The edge of quitting - Please can we have solo queue

Oh okay :smiley:

I have no problem with Soloqueue at all.

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Im quitting because Im spending 95% of my time in LFG and 5% in arenas. I wont come back to the game ever, unless soloque is implemented.

I completely understand you. While my team mates are offline I can’t do ANYTHING to help my progress. I play skirms, but I’m honor capped already and because of that useless conquest cap I can’t even test holy, since it’s crit/vers and I’m full haste/vers. I keep facing people with 40k hp, while I have 34k so every few matches I’m stomped.

Currently I’m so burned out of PvP. Why bother trying if in few minutes I’m gonna face fire/sub/arms/ww/ele/affli again and my win condition is “pls conduit proc and then templar verdict crit”?

I don’t need solo que. My main is a DK target caller and I’ve been playing over 2K since MOP, I get whispers to join people’s rbgs every time I log on my DK.

HOWEVER this is not the experience most people have, specially if they aren’t comfortable being a TC/Leader. I would rather see solo que implemented the. Pvp dying, let’s face it, the only reason people are playing rbgs again is for the 1800 220 gear. If you’re genuinely passionate about wow pvp you should encourage more people to participate, not put an elitist block on new players joining which will result in a downward spiral and eventually death of the game

so here is my problem atm…

I have a 2kcr rogue in rbgs and a 1800 ret in all brackets. im a strictly pvp player and i enjoy pvp immensely.The HUGE problem atm for me is i literally have to spend hours upon hours in lfg just to find a team or 2 people to play arenas with which will last about 30-40 mins depending if we win or lose.Then if the rbg grp disbands ( which btw took at least an hour to make) i have to go all over it again. And i find myself rarely log in lately.I log in check the lfg ,stay about an hour , find a team, win = keep playing, lose= people instaleave and gg.

i am SICK AND TIRED OF LOOKING AT THE LFG TAB.Solo queue would be amazing.i could at least play the game and i ddnt have to face every mong asking for 2.4k xp at 1500 cr. Game would be diverse and guess what? you will actually play vs diverse comps.And keep them seperate if u have to i dont care.the majority will play soloq arenas ,noone will have nightmares facing the same and same boring comps all over again full of fotms and condemn warriors in 2s.Arenas atm are NOT fun and the main thing that makes them not fun is that absurd and timegating lfg tool.

Oh and btw Blizzard at least if u dont wanna implement a soloQ , at least add a more fancy lfg and a minigame in it so at least i have something to do other that staring at the lfg

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Even if u win at RBG people leaving. Yesterday i was in LFG ~3.5 hrs, first 2 there was 0 teams at 1700-1900 or find someone specific rogue/booming or healer, than decline or ignore. When i find after sitting alsmot 4 hrs i’m literally phisically tired. 1-st game we won -1 player quit team, 2-nd win in a row - 4 players quit. I quit too, coz can’t waiting and need to do some IRL stuff.
Solo q is needed.

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SoloQ is needed!!!

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Guys, just do what i did.

I am literally just doing the daily covenant quests with 6 alts, mission tables and that’s it. And I gather herbs and mines while doing the quests. Result? Almost 500k gold in a month. I buy 1 token and the rest becomes a Blizzard balance.

This takes like 2 hours on 6 alts.

I have around 6 hours of free-time in weekdays. For the remaining 4 hours, i am just playing GW2. A decent game, unlike this sht storm.


oh wow that sure sounds like fun lmao

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bump every soloq

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Bump for SoloQ

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What?! You dont enjoy spending time trying to fit into the rbg/arenas and meet up with people expecting you to be overgeared and with the “right” covenant (Ion waves his hand and says something about meaningful choice)? You want to actually play the game? Ridiculous!
Buy an ox and shush. You players always whine and whine to no end. Its really hard to implement all these systems you are asking for, you know? Speaking of systems, we made this cool soulbinds one…

I honestly think you overexaggerate with “50% of games are vs glad boosters”, but i cannot argue with “first game is loss? leave!”, i do it myself often, but mostly because i find out that people who i am in rbg with are not even fully pvp geared and were not checked by a leader. Other than that its really alienation which plays its part in the whole “if we lose i leave”.

I actually hope not alot. My experience is not the same as yours and i hope you will have a better time, and REALLY hope any of that boosting and other annoyances will go away soon enough.

Please add solo Q, I hate LFG … LFG is toxic!!

Solo Q rbgs would be more fun indeed with different comps every game

the game would still require to be balanced regularly what blizzard is failing to do right now, and you will face metacomps much less than currently where you face metacomps all the time, because people will not fotm reroll as much and just play what they like knowing they CAN play it in rated and not just being rejected all the time due to not being fotm. actually, “balance” of the game should stay totally the same as it is in teamq just with actually PLAYING the game and not waiting or playing 1 crappy boring comp with 1 boring guy that works for you…and ofc, if you have a horrible experience playing soloq, just DO NOT PLAY IT. 99% of the rest of us that want to play it will.

Rpg? Wow? Sorry, what? You are separated from the rest of the world for the duration of a battleground. And will have a very low chance of meeting up with people you have faced on arena/bg match, both as your teammates and your enemies. Roleplaying is nothing without the immersion, and bgs are designed to ruin immersion. Wow pvp doesnt have anything to do with roleplaying since all your roleplay consists of killing the enemy with differently colored spells or attacks.

Hey mate i have the same problems. Hoop thay read it and do somting whit it.

Noooo you cant be pro-soloq you just want to be boosted! Reee!

Wonder why those who are against soloqueue are ignoring your post huh.