Imagine the SMELL…
For the record. I feel that what’s been said in regards to how the situation was handled is unfair.
A guy put his heart and effort into this guild- Only to have it stained by somebody who ERP’s.
Yeah can’t imagine why it’s upset them.
To make an official statement from our part, which we genuinely tried to avoid all this time, because this is unnecessary drama utterly blown out of proportion and we rather focused on organizing the RP of the First Empire. We as an officer team care for the entire RP community of this server, especially the troll one and so we want this matter closed once and for all.
We need to clarify, no officer has ever been kicked out from the First Empire. The officer in question left on his own volition after he declared that his cooperation with us had come to an end, as he couldn’t work together with our officer team any longer, as regrettable as this was and that IRL happenings would play a risk to his future guild activity anyways. He parted from our project positively and as an appreciated friend, welcomed back any time even though not quite in the same position as previously.
He did a lot, yes, but ultimately it was his decision and never was he kicked from the guild or the community, he was presented with an opportunity to keep his position IC while letting the officer team handle OOC conflicts and matters, which he couldn’t accept.
In the end, this matter was between three RP’ers but due to a series of unfortunate happenings this entire thing has been made public, we are left baffled as for the mention of ERP, since we never had and never will harbor ERP or anything related within our community. Any other claims are just wrong and not backed by any solid proof.
We sincerely hope this clears matters for everyone that was left at confusion and that we are free to return to the organization of our guild now.
What baffles me is that why do you protect one couple that’s obviously in the wrong here so vehemently against somebody who’s wanted to only better the guild from it’s conception?
It either gives the image that you:
a) Condone this sort of behavior
b) Are dishonest about your state
If the former, than big yikes, but if the latter, then big .
What horse do you have in the race? I mean it’s pretty straightforward. If somebody’s caught ERPing or with inappropriate character art in their profile, shouldn’t you take a public stance on it or at the very least have that person leave? (Or be chastised, though I’m unsure how effective telling them not to do it again is).
Yes, at the end of the day, it’s your guild and you choose to run it how you will but it’d be truly sad if the guild got branded/stained from the beginning as a Huojin Guard: Electric Boogaloo: This time it’s Zandalari- edition.
Glad to see a neutral non-statement worthy of any politician and absolute falsehood related to the offended party.
I hope you didn’t take more than 15 minutes cooking that post up.
rocks back and forth and sobs uncontrollably
When is the next First Empire ERP meet? Asking for a friend q|^_^|p
Been wondering myself, but no luck so far
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Can i come with? Asking for myself.
What the fel happened? I didn’t understood any of this.
What is AD’s obsession with what people do in whispers? Was anyone writing smut in /say ?
Not even praying at the shrine of Bwonsamdi can you save you from this sudden death.
use the ` mark around links. Stop putting spaces in links!
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God forbid someone favours their friends.
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Yeah, I’m pretty sure there was no ERP ever involved with these guys when a 15-second long google image search finds the character getting rammed
They’re favouring feet instead.
I’d question your logic if you don’t see this as a problem for a GM, especially if it boils down to the removal of an officer.
You can be as political about it as you want, Ang, but you really left Sangoma no choice in the matter.
Can’t wait for the Surviving Tarokma documentary.