The future of Blizzard company.. Do you agree?

Each era of WoW has its doomsayers. Like the end of the world, none of their predictions have ever went to fruition, WoW is still there, not dead and not going anywhere in the feasible future.

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My man! :smiley:

Do you think EA Sports and ea, are two different companys to?

Wasn’t that the launch of wow classic? hmm…

Everyone knew it would be a sucess… Can you imagine the same thing happening with the Myst of Pandaria Classic?

They know where to squeze the lemon for profit

So we agree they know how to be supremely successful.


So please explain how they are “shotting themselfs in the foot”?

I’m saying that from all WoW content post Cataclysm. The game changed so much and lost its identity, and ofc they knew that the only good content to make profit was Vanilla, TBC and Wotlk…

After that, there won’t be much left to squeze! They will keep making great profit from WoW but only until Wotlk… So what will happen next?

This tremendous sucess you are talking about its only shareholders… So if Blizzard don’t come with something to step up their “A” game, there won’t be much lemons left for Activision to squeze

If this sucess was with Retail (new content) it would a whole different story, sucess with classic its just a matter of time…

I don’t care?

This is a video game I play until it stops being fun.

I don’t have to concern myself with the longterm market-viability of this game. I am a consumer of Blizzards products, not a manager, employee or stakeholder of their company.

Once the game is no longer fun to play for me, I will play something else. And until that happens, I will not spoil my having fun by worrying about things that may happen at some point a few years from now.

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Saw the same argument back in 2007 as well.

Many customers are just addicted to the Blizzard games. As soon as one new good game comes to the market, Blizzard will lose a lot of customers… So many junkies are basically wishing for a better game since ages.

So you are saying there haven’t been any good MMOs in the past, I think there may have been, and Blizzard have still had their huge share of the marketplace.

Blizzard is just shotting themselfs in the foot by being Activision puppets…

No, Blizzard reached its natural peak as a gaming conglomerate and became consumed by the same issues that all gaming conglomerates have: staying profitable and paying salaries in a hit-based industry.

If things keep going this way, I think that Blizzard will go bankrupt or will become a small company again

No, because its competition isn’t doing any better, being mired in the same issues.

Yes, our services could be better, but since nobody is offering them, we keep buying what is on offer, and that’s as good for them as always, even better if they get to make a little cheese on the side with these mounts and transfers and boosts and whatnot.

Totally agree.

Activision has destroyed world of warcraft.

But it will bite them in the end.

Two of my friends unsubscriped upon aq40 release when the servers lagged heavily with long queues. Largest gaming company in the world cant provide decent servers to its customers? They left.

Im sad I didnt leave with them.

But I have now.
Activision deem it appropriate to bann 7d for afk in a BG.

Its not just the financial