The DH problem

There is nothing wrong with glide and double jump even 2 charge fel rush. Mages have double blink , warriors can charge and leap monks do weird anime thing , locks gate etc. The problem is some classes don’t have any mobility. Make them more mobile , don’t take away what’s fun. I felt like overweight 40 y.o man when i play my dk and ret.


When you main healer or tank


Im for that!

Rubs hands in warlocc

Although it would probably fit dk

I thought your strength was [Insert f**king anything here]

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Demon Hunters are quite rightly balanced concerning their lore.

They’ve pretty much had the hardest and toughest training from all other classes, and you’re basically fighting 2 entities when you fight a dh (the dh and the demon within).

The demon hunter itself is a formidable opponent to begin with, while the demon within further enhances their lethality. Using chaos as the main form of damage it is no wonder their damage is so high, as chaos effectively cannot be countered (also see wc3 chaos damage, only divine beings take reduced damage from it as they are beings of pure Order, while chaos is Disorder).

Concerning your balancing suggestions, you may come to regret them. As making them squishier would only give blizzard incentive to make them even more lethal in order to uphold the class lore and fantasy.

At the very least, DHs, if left unchanged, will see large nerfs in shadowlands due to losing their azerite traits and essences as well as corruptions, from which they gave greater advantage than other classes due to their haste attribute and how they normally reach over 100% haste regularly.

They can blur and get that dodge because they normally fight without armor for maximum agility, they can heal particularly well due to their lore status as well though.

All in all, you WILL get the nerfs you keep crying about, only, in quite a few months when SL is released. Otherwise, do check the alpha builds to see what’s up with the classes.

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… lol…


pretty sure that started back in legion. and never ended

hurdur i press 3 buttons not 2!!!

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i’m legit in tears


ok i’m sorry but this is just way too funny. dhs are strong cause you fight ~tWO eNtiTIes~ the Dh & ~tHE dEmON wiTHiN~.

bro that’s so cringe i’m laughing so hard.


:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:


I mean sure, it shouldn’t have ever been a Dh buff to begin with

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I enjoy the pace of nerf DH threads popping up even in GD forums.

keep em coming maybe in some years they’re getting their deserved nerf


It comes a week faster for every DH in the top rankings and is delayed by a week for every complaint thread made.

The sad part is that you seem to believe this. My condolences.


If wego by lore, then you wouldn’t be able to kill death knights at all unless you paladin. Since 1st death knights are already dead, and 2nd they would resurrect your ex-wife and you just cannot beat your ex in a fair-(s)word-fight!

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Why bother explaining to players that have more interest of whining on forum instead of actually trying learn how they work.

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So basically you want to other spoil peoples fun then? What do you want Blizzard to do buff Death Knights to DH level and completely gutter DH instead?
This is why we can’t have nice things…


Learning what? There are not many counters to DHs, but that’s fine. Like that other hero class, DH will end up eating crap as well. It’s inevitable.

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A Rogue is probably the class that reminds most of a DH so it shouldn’t take you long to see what they lack and have compared to your character if you rolled one.

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I think it might be an issue, you can literally cheese yourself out of otherwise deadly encounters or falls. And even nullify some encounters abilities.

Heroic leap and charge yeah, but Heroic leap is on a 40-45 sec CD.
Charge is restricted to having to have an enemy selected, we have no such restrictions.

Blink is also on a very long CD and takes up a talent for double charge. Not to mention mages have to be basically static to perform.

Our mobility is a large part of why we can perform like we do.

A good nerf to that will make us have to pre plan a bit more. Without actually having to touch too much on our sustainability.

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Thats the problem perhaps - that people understand how they do work and this silly “but they are fine” does not fly ?

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