael’thas faced impossible choices. Lor’themar never had to face that because he was busy befriending that no 1 enemy of the Horde named Jaina Proudmoore. The day he dies I will celeberate in my home city and fly giant Horde banners all around.

You are an annoying nuisance. Nothing less or more. I will keep fighting for the Horde no matter what you try to stop me.

I stand by these words. I will keep posting until Blizzard is willing to implement the changes I want. That includes the purge of the entire Horde council and replace them with people who would stop at nothing to see the alliance destroyed for good.

With the Cypher of Damnation they couldn’t have him act anything other than stupid, while still having the Players beat him. Ignoring the fact that the TBC “story” was so retarded and contrived it will only give you a migrane, if you actually try to think about the timeline of events.

Kael’thas should have never died. He is the leader the blood elves deserve. Not that trash bag Lor’themar.