I dunno chief, I’ve yet to ever see witchhunts about things that solely happened on Discord. It’s kinda the one demand people keep making over and over about this kinda stuff, too.
It’s just being ignored because strange people insist on doing it where kiddos can stumble into it.
99% of the time people stumble into it is because one of the two leaked it, which can be done in WoW, discord, teamspeak and even on voice. What I’m saying is that using Discord doesn’t do much to ‘protect the kids’.
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I’m rather certain you have at least one character in the First Empire, why not post on that instead.
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i have absolutely no clue how something that’s done on discord can actually be witch hunted if it never comes to light
the only way it’s even possible is if
a) you fell out with the other person and they’re trying to kamikaze you
b) you did it in a public discord channel in which case you’re very dumb
c) the evil anti-ERP people hacked your account and combed all your dms for ERP drama to leech off
d) an act of god, see above ©
I have two characters, actually. But as i mentioned earlier, i’m a minor, and therefore unable to post on the forums. That’s why i’m using another account.
It’s not an argument, it’s pointing out that his statement is irrelevant. This isn’t about whisper chat being exposed. It’s about the way a moderator was treated when trying to enforce a rule in order to keep up the guild’s public image.
Ironic emoji
Do you ever read people’s TRPs? There’s always several going around in any hub that p directly link to blatantly graphic ‘art’. Those kinda people, and the kinda people that stand naked on top of each other, silently, and the kind that just outright do it publically.
Those are literally the only issue. They’re also the only ones ever getting complained about. Your hypothetical ‘it’d happen anyway’ simply does not ring true.
It happened to a friend and apparently he’s been banned from a lot of RP circles.
Yeah and that’s wrong, I already said I report those.
I have a feeling that the guy who left the guild would’ve complained about the 2 players even if he found out weeks later and they never made it public.
Come forward, share thy name and you shall be welcomed.
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“Well, you see, a friend of mine once…”
Good boy. But that’s not the point I was making. Point is that ‘99% of the time’ it isn’t because something got leaked, but it’s because people shamelessly flaunt it.
Seeing as his entire basis for leaving was that the guild’s name was being tarnished by it, I doubt he would, if it wasn’t publically available knowledge.
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Which it would be once one of the two decided to leak it.
We’ve done this song and dance, remember?
Just an FYI its actually easier to forge discord messages and create something that never happened than going lengths to snoop out sordid activity in game. So really, Discord has the potential for things for it to be much worse, and be unable to verify if something is fake or not.
Its very easy to tell if something is fake in-game, less so in a chatroom. Had a few friends a little while back who were getting shamed because some highly intelligent person thought they could forge discord chatlogs.
Reading through the back and forth here I’m just confused as to what the end goal is here, an (what I assume is an officer) has come out and made their statement (not that it was really needed) and the wrong doers have been
for putting obviously inappropriate content up.
Complaints about how it’s handled? Sure are we going to scrutinise the conduct of every big guild on AD? Shall I get my list? (we might be here a while.) No, lets not. I wouldn’t say the First Empire’s guild thread is the right place for it, we have enough threads for airing grievances already, no need to vandalise another guild thread.
I think it would do some good to open a window and flush the bad air out.
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Just a friendly reminder that ERP is first and foremost utterly disruptive as such, the “minors” argument aside for the moment.
This particular person who’s so fond of “mate” rp and having their “troll girls” impregnated has been rolling over RP servers for years now, staining every troll guild they could find with their weird fetishes and ultimately driving any decent rper away. It’s just not so much fun for people not interested in partaking in the “mating process” if the RP devolves into pairs sitting in bushes silently, naked on top of each other.
In Troll RP I’ve seen guild after guild after guild get nuked by this
, and having a person like that around should be bad news for any guild that wants to last longer than three month. They never learn, they got even worse over the years and they give a
about the havoc they wreak upon other people’s experience.
Sure, none of my business what people do in private, but if someone is so out of line and is not capable of controlling their urges, ruining my own experience in the end, I damn sure won’t refrain from calling that out. So if it walks like a witch, quacks like a witch…
I mean, they’re not in the guild.
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It suffices that this person is the mate of a guild member to unfold its destructive potential. This mate RP isn’t one-sided and the guild member that partakes in this indecent RP throws a shadow on the whole guild.
This post is a mess! Praise the Sun and move on with your damn day!
This just got grossly incandescent.