The edge of quitting - Please can we have solo queue

Feel like I’m flogging a dead horse here but for the love of god can we please have solo queue?

I skipped out on BFA after the first patch for obvious reasons and returning in Shadowlands felt like a breath of fresh air. I was really enjoying the content and pacing and loved the new PvP gearing system (although I think individual pieces of gear should have been tied to rating instead of the entire gear level up at 1400/1800 etc.).

I started my journey this expansion playing disc priest and got up to around 1630 whilst learning to heal (my hayday was way back in wotlk).

Despite the crazy burst, broken seed, convoke, rogues and the myriad of other issues we can usually expect in the first season, I was enjoying the experience and was having a lot of fun…

When I could actually play the game…

My arena partner is an irl friend and we’ve played together on and off for many years. I went in as a healer this time and he went dps until he flpped the switch and was determined to go healer as usual. I rerolled to WW as I had played it in Legion and began the process of regearing a couple of weeks ago up to ilvl204 where I’m sitting now.

Now on my priest, I was able to easily get into RBG groups and get LFG teams but coming in on a now undergeared WW has been a complete nightmare. I feel like a lepper and not a single group will touch me. I went to the effort of gearing up and spent a ton of gold on an Ardent Ring to try and push my gear level up but I’m effectively stuck at this point and unable to ‘test’ my new power.

When he’s offline I basically can’t play the game without spending hours in the LFG system and rolling the dice on the W/L I’m going to get. I know many people will say ‘well you shouldn’t base your gametime around your friend’ which is a valid point, but I’m sure most would agree that you want to save your rating for when your main partner is actually playing, rather than tanking it with randoms and having to go over old ground to get back to where you were.

I don’t want to do M+ or raid, I just want to competitevly play PvP and I think if I do another epic or normal BG I’ll literally quit the game. I’m so bored of sitting in Oribos in the LFG or mashing pointless skirmish games, the whole thing is just demoralising when all I want to do is actually play rated content without having to spend hours finding new people to play with.

There is no reason we can’t have a solo queue. Even if it was a complete mess, it would just be something to pass the time and progress at. I’ve looked this up and solo queue systems are even implemented on some private servers, so why can’t we just have one here?

It’s disheartening because of all of SL S1 flaws, I was actually enjoying playing and was having a good time. But now on my reroll, things have just got boring and I feel like quitting until some kind of solo queue (if one ever comes) is implemented.

If we want completely group orientated experience we have Classic. Please Blizz read the room. Most of us are pushing 30 and just want to be able to play the game. There are plenty of talking heads who have given suggestions on how this can be implemented whether you went down the 3v3 route with healer/rdps/mdps or even rated 2s skirmish would be better than nothing. I just need space to practise and get better at my class

I hate being one of those moany topic posters raising my pitchfork and taking to the forums but I just wanted somewhere to dump my frustrations.

Surely it isn’t just me?


I liked this post before even reading the wall of text.


Because >>> GIVE US SOLO QUEUE <<<


Amen friend.


Whats Soloque gonna fix exactly?

Its gonna pair you up with sub-par compositions where at best Rogue and Mage have an insane advantage a lot more often than not.


Honestly I think that solo Q could be a real skill measurment if they do it remotely right. Don’t let r1 players que in a party, dont let S+ tier comps to get matched and we should be fine




You can log in and start playing immediately. Will it be completely balanced? No. Will you sometimes get to play vs comps that just destroy you? Yes. Is anyone expecting it to be 100 % balanced and fair every game? No.

You can log in, and you can start playing. No LFG, no need to find somebody to play with on a regular basis.

This is what we want:


I don’t want solo q.


If theres a solo q i would start playing arenas. Or rbg’s. But blizzard dont care about us forums, much less eu forums. :smiley:


People are just gonna leave if their composition is sh*t meanwhile the enemy gets the rng of the gods as RMP.

My spec as Havoc has pretty much only one to two viable comps. What are specs like Feral or Survival gonna do?

Solo que does not work with this Game. Its no CS, its no League. Its an MMORPG where you decide yourself on one character to que.

Not sure why no one understands this.

Plus, the toxicity of this Game would go beyond its peak when you dont even have to bother signing up anymore.


nah no soloq pls


skill measurement is 10 vs 10?

who’s skill,yours? where you depend on 9 another players to win…

Ask any 2500 player,they all will tell you same thing.

You cant just group up with anyone and win rbg’s

It would be pure gamble who do you get on your team,and who ally got on theirs.

Imagine getting 2 healer monks and holy priest,vs 2 holy palas and on disc priest?Game would be instantly lost.

You neeed specific comps to win games over 2200 and i know,because my guild plays at 2400-2900

Solo rated queue = no skill involved.Its all about luck who both teams got on their sides.

SOLO QUEUE would not work not in wow,because there are few specs that are trash atm.

Imagine getting arcane mage in your group,or demo lock,who decided to try out his build for ‘‘fun’’ or mw monk,enha shaman,fury warrior…

Solo queue would never work.

  • If you leave you get the deserter debuff, same as random bgs.
  • You will be playing against other non-viable comps. You can play any specc and be ranked as the top player for that specc instead of it all being the same 3 or 4 classes that happen to be OP right at that arena season.
  • Nobody is holding a gun to your head forcing you to solo queue. Continue just playing ranked teams if you want to. I don’t raid but I don’t mind raids being in the game.

Now you can literally control outcome of your games,if u use brain.

Every serious team has 2 disc priests,1 holy pala,dh tank,2 boomkins,rogue,mage.That’s 8 classes you see in literally every single game.

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All of it is explained in the video. The best players in the world have been asking for solo queue for years. There’s no reason for us not to have it. Get rid of skirmish and implement solo queue.


Just look at random bg’s.You would be getting exact same people in rated bg’s.YOU cant force at least one player out of 40 in av,to stay inside bunker in ally base.You spend whole game begging people to stay inside bunkers,20 yards away from them,but no,they would rather afk infront of Vandar’s hall and wait for bunkers to burn on their own.

Same goes for every other bg.People not defending bases,spreading all over the map,doing nothing literally,while stealthers are taking stuff,solo.

All it takes is 2 people out of 15 (eots example) to go back and kill 20 k hp druid,but people ignore and don’t care.

Why do you think you would be getting better players in rbg’s?

Out of milions people,you would be getting people like that most of the time,because most people are like that.

TO rank1 players it doesn’t matter.They know with their mmr they would be getting equally skilled players in their groups + rbg is nothing to them,they play it to have fun and relax,because their main objective is 3’s.

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Its gonna pair you up with sub-par compositions

If everyone is going to be paired with sub par composition, you will mostly be facing sub-par compos.


… Do you understand what rating is? Also, there are no 40-man rated bgs. You have no clue what you’re talking about. Post on your main or shush.


In 2v2 and rbgs im all in. In 3v3 its not good idea imo.

tbf I don’t get people that say they don’t want solo queue. each to their own all and fair but you can just continue to normally push the desperate 2s or 3s ladder like you’re doing now. there is no apparent downside to implementing a seperated solo queue system.
to prevent all too bad comps you could implement a blacklist system that allows you to ban 2 or 3 classes or specs that you don’t want to be matched with. simple as that

sitting around in the capital has become one of the main activities after some time in the season UNLESS you play a healer or you’re one of the fortunate few that found a solid and steady team to queue with