the whole point of this post is that the dinar system was a breathing room for those who dont like to raid ! but they probably have to , ( most likely ) since blizzard always puts the best loot in the raid they just need to make it a little easier to obtain and then ppl are gucci they can do raid till they get that 1 item they want then their good to go away and not do the raid , you have to understand RAiding is not EZ gathering 20 ppl around who all share the same goal to kill a boss with 10 - 15 mechanics and 3-4 phases not everyone wants to go tthrough that 6 figure headache
Are the ones pushing 30’s because they have those trinkets, or are they enjoying raiding and getting these items anyway? I mean, you NEED those trinkets when you push 30’s…
We are timing 23’s since we are no pro’s but we also do not raid. It is a bit sad there are so many valuable items for our main content coming from something unenjoyable.
Honestly; i admit i do not know what dinars are and what the system is. It does not seems to be in my game. I will wowhead it later. Not looking forward to do LFR either. But at least then i know what it is.
For someone who is raiding it is probably indeed “just 3 raids”. But to me it is a heavy demand.
It is fine. I never have bis gear anyway. It stays a bit annoying you never get on gearlevel with key pushers. But it is something i have accepted.
That’s true.
But I play Arms nonetheless so Jaithys no good and the ID axe is actually prety good aswell, Crit Haste is yummie.
Ofcourse not Gavel level good, but still…
(Warrior’s dont get invited in push groups anyway )
For example, Monks don’t get gavel.
What do they get?
“I didn’t like it, therefore the entire system was a failure!” Great take, honestly. Nearly 6k posts and you still can’t found an opinion correctly like an adult - rather shocking.
Objectively speaking, it was a success - everyone I have spoken to in my communities has loved being able to target their loot and the progress thereafter taking a smaller amount of time: 30 → 15 → 5, it was refreshing. Subjectively, they are trying to make raiding more impactful to the game’s PvE environment and I personally raid either way but I can see why some players would get frustrated at it.