The Deep Wounds problem

What deep wounds is actually :

Mortal Strike, Execute, and Bladestorm inflict Deep Wounds, causing [ 37.5% of Attack Power ] Bleed damage over 6 sec.

What it should be :

Your critical strikes with Mortal Strike, Execute, and Bladestorm inflict Deep Wounds, causing (30%) of additional Bleed damage over 6 sec.

Arms should be big crits big bleeds, not noodle crits and flat bleed.
I think this is one of the many ways to fix it.

Ofc you have to buff arms abilities base dmg for it to work, because right now it would be laughable.


Deep wounds should be passive bleed damage to control warriors from one shotting everything.

Not a mastery that determines how good the class is.

The warrior class should be designed as a hard hitter, then apply a flat 20% damage nerf and then return that as passive bleed damage.

So to put into perspective, instead of warriors critting bosses for 150k mortals and 180k executes when everything is up, they should be critting for 120k, and 136k or so and have the bleeds doing the rest of the damage.

It’s pathetic that an outlaw rogue’s pistol shot does double to triple the damage of an arm’s warriors mortal strike / execute. ( 100k crits incomparison to 30k/50k ).

For the pvp side of things, Mortal should remove a BIG chunk of enemy health, and execute being a pretty much … Execute.

At the expense of not being able to self heal.

And execuses like " That’s broken " when we got mages 70% > 0%ing people and warlocks critting in pvp for 100k+ then I call fair game, especially since those have much better toolkits.


Why does rogue replying in Warriors forum and talk about Rogues lol? Get a grip.

what are you on about m8

Sooo, you want Ignite for Arms? I’m game. Fair warning, having a chunk of your damage forced into a DoT feels pretty crappy against short-lived enemies.

I was having much more fun as Arms pre 8.1 stacking Executioner’s Precision, combining it with the damage amp from Overpower meant that even in 8.0 Mortal Strike was critting up to 80k when the stars aligned/during execute phase.

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I’m not a big fan of mastery deep wounds but I can live with that for the moment but the missing of executioners precision is much heavier. Execute phase feels lackluster and boring.

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(oops posted with alt)

Ofc bringing some rotation like exec precision into the exec phase would be very welcomed.

Deep wounds is only one of many problems with arms spec.

Yeah 10k executes in pvp is very funny. I would like to see deep wounds being stronger the longer you can keep the dot. And ofc this dot have to be harder to keep up.

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I can say why does a level 56 warrior who hasn’t unlocked mastery yet talking in a thread about warrior mastery.

It’s my forum character that I use to talk about everything.

You can track my main easily through, profile checking etc.

I can’t even pvp anymore because of that. it is so sad that to see my slam does 4k instant of 40k with even all buff.

no matter what i do and, i cannot do higher than 30k dps with any abilities

Yeah and then you oneshot things with trinket or essence. Such a “great design”

warlock and mage are have abilities to two shots you in pvp and their abilities never get nerf in the pvp for four shots

and warrior mobility is still suck compering to other class

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Literally nothing about our design is great. Every class has answers to us, from disarming to long roots. I am not saying that a 40k dmg slam is the solution but you can’t come to a arms warrior post and talk to us about “great design” as if we’ve seen anything good since the start of this patch. + A lot of classes can remove chunks from your health bar, why is it ok for them to 2 shot people even though they can do that from 50 miles away?
It’s ok for other classes to have self heals (even non magical ones like rogues and survival hunters) but it’s not for us. It’s ok for others to have immunities, escapes
and higher mobility but it’s not ok for us. It’s ok for others to have OP damage but it’s not ok for us even though we lack everything else because OP 1 shot damage is supposed to be the only thing that we shine at. Now you tell me, how is that “good design”?


Bro the only way to fix arms all together imo is to literally just REMOVE deep wounds and increase the base damage of all your abilities to what they do whenever you crit; Mortal 30-35k, execute AT LEAST 30k, Slam around 25k and so forth.
I’ve got a screenshot which I can link, in which Overpower does more damage than Mortal Strike.
That’s right, the button you USE to MAKE mortal do MORE DAMAGE, does more damage than Mortal Strike
To everyone saying; “Just reroll or play fury”, frick you heck-head


I feel its more of a necessity so other classes doesnt complain being one shooted. The other problem if they switched that while nerfing big dng on pvp. Sense arms getting rooted cc alot ,this equals a very weak dmg output which our community will complain about. So the middle answer to all of this is that bleed. You dont get one shooted but as well the warrior have his overall good dmg on total.

I like this idea tbh ,it is a solution to a very common problem. Either that or they will need to give arms a base line rend then with any crit you mortal wound your target.



what about mage and warlock that two shots you ? is it fair ?

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if it was a long cast and mostly interruptable or you can avoid it by los. Then it is different from instantly getting deleted by 2~3 sec’s from being engaged. From players respective for sure.

They are always playing with rouge or priest so it is going to hit with their slow cc stun

you should be lucky to get a small map to los

The issue is getting deleted in few seconds without having the chance to react. To make warriors do big numbers they will need to nerf down the bleeding or just remove it and then again, A lot of warrior will comeback and be complaining for their damage being really an underdog. It is when they see their total dmg from the fights where they get rooted or need to run alot to the targets sinks down.

Blizzard wont be able to make warrior engaging their targets very often if their damage is going to do really big damage. I mean they can if they ignored the pvp aspect of the game. So complaining about why dont you make our class broken as from what i have seen from others doesnt make any sense as an argument for them.

Thats their issue ,suggest a solution that doesnt impact both pve and pvp and makes the majority to seem okay with the other classes.