Well, it’d certainly get rid of the spam of stuff you don’t care about, but it might backfire since obviously there are some people who does compromise and invites what they weren’t looking for to begin with.
I suggest you read - Just a thought I had, that would mitigate some engagement issues with the group finder
that though.
It’s not high rating but I got Duelist in all seasons of BfA.
At the moment I am not trying to push at all, because it takes too much time to find a healer to play with me, as a Demo Lock. Because; prejudice. Like I did in BfA, i can still hit 2.2k with my Demo but I am not going to go through what i did in BfA; trying to convince healers that Demo can climb and win games to a certain degree.
A solo queue system would do wonders. I can log in, do nothing else and hit the que button and play games.
I read abit of of your comments and you are providing absolutely no legit reason as to why solo que would be bad for you or for the game itself. It would basically save time. You wanna duo with people and play together through premade? Sure, go ahead and do it. Nobody is asking for the abolishment of this system. But not sure how a solo que system, in addition to this, is going to negatively affect that experience of yours, i absolutely have no idea.
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Haha <3 now answer all the guys with 2800-3000 rating who want solo queue. Do they want to be carried as well?
Also, you’re simply put too dumb to understand what rating means. I couldn’t possibly be carried in solo queue due to the nature of it but your peanut brain seems incapable of understanding how rating works.
I have a life outside of wow. I don’t sit and play video games every day. I know that might be difficult for some people to understand but there’s a life outside of the glow of your computer screen.
You’ve don’t even play arena. Why get your panties up in a twist over a part of the game that you don’t even participate in?
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Game is dying for casual pvpers:
https: // imgur.c0m /a/ selGkNm
(remove the spaces and change 0 to o).
If you don’t want to see the image, is basically “xx has left the group”, and lines like “This is awful sorry”, “Time to find another game”, “yeah me too I think I ran out of things to do”, “xx has left the group”.
This is usually how the chat goes while looking for group. People are so demotivated and all they want to do is to play really. But a lot of mechanisms prevent us. Can’t improve gear, because lack of rating or exp. Can’t get rating/exp due to lack of gear. It’s all about “post your exp, rio, mmr, achives etc.”
Edit: Aaaand that’s it. I hope you all eventually find fun in some form in this game. I just had my “last drop”. Was sitting more in LFG and was matched against a team with 10k more HP. Couldn’t even make a dent in the healer. The group turned on itself and flaming started again… Then I realized it’s designed to be all about high gear disparity, to feed the wheel of token buying and boosting services.
“Your subscription expires on Sunday, February 28. Click to add more”. No I don’t think so.
Just what I did, but a little toned down 
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List of fixes:
-Low skill meta setups wont be a thing in evry game
-People will play the game instead of looking into LFG table
-It resolve gruesome process to form group
-Anyone will have opportunity to shine not only few meta classes
-Premade vs randoms issue wont be present
-Its rated
-It shoud exist in form Solo/duo (so you can que alone or with 1 trusted friend anything above duo is “premade” whcih cannot be allowed to fight in random enviroment)
-It will be mega fun
Challange to blizzard: make good formula to calculate ratting there since even best players who play it will have at most 55% win ratio there, so they will need to pull ratting from that small margin, piece of cake for good matchematican
Im gonna post here what i posted in other topics about the state of the game. Dont like Wow atm? Quit it! A lot of people already did so… How do i know? Just check the prices on tokens, its at 170k and its only going to increase. Come join me on GTA or Red Dead. This is by far the worst expansion ever in my opinion. Warlords was a masterpiece compared to this garbage of a game right now. I will probably return when Ioi and its team of devs are sacked.
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you can do just that with LFG and have games in minutes. it is what i have been doing on my fresh alts and never failed to get a game going in less than one minute of search. sitting in LFG for a long time is certainly not a thing at lower ratings.
The only way to get rating is by becoming a better player. Staying 95% of your gametime in LFG and 5% in arenas is not the solution.
Sadly some Specs arent very versatile. For example as WW I do not wantto play with a DPs because I am squishy as hell and 90% of the times, you cant just go in and burst something. There are so many cds/immunities to burn through, that you just die all the time.
As War I also would not want to Queue without a healer.
However as Ret/Feral/Moonkin/Shadow I can play with another dps way easier and with less problems than WW or War for example. (peels + offheals)
And everytime I open a group where I ask for a healer, then i see a Mage a DK some Legolas Hunter etc. in my queue.
Can pls stop with solo que for 3v3? Why would anybody want to play this? Also haters pls stop using it as argument againts solo que.
Solo que in bgs and 2v2 or bring 5v5 back. How this would harm elitist only caring about 3v3? Yeah it wouldnt .
Just make it easier to went pvp and if you like it you can join royal bracket 3v3. I think it will benefit everybody.
So find a healer? I mean nobody forcing you to using soloque
i love soloqueue and its necessary but as U said only for 2vs2 and Battlegorunds 
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No s**t Sherlock?
As if thats so easy… have you ever checked the Arenateam Search function on Alliance?
Also Healers play mainly with the most meta stuff. Even if WW is decent, healers always pick a warrior over WW because it needs way less effort and skill by them to keep the team alive.
Add on top the fact that I have only 202 Ilvl and there you have your struggle.
When I open a Party searching for a Heal, it takes around 15 minutes for someone to show up. And than he is completely unexped or leaves after 1 game. (child woke up etc.)
There are just not enough people to play a real session to a certain rating.
The most fun thing is, especially people who really messed up and cause a loss are the ones “GTG-helpingfriend”.
There i stand, waiting the next 15 minutes rinse and repeat!
Bro i misunderstood i thought that you said that as an argument againts slolo que…
The game legit needs solo queue as a seperate ranked ladder. The only (valid) argument that can be used against it - which is splitting up the playerbase - is more or less countered because it will garner more attention to PvP and people will actually have a medium in which they can learn their class, leading to them being more likely to playing constructed ranked. Nothing stopping people from starting to play together after a really successful match of solo queue either.
It seriously needs to happen and it baffles me it hasn’t yet. Pretty much every even remotely competitive game in the world has it by now, except like Apex Legends despite the community asking for it and we know how that went.
It seriously needs to happen and it baffles me it hasn’t yet. Pretty much every even remotely competitive game in the world has it by now, except like Apex Legends despite the community asking for it and we know how that went.
Same here to be honest…
“You think you do but you don’t.”
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You mean 1v1 as a solo q or 2v2 just with a solo q button?Because an 1v1 arena would be really bad in my opnion. The only thing you will see there is ret apaldins, rogs and mages, and priests.
1v1 already has dueling. Doesn’t need a random queue and a ranked one sounds terrible.
2v2 can work but it’d be far too imbalanced, simply because some classes do not work in a 2-dps team against a dps-healer and you can hardly lock out healers from play.
3v3 is where it’s at. 2 dps + 1 healer. Simple as. Almost any setup goes when communication is lacking. Sure, the occasional complete mismatch can happen, but you can’t complain about the classes of your teammates if the player is on your MMR either.
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