The Dinar System Was A Success!

My guild couldnt finish normal sanctum this week. But is smashing 15’s :man_shrugging:

Groups I’ve joined on heroic can’t even get past tarragrue, lmao.

“hurdihurr, what’s fear?”

Absolute clowns.

I don’t think it makes it “harder”. You are not challenged in any way, you can sit there and wait till all those… “others” figure out what to do.

It can take time, okay, I’ll give you that. But you won’t use your brain more than you need to for gathering plants…



Just wanted to say…
The argument goes both ways.
Dinar was only an experiment for a PvE shop.
As an experiment it was a success.

M+ ppl need to raid, raiders need to do M+.
That is just how it goes atm…

Thats why I said earlier.

It cover’s both content types.
With a seperate shop.

20s aren’t particularly challenging either, it’s all too often down to other people being pepegas or not, just like LFR. Like my +21 upper kara would have had several minutes left on it if a certain dps didn’t decide to wipe us on medivh by moving with flame wreathe.


This is the state of ~15’s.

I don’t even know what to do perfectly on that fight.
I never did SoD in s2, but I manage :person_shrugging: .
That’s how simple HC I guess lmao

What am I supposed to see here?

Your 3 hours of a single +15.
I am not excusing myself for not even having a that low key done. This 17 is my lowest.

It was 6-7-8 runs though :sob: .
It was a total disaster that day.
It littarly made me give up on season 4.
I hate recycled old content, this season just gave me another reason to hate it even more…

I completely hate this season too, so there we agree. I am not logging in anymore till my group wants to do some M+. But the dungeonpool couldn’t be more crap like this season. It is that i like playing together with my friends. But it also means i am opening my vault on saturday since i am not logging in earlier.

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Imagine having friends!
Didn’t RDF destroy the entire Social aspect?
According to classic players atleast :rofl:

Imagine having a vault! :rofl:

I am exclusivly leveling characters now to prepare for DF :person_shrugging:

by doing what exacly ? you can craft ilvl 300 gear in level 61 anyway.
so doing seasion 4 is a waste of time :stuck_out_tongue:

Not sure what RDF means. But i understood this game is something you play with other people, so i searched for communities. Played a lot. Made friends.

If it’s about me leveling alts it is to prepare for all different Proffesions, to create BoEs and gather mats.
Also so I have unlimited choice off what class I will be playing. As it is looking Arms Warrior is scuffed again in DF, so need to look for a different class.

EDIT: Oops didn’t read your edit lmao.
Ppl can still play season 4 despite gear you receive in DF…You don’t live in the future, you live in the present! If ppl are enjoying gearing up etc, why stop them?

Random Dungeon Finder (aka the I menu)

its interesting reading this thread.

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It only got better because you are intresting aswell :thinking:

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If u could get dinars in open world count me in, not going to sit custom for hours just to raid.

They should give dinars for reaching level 60.
Am I doing this correctly?

I’m sure as hell not bothering with professions while lvling.