The Dinar System Was A Success!

My druid is using two M+ trinkets, even though I could get raid trinkets with dinar. The M+ ones sim higher.

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This has always been the case and its perfectly fine. You dont need utltra-giga bis unless you are doing very high keys in which case you should have to do both content to a simliar level to be compettive. Allowing raids to be accessible to most people and invectives like this is good even for M+ players and vis-versa since M+/raiding are both pve and are balanced by the same stuff to some extent

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The dinar system is a must!
Allow players to accumulate currency from doing dungeon & raid activities and then purchase a specific-gear piece they wanted. No more RNG!

i like the dinar system…in this way i got my tank trinkets und weapons i need…and as tank you get the weapons last in generall, if you are able to trade.

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How was that forced raiding? You need to take a chill pill with the raid hate.

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It could be cool if M+ had a similar shop for doing +20s or +25s even, but only M+ items.
+19s and below would be just to easy for ppl, since it is spammable content.
No need to have the BiS items for +20s either, so it is a doable but not to easy treshhold.

Ppl would be instantly geared out in a matter of days if M+ had acess to this raid shop.
For raiding now it takes atleast 6 weeks.

Would be cool indeed. Would also solve the ‘issue’ of people having to grind the same trinket per season. So we can have a bigger dungeon pool but the same for the whole expansion.

Obviously the M+ level depends completely on the scaling. The current +25 is the same as +20 in s1 in Shadowlands (or even lower in s1 of BFA).

Was it? I only read the nonsensical complain about master loot…
And that the dinar system solves that issue.

Not sure what one has to do with the other…

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“toxic positivity”

lol mankind is doomed :sweat_smile:

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God. “Son… what are they fighting about now?”
Jesus “Umm… lemme check Dad… Oh it’s a videogame…”
"God “oh for the love of…” turns on taps for another 40 day flood


Just when I thought this forum has no Soul tonight.

Nearly didn’t lol… 14 hour shift, im on my second wind and trying to make myself tired. And I was trying to find the post that got flagged and removed, can’t see a trace of it. Oh well.

Here’s my view on it:

1 Remove dinars and just use the existing Valor currency. It will be timegated in normal season so there is limited amount per week you can get, just like dinars.
2 Make it so you can buy any raid items and m+ items with this currency. Adjust prices accordingly. M+ only players can buy raid items, raid only players can buy m+ items.
3 Add some sort of raid score that correlates mythic score. Certain score allows you to upgrade your items to appropriate level. Myhtic players with mythic score of X can upgrade their raiding items to the heroic/mythic level too.
Match the score and difficulty appropriately. For example make it so you need to clear all m+ on 25 to be able to upgrade to mythic level, and for the last boss items you would need everything on average +27 to upgrade to final mythic level. And vice versa for raiders.

This way raiders will get all their items they want, mythic players will get all their items they want and everyone will be happy

I mean, he did call you an ogre warrior. While a little bit racist to misidentify you as an ogre, you are in fact an orc warrior

Yes yes yes plzz :slight_smile: thats exactly what needs to happen , good idea brownie point there

But how are we going to upgrade our items?
If we are valor capped and have to spend on items, we will be lacking the valor to upgrade our items.

This wouldn’t work…
Raiders will want the option to buy raid items aswell, vise-versa for M+ players.
I myself have been countless off runs SoW without necklace, but also was 13 weeks without OWS in S2.
If you add a shop accessable for both, M+ players will always benefit, making raiding EVEN MORE obsolete.

This will heavily influence raiding aswell.
As most ppl that push high keys do some sort off raiding themselfs, they’re going to be Mythic ilvl and BiS geared super super quick.
(Which is what Blizzard prevents, to keep ppl playing)

Which is exactly why they should make it much more rewarding.

Yes, that’s the point. It has nothing to do with what people actually “like” to do, for the most part it’s just a question of what’s the best way of gearing your char.

If anybody thinks most people actually ENJOY Mythic+ more than raiding, they are very delusionnal.

Nerf M+ loot and magically 75% of the people spamming M+ don’t “like it” anymore.

Sure thing.

But first they need to heavily nerf M+ as to move away from this mentality that “we created this hamster weel, so we will make it a loot pinata and you have to do those dungeons multiple times every single week”.

Or having to spam M+ to actually do raid progression, otherwise you’ll be so left behind in terms of ilvl that no decent group will ever want you.

Come on now, you can literally complete this quest with LFR.

The biggest “demand” is to wait until the end of the queue for the LFR to actually proc. Or just tag into a normal raid and blast throught it.

Refusing to do that would be like me pushing my dislike of M+ so hard that I refuse to even do one key for a weekly chest.

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The raids are boring though.

No, the game doesn’t need to lean even more into the “Raid or die” approach. The game needs to be accessible without having to schedule your playtime constantly to progress in it.

That’s subjective and pretty irrelevant.

You don’t get to obtain rewards from content you don’t do just because you consider it “boring”.

I don’t like arenas so I don’t get PvP mounts, be it sadle or gladiator mounts. That’s how it is.

“Even more”? We are already at a point where raids are mostly irrelevants. It’s M+ or die since Legion.

It is. Getting a few pieces of BIS gear is way beyond the game being “accessible”. That’s something only a handfull of hardcore try-harder actually care about.

And you can literally get them throught LFR now. Which is as accessible as you can get and doesn’t require any scheduling.

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