The death of the Zandalari Empire

The funny thing is that Senti actually knows that I am right with my demands. The Horde, especially the Zandalari and Forsaken, were treated horribly by Bfa. What I want is that Blizzard stops treating us like trash and making sure we can go back to being a world power instead of being reduced to sidekick NPCs of the alliance heroes. That is all I want from the game.

And the funny thing is that the parody accounts are only exarcebating Erevien on the Alliance bias argument and discussions, so they have the opposite effect on him that they would want to have (unless they are just trolling, in this case they are quite successful :sweat_smile: :joy:)

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It’s always good if the troll gets a mirror troll. That’s fun for everyone else.^^

Then your usual “HURR DURR THE HORDE IS DEAD! :poop: means nothing and is just a dramatic overstatement.

When you use phrases like “broken beyond repair”, you’re saying that there is no way to fix it, that it’s unrecoverable. Just like you often use cherry-picking during arguments. Someone who ignores facts, often uses superlatives and exxagerations, loses credibility and authenticity. That’s one reason why I often compare you to Donald Trump, because that’s exactly what he does. Making a lot of noise, but without substance or real knowledge.

  • The funny thing is that Senti thinks that some of your demands are justifiable.
  • The funny thing is that Senti and many other players would probably even support you in some of these “requests”, if you’d only stop to act like a spoiled toddler with amnesia.
  • The funny thing is that with your usual behaviour, you even manage to piss off people, who otherwise may have supported you, had you only given your posts a little more thought and form.
  • The sad thing is that Senti and many others gave you that feedback maaaany times, but you didn’t even listen to it.

That’s why you’re the laughing stock of serveral WoW-forums, that’s why people don’t support you and that’s most likey why Blizzard doesn’t give a damn about your demands. Your intentions were never the problem, it’s the wording, the impertinence and the methods that are problematic.

It’s (mostly) not what you say, but how you say it.

Anonymous feladdicts meeting again. Just remind you - any party of elves more than five individuals leads to the summoning of the legion, the sunderings and the mass deaths of the elves themselves due to negligence.

Well first of all let’s start by saying the Pandaren as a race despite disliking arcane magic initially and watching what its abuse could do to the planet (thanks to the Highborne in the Night Elf civilization), the Pandaren STILL chose not to abandon magic and the ways of Mages anyway after all :stuck_out_tongue:

and make no mistake, because even without several groups of elves summoning or attracting the Legion to Azeroth with magical abuse during history, Sargeras would have found the planet eventually anyway, he had the objective to destroy every possible planet, World-Soul or not. So eventually the planet would be found and destroyed by the Demons anyway, elves or not. But in this way thanks to the Elves (not just Demon Hunters) there was an actual chance to defeat the Legion on Azeroth as it actually happened several times…

I think you can dislike somebody’s use of the arcane and still be able to use it yourselves, to positive effects.

Look at the Draenei - they have some of the most powerful Crystal-Arcanists and it was primarily Eredar Magi who joined the Legion.

Look at the Nightborne and High Elves and everything to do with the Sundering and Queen Azshara. Hell, the Convocation of Silvermoon was the first to react to the Humans summoning demons in the streets of Dalaran, which is where they told the Humans about the actions of Azshara and the Highborne. (Naturally, they didn’t know what had transpired as they were drawn beneath the waves, but that isn’t important.)

Most races have all had bad experiences when it comes to the arcane, but they still push/use it. Let us not forget though that the Pandaren hold no hatred toward the Highborne descendants and their founts of power and mastery of the arcane; however the concern they held was during Azshara’s reign specifically and was justified in the end. Again, it wasn’t the arcane itself - it’s what the Night Elves were doing, where they weren’t happy.

The Pandaren weren’t all about killing their arcanists like the Night Elves, in the end. It was more to do with what Azshara’s goals were and the dangerous lengths she was pushing.

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So Idi Amin said at the tribunal. Like, these inferior races would have died anyway, so. And guess what, he was immediately forgiven.

Thanks to them begging for help from all the races of Azeroth like time dragons and taurens, which races actually stop the invasion. So the crux of the whole mess went something like this: The Zandalari, who had ruled the planet for roughly a thousands years without incidents, lost most of their army in an accidental act of Tol’vir terrorism. The elves immediately crawled out of the caves and, taking advantage of the weakness of the Zandalari Empire, decided to stab in the back their formed brothers. Then, sniffing titan magic from the well, they decided that they themselves were good mages, but just in case, they also decided to skip a glass of fel so that the batteries in the sentry golems were charged for 1000 years to come. But they did not take into account the cost of such a loan and broke the entire planet, and sent most of their population to mutate into fish. Thats the brief history of the planet without elven embellishment.
I remind you that the pandaren were in slavery to the huge stone machines created by the titans and even in theory they could not interfere with anyone.

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