The Ebonsworn - Old Thread

Death is merely the beginning upon a new path, that the Highlord taught us after the will of the Lich King were shattered and we vow to destroy the very being who shackled us to chains beneath his maddening will.

After the Lich King was defeated, because that is all he were… Defeated. He still lives on by his twisted crown that now rests upon another and his legacy that he bestowed upon us, his Knights of the Ebon Blade no matter how much we deny it.

When the Burning Legion threatened our world with chaos and destruction we, Knights of the Ebon Blade took on us the duty as Protector of Azeroth and by our twisted yet powerful magic used upon the battlefield against the endless masses of demons we stood victorious and saw the demonic invasion to an end by the combined might of Azeroth’s forces.

Now we stand at the brink of destruction once more by the never ending conflict between the Horde and the Alliance with their warfare turned to whole different level by the usage of Azerite that spreading across all of Azeroth.

We, the Knights of the Ebon Blade must once more step in to secure this world and see the threats of the world to a end as we are the deadliest of tools to vanquish these foes at hand.

Heed the Call of the Ebon Blade once more Death Knights, the situation is dire and we must act once more!

Basic Information:

  • Guild name: The Ebonsworn
  • Website: & Discord Server.
  • Faction: The Alliance
  • Type: Ebon Blade, mainly focused on Death Knights but accept few other roles.
  • Guild leader: Angelus
  • Base of Operation: Acherus: The Ebon Hold and other Ebon settlements.

The Ebonsworn is an acting unit within the Ebon Blade to act out as its Will and Strength, Angelus has been granted the rank ‘‘Commander’’ which he only holds within the said unit and commands only those who are part of the unit.

We will observe the faction war and interfare where we see fit to protect Azeroth, we are currently not fond of the Banshee Queen who threatens the world and acting more and more like the Lich King did but we will act with caution to avoid any major conflicts between the factions.

We also will act out towards any threats who also threatens the world such as Old God forces, Queen Azshara and her incoming Nagas, Demon remnants, Arthas’ fanatics, Scarlet remnants and the list goes on and on.


  • Ebon Commander (Leader)

    • Main Leader
  • Ebon Overseer (Officer)

    • Officer of the Knighthood
  • Ebon Champion (Rare Elite)

    • Rare Elite Death Knight of the Knighthood
  • Ebon Deathreaver (Elite)

    • Elite Death Knight of the Knighthood
  • Ebon Ravager (Member)

    • Middle Rank for Death Knights
  • Deathsworn (Elite)

    • Elite Non-Death Knight of the Knighthood
  • Ebon Knight (Initiate)

    • Starting Rank for Death Knight
  • Initiate (Specific)

    • Rank for raised Death Knights (Specific rank)
  • Follower (Initiate)

    • Starting rank for Non-Death Knights

What we are looking for: We’re looking for Ebon Blade members which consist mainly of Death Knights but we are open to other roles such as

Dark Rangers. (Both High/Blood Elves and Night Elves both Male and Female)
Meatwagon Drivers (A role in near future)

The list may be updated with more roles in the near future and these roles require specific backgrounds to suit into the story so do not hesitate to contact us if you feel like you’ve a concept that could work within the Ebon Blade.

  • Rules:
    We have standard rules when it comes to the guild but several important ones would be following.

    • Activity:
      We do not demand you to be extremely active due to we are a guild who respect people have lives outside the game and we are adjusting ourselves after that but we expect communication between all members to inform us how your activity will be and if you’ve to be offline over a longer period we accept being informed.

    • Uniform: We do not use any uniforms we only require people while on guild activities to wear the Ebon Blade Tabard to represent the order. Initiates also have a month period of time when they must wear basic set and weapon as part of their story being risen to learn but once promoted to Knight they will be allowed their own armor and weapon.

    • Metagaming: We do not tolerate Metagaming within the guild. Your character may have a bit knowledge in history and alike because they read a lot but we do not want people who knows everything within Azeroth nor hear how you take Out of Character information into In Character from other sources. It will give you a warning and if continued, kicked.

