But they are endorsing it, because they’re still supporting and including the people doing it. They’re still attaching said individual to their name.
There’s no strawman here, my friend.
But they are endorsing it, because they’re still supporting and including the people doing it. They’re still attaching said individual to their name.
There’s no strawman here, my friend.
Endorsing means shilling something, voicing support for something. Which they are not.
Anyone who would not look at a whole guild badly because they enable ERP is definitely not someone worth RPing with anyway*
I invite you to re-read Angeteb’s post if you believe the ERPer isn’t being supported lol
Though at this point, it’s pretty clear that this is a back and forth that will continue ad nauseum because of your head-in-sand strats. Makes me feel like you’ve got a horse
in this race, but that’s just a suspicion, for now.
Anyone else still laughing at that quality Arthas to Uther parody?
Just me?
So out of 50 people that the first Empire has, you think they’re not worth roleplaying with because of the actions of… 2 people?
That’s a very ignorant point of view, and I refer to my previous stance.
Just you .
Absolutely. If those other 48 people think it is a good idea to enable those two, then it is very telling.
It is not feasible to eradicate ERP. Much of the time it is never discovered. That does not mean it should not be chastised whenever it is.
Well, to recklessly invoke an ancient internet law, if someone enables fans of a certain german figurehead of the years surrounding 1940, does that not motivate you to avoid said someone?
So they’re bad people and should guild quit because the leader didn’t gkick a friend over this thing? Jesus.
You’ve crossed a dangerous threshold, Tehya.
That certain figurehead was hurting people and wasn’t doing it in whispers. Kind of an insane comparaison.
Also Godwin’s Law yay.
If they are good friends, then they would hopefully understand why that is not something you want associated with your guild.
I’m sorry Arthas, I can’t watch you do this.
I’m sorry Angeteb, I can’t watch you do this…
It’s an extreme comparison yes, but the same baseline.
A shameless breaker of rules, supported by a group.
Would you not avoid that group?
What… rule exactly would that be? The game’s rating?
Because honestly every event with descriptive violence breaks the PEGI12 rating of the game.
And is there any proof those 2 people ERPed ingame? If they used Discord for it, would the community chill out? Doubt it.
Idk. Common decency?
Starting a witch hunt for what 2 consenting adults do in whispers is less decent than what they do.
What proof have you that they’re adults?
Didn’t know it’s groundhog day again already. We’ve done this song and dance. This is also the second time I’ve said ‘we’ve done this song and dance’.
If it was only in whispers no one else would know about it.