The final cinematic

Yeah it’s bad… but I genuinly felt relief seeing the Shadowlands disappear over Icecrown. I felt relief and happiness because this circus is finally over.

Congratulations, you made something so bad that I am genuinly glad we can step away from it.



He wanted to control us all but now he wants to protect the cosmos of am I too old to follow a tiktok story.

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Something… Like that? I don’t know I don’t really care I just want it to be over and done with.

Also… What exactly made Sylvanas change her mind on all of this? He never changed his plans? She knew what he was going to do from the start? What? Seeing 3 people she’s been trying to murder for 2 expansions in chains suddenly made her feel bad?

Get outta here

The final cinematic is as bad as people making new threads about it spoiling the ending for everyone. We already have SPOILER Jailer Cinematic.

But theres still the epic sylvanas book???

Let’s appreciate that for a short while the forum is at least being spammed with something else than war-related threads.

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Hear hear!

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Me vs the jailer/thanos The circle ends here you must be better than this Snaps the bad guy’s neck

felt lil bit wierd, but then again I se shadowlands as more of an side story anyways now, same as mist of pandaria, and wod was, where the real story is in classic, tbc, wrath, cata, legion and bfa (bfa parts not everything)

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