    • Godemoting: We do not tolerate Godemoting due to our most important task in World of Warcraft is the make it enjoyable for all parties and Godemoting ruins a lot of joy. We accept some people may be new to the game and we will help you learn how to emote properly but if you’re warned and continue to Godemote you will be kicked from the guild.

    • Guild Manners: You have been accepted into our guild and we expected you to respect that what you do now will affect our name tag. Always treat your fellow Guild Members with respect and other players on the server while being under our roof. If you’re caught breaking our rules and ruining our guild reputation you may be warned but can also receive a kick right away if proof is given and depending on the case

Just want to add that the thread will be updated with more details the coming days!


So was Naz Kahet retconned for you to reinstate (again) your character in Ebon Blade or what’s happening? Cause I honestly lost count.

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I started up The Naz kahet back in Cataclysm to serve as Alliance Death Knight order within the Alliance but the overall interest in the Alliance side of Death Knight RP as Faction Loyalists wasn’t enough.

Whenever approached by people curious about the guild they always declined when we clarified that we were not Ebon Blade guild.

The concept worked well during Cataclysm and early WoD when the Ebon Blade had no further progression but ever since Legion no one really want to RP actively as a non-Ebon Blade Death Knight so the guild sat down together with few others who wanted to RP actively as Ebon Blade members and we decided to change the road before we settled down too deep.

I personally would’ve loved to carry on the Alliance loyalists but sadly we adjust to the new situation and the Ebon Blade offers great opportunities as well.

As for the story it isn’t retconned, Angelus were active in the faction war but felt like the Alliance focused on wrong areas to deal with Sylvanas and decided after the Battle for Dazar’Alor to step away from the faction war and focus from the Ebon Blade perspective.

Also Angelus did rejoin the Ebon Blade during Legion to focus on the threat at hand so there have never been any retcon going on only situations where he took actions that was necessary at the current situation.


This looks really interesting!

Once I’ve found my feet on Lamortia abit, and gotten her to a decent level, I’ll drop you a message in-game.

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Happy to see more DKs around. I remember being so hyped for them but the RP lacking, and then there was none.

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Thanks all for the interest and I hope to encounter some of you guys either IC just in random encounters or soon in the guild!

Tonight the Ebonsworn will receieve a report of a Northrend with problems which our upcoming events will be about dealing with the local issues!

So if you’re interested in joining or to get to know us guys do not hesitate to come by the Eastern Plaguelands below Acherus tonight!


The Ebonsworn are still looking for Ebon Knights or followers from the ranks of various undeads.

The Unit has decided on the next course of action and will head out soon to deal with the naga in the Crystalsong Forest and later on to deal with other interesting threats in various regions of Northrend.

So anyone who wishes to come aboard and participate in some good Death Knight RP is more than welcome!


I bump this in the name of occult science!

And The Ebonwatch do look for new knights, be it a fresh new squire or hardent veteran ready to fight for the lic- EBON BLADE!


Oh hi mark…

Mark is good, Ebonsworn is good, recommended!


The Ebonsworn is available at Acherus: The Ebon Hold (Eastern Plaguelands) tonight.

We are going to inspect our equipment and hold some minor sparring to prepare for our mission in Northrend soon!

So do not hesitate to join our crusade against evil!


Define “evil”.

Anything but us.

Also, we are traveling to northrend soon to hunt ourselves some invading nagas. You ever wanted to raise a mean serpent? :wink:


Fite me hsssss

You will bend the knee to the one true king or perish

ps: your still cool!

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The Ebonsworn is looking into ways to reinforce the Scarlet Enclave as their settlement in the Plaguelands now with the Acherus: The Ebon Hold absent from the location.

Local threats, be aware of our presence and be prepared to face our wrath!

PS: We’re still recruiting!


Not sure if that was a threat or an advertisement.

Guess i’ll have to ask Traeich to cleanse our place from Ebon filth


Do feel free to swing by, we could always need new fresh corpses for labour.

Can you please send us a list with names of all the Scarlets stopping by so I can send them back personalized arrows? :stuck_out_tongue:

The only things that’ll swing will be your decayed corpse upon the trees of Havenshire