The fun "25 horde gank quest"

Tbh, you’ve answered your own question/complain/statement - without incentive/reward there are very little reasons to get into any game mode in game such as WoW. That is why a bonus and a quest were added, and why it’s working.

I know, many horde players think that it’s hard-coded for Alliance. Some Alliance players don’t make it better and purring more gas on a fire. But, I don’t think it is.

Yes, there was more Alliance in WM after 8.1 has landed then there was before, but Horde WM was still more populated. Today, for the first time, Horde didn’t retaliate for many hours, not just 15-30 minutes, and it’s never happened before.

I have WM on 100% since it was introduced, and no matter how big raid was - stay for more than 30 mins and get crushed by a Horde raid or two was always guaranteed. Alliance wins were - after Horde was dominating for a couple of hours and majority didn’t want to continue and left - yey, we crushed them…

Today was completely different, maybe because of the raid, maybe because majority of Horde turned it off - have no idea, and idk how it was yesterday - I was pushing myself into PvE again, because I want those items…

If it’s going to be like this for the rest of the week, especially on a Friday and a weekend (when the most players login) - Horde is probably going to get bonus and quest next week.

But most importantly - I think it should happen this first time for everybody to see how it works, and that bonus can actually switch sides. After that, majority of players will be much more calm about it, and it’ll be switching sides more often.

On that one - I don’t agree.

I was gathering counter-groups even when most of the replies I was getting were like “there is another WQ for the same item/AP/faction/whatever in the other zone and it’s not camped so everybody should go there instead of engaging in a fight with a Horde”, (in 8.0).

What is not fun, and has no point for me - it when I have to search for horde without finding any, like today.

Because way too many Alliance players cba to do anything without reward. Unfortunately - yes, but there are plenty of those on a Horde side too, and you can’t really change their behavior without giving them what motivates them, no matter on what side they are on.

Some players don’t want to spend time on something that doesn’t get them equal rewards as something else does. Some players don’t want to participate when winning is not a given by heavy outnumbering or whatever else. And “some players” play on both sides.

Yes, they were - they cba to do something without a motivating reward. I get it - would be great if players could just play the same way you would like them to play. But it’s never going to happen, everyone need their “buttons” to be pushed, and all have different ones.

Alliance have more players like that than Horde, but Horde have them too, otherwise there would be a lot less Horde complains on forums and none of them would leave WM. But everyone whats to be rewarded for their time/effort/whatever else, or simply a present for free.

I’m not defending current bonus-system like it’s the best thing ever. Everybody who ever read my posts on the matter knows that from the first time I saw that “Conquest bar to fill” I was in support of a good “PvP vendor + currency system, without RNG”. But it works, and there is no denying that.

I never thought that this first time of bonus switching is going to be easy, but I think we’re getting there, and it can only be easier from that point.

Anyway, if current WM Horde population is not a result of a new raid - then Good Luck with getting a bonus and a quest! I want to see more of you in WM, because everybody wants content, right :wink: