The death of the Zandalari Empire

Says who?
They are a bunch of scavengers who want to kill the Blood Elves.

Blood Elves inhabit their old lands.
Helfs are irrelevant to them now.


Not seeing a zandalari vs night elf thing to be perfectly honest, since no zandalari who was alive during Azshara’s reign is alive now.

Probs more likely get little bits of zandas vs kul’tirans.

EDIT: Reminder - Blizzard have confirmed no more red vs blue narrative expansions. What you want is redundant now, because your literally the one of very few persons I see demanding another one of those failure expansions. Obviously we’ve got MMO champion where it’s a bunch of alliance freakshows who want another BFA.
And Blizzard need money. Will another red vs blue expansion sell? No. BFA failed hard. Their is absolutely no chance they will do it again, so it was a good call to cull any future expansions dedicated to that theme. All of them need culling for good.

I was beyond relieved when BFA ended, knowing that we would have no more red vs blue expansions.

Just forget about discussing with this lunatic. He is completly absent from the game’s development.

I’ve also given it up to take him seriously (and believe me, I tried).
It’s like arguing with a toddler (Temper tantrum included).

Tbh it wasn’t the Red vs Blue that was the problem, but the ever present intrusive intrusive cosmic nonsense. Especially the things that tied into Shadowlands and lead to the N’zoth kamehameha.

(With SL being the biggest flop of WoW history)

I just wish he’d discuss and not go into some odd RP mode, when I make points.

I’m not interested in what’s good for his version of the Horde. I hate arrogance from people - such as “MY version is the best version.” It’s so patronizing.
I’ve had the same dealings with an extreme Night Elf fan, who still believes that nerfing Blood Elves and Nightborne (and the night elf fans deciding when Blood Elves and Nightborne can get lore again.) Again - “MY version for the night elves is the best version - Blood Elf and Nightborne fans will just have to deal with it as Blizzard must do this.”

The red vs blue was very “…what?” after Legion where we were literally working together.

That whole thing is dead and no amount of trying to force other red vs blue expansions will make up for that.

EDIT: Moving forward, I see Blizzard doing more “local” based fighting between the factions, such as the Reliquary vs Explorer’s League in Dragonflight. (Blood Elves vs Dwarves.) It won’t be a huge arc though and will be kept relatively minor.

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But that’s literally all he does. He simply can’t debate. He uses this forum to advertise his crazy headcanon and reacts with copy&paste threads to people who contradict him.

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But isn’t that against the forum ToS - to spam multiple threads about the same thing?

Maybe Blizzard allow him to do that just so they can laugh at him as well?

The Horde needs me more then ever before. Without me the faction wold be doomed to be made of Anduin puppets with no free will.

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But your a nobody…I’m a nobody - we’re all nobodies.

Blizzard will decide what they want to do. Not you, nor me and don’t come back to this with your RP because I will just report you for trolling.
Engage in the discussion or you deserved to be banned, again.


Mate just move your a** out of the forum and into the game…

The Discussion is getting ignored by you for some reason. Respond to the original post please. This thread is about the fact that the Zandalari got shafted in Bfa. And I want the topic to stick before a mod decides to show up and lock the topic down.

Given that the Horde’s participation effectively begun and ended with Stormheim and siege of Suramar, with nothing inbetween and that basically all order halls outside of DK, DH and Warlocks were contrived mess of vastly different groups i can’t really agree.

There was plenty of material to draw upon, for legitimate grievances on both sides. Why Blizzard didn’t is anyone’s guess past whining about Golden Boy’s moral plot armor.

Remains to be seen how they go about it. I certainly think that conflicts between Zandalar and the parties involved in the assault on Dazar’Alor is far from over. The Forsaken are bound to have disputes with some of the former kingdoms and so forth. I don’t think the Reliquiary and Explorer’s league are going to openly oppose each other.

The original topic is over so we might as well talk about interesting stuff like Blood Elves. Again, it’s just your RP post so why should we bother.

Might as well just talk about cool Horde races like those of Quel’Thalas.

It was.

I remember lots of people questioning why we would work together to full blown, world war against each other.
BFA’s timing was all wrong. It was a mess of an expansion from start to finish and the sub numbers were proof of that from the narrative down to the systems.

A legit question is why would races like Nightborne, Pandaren and Tauren help burn down the night elf home? BFA was all “shock” value with Danuser and his favorite saying; “Wait and see” which turns out was “wait and see for this ridiculous sylvanas book that you have to pay money for.”

It’ll be low-key, zone specific and not an overall theme moving forward.

Blizzard stated that before BFA launched and it’s about time because red vs blue expansions are always bad because their endings are bad.
Forsaken disputes will be nothing more than what it was in the Worgen starting zone. It had no bearing to Cataclysm’s theme of Deathwing, Old Gods and Twilight’s Hammer overall.

We have to accept that A vs H expansions are over and aren’t making a comeback in a big way. I’m over it because all I care about are Blood Elves and Nightborne, in the main and neither of these are important races to faction war expansions.

For some reason he wants playable (Amani) Forest Trolls in the Horde before Ogres…Ogres would have made more sense and should have priority as a playable allied race in my opinion. I’m not against playable Forest Trolls but it needs to be specified they are Revantusk, specifically. Otherwise until the Zul’Aman situation is resolved in some way (peacefully or not, but with the Amani likely not), it doesn’t make sense they become a playable Horde race. Technically I would even be fine giving Zul’Aman to the Darkspears or Zandalari as their new city in the EK if they moved all the remaining Amani away from there, anyway…

Nightborne because Tyrande didn’t trust and kinda insulted them. If the Nightborne are prickly enough and have a long memory about the people who wronged them (like all Elves should), of course what Tyrande said to Thalyssra should have destroyed all possible relations between them, so even burning their tree was not that much of a deal (especially if it wasn’t for the Blood Elves either, at least not until Lor’themar later openly regretted it saying he should have stopped Sylvanas in time, but that happened later anyway)

Pandaren fans of the Horde were actually quite happy when Teldrassil burned. I remember all that Nomi jokes… :sweat_smile:

Tauren, it was almost only the Druids and Shaman who complained. The rest of the Tauren race is not as close as people usually think to the Night Elves after all. Indeed the majority of the Tauren did not openly opposed to what the Orcs did to Ashenvale for a long time, anyway.

But they’ve just come out of a civil war with Elisande.
That is where I question it.

And in that time, we literally only saw Occuleth and Valtrois contribute to the Horde War effort. Thalyssra and her Shal’dorei Arcanists joined in 8.2 and were the main force of working together with Jaina and Shandris.

The timing was all wrong.

Fair points, but the Highmountain are almost the same as the Nightborne in terms of timing and just coming out a civil war themselves with the Feltotem.

If Blizzard wanted the Amani in the Horde, they would not have made them hostile towards the Horde player in Zuldazar.

The fact is - they still hate the residents of Quel’Thalas, whether it was Azshara and her Highborne giving the Amani their orders on where they could / couldn’t go, the High Elves who have moved in and taken over or the Blood Elves who are still there and settled and will never move.

The Amani would sooner join the Syndicate Humans, who hate everyone, than join with either main faction.

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BFA’s numbers weren’t great, but guess what? The cosmic nonsense that followed hit a historic rock botton, of the entire franchise. And i remember just as many people being into the idea given the possibilities Blizzard had on their disposal.

Danuser can’t really be held responsible for it, as he was mostly doing Argus quests or something, before Afarsiabi got kicked out, by which point most of the damage was already done. Granted he made it way worse, when Shadowlands came about, but that’s a Shadowlands problem.

Tauren were purposefully left out of the loop, because Baine, Pandaren are an insubstantial minority Blizz forgets exists half the time and the Nightborne can be just as felxible as the blelves, with their morals and overwhelming pride.

I remember them saying that and the comunity reaction was pretty much “Yeaaah, right… You sure it’s not about the Old Gods? Given that majority of the levelling story is about the Old Gods?” Fact is they kind of murdered it the second Saurfang refused to leave the Stockades and the Horde operatives just kinda let him do it.

With this, you have just explained why your efforts are absolutely useless. Broken beyond repair means that it can not be fixed. No one can fix it.
Dead means… dead. As in “it’s over”.
If you disagree, you don’t undestand the meaning of these words.
Once again, you are your biggest enemy.

But of course, as usual, you’ll either ignore that contradiction or switch into “braindead RP mode” after that. :yawning_face:

There is always necromancy :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

What is dead can be resurrected. There is still hope for the Horde. We just need to make some big changes to implement. Starting with the elimination of the council. Followed by creating new cities and races who can make the faction powerful as it was back in the second war. Like Amani, Ogres and Steamwheedle Goblins. If the Horde gets thos there is nothing to stop us.

Is this the future? The EU story forums as the eternal battleground between Erevien and Erevien parody accounts?

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