The First Empire [Zandalari RP]

5 days remaining!!

Pumped! in ten characters


4 days remaining!!

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4 days until all my money is spent on race changes.


It’s officially 3 days remaining at this point!

The hype is getting real. Heck it was for the longest time already!


Can’t wait to RP with you all :sunglasses:


Zandalar forevah’!
Rah’kan de’ follower of Gonk be at your side!


Zandalar yesterday. Zandalar today. Zandalar forever!


Another night of ptr rp, because we just can’t wait.


Folks, people…!

It’s but 2 days left until Zandalari release!!


Akunda dominates…


DA LESSER RA- errr, our allies are with us

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1 and a bit more days, get ready lads.


39 hours :pog:


So, with Zandalari coming out in just a couple of days, i’ve thrown together a little list for people who wants to be Dire Trolls with some nifty Prism thingies. There are several different types of Dire Trolls around the world. I’m gonna start with Zandalari:

The Zandalari Dire Troll is pretty easy to find, if you’re roleplaying in Zuldazar. All you have to do is fly to Zeb’ahari, climb aboard the large boat (think it’s called Rastakhan’s strength or something) and pickpocket one of the Dire Trolls. Like all Zandalari, it has grey-ish skin, and large patches of scale/rock/crystal thingies around their body. It has no warpaint.

The Amani Dire Troll can be found in Tal’gurub and the Zul’gurub Dungeon. It’s just random trash, wandering around the area. Appearance-wise, it has green skin, and red Warpaint.

The Gurubashi Dire Troll is (as far as i know) almost only found in Zul’gurub. At least the pickpocketable version. Appearance-wise, it has a bright blue skin color, with purple Warpaint.

The Drakkari Dire Troll is (of course) found in Northrend, in Zul’drak. I didn’t bother flying around all of Zul’drak to find it, but i’m gonna tell you the best and quickest Drakkari DTs i could find. Somewhere around Argent Stand (the flight point) there is a massive stair. At the top of those stairs there are two Gundrak Brutes. They use a Drakkari Dire Troll appearance. Appearance-wise it’s extremely pale (with a tiny tint of yellow, but not much), with blue Warpaint.

Lastly, there’s the Farraki Dire Trolls. This is also found in Zul’gurub, wandering around as random trash. Beware! Although it doesn’t look like one, it’s name is actually Gurubashi Berserker! Appearance-wise, it has a relatively rocky appearance, with white Warpaint. In addition to being a Farraki DT, it might be used as a Dire Troll Golem, due to looking like it’s carved from rock, and it’s eyes not glowing like everyone else’s.

That’s pretty much all i got. If i forgot a model, or you know any better location to find these, be sure to tell me, so i can update the model. And also, join the Discord. We always need more Dire Trolls in the Lifter’s League!


South of isle of thunder :slight_smile:

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Yes, there are some Dire Trolls there who use the same models as the Gundrak Brutes. Thanks for reminding me.

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Drakkari God-hulks :sunglasses:

I wonder if you inherit the crackling thunder effect too? Probably not…

I’ll check tomorrow.

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It’s quiet here. Too quiet…
Zandalari are here tomorrow! Where’s the hype, boys!?


Zul kept them quiet, they are ressing Hakkar o.o

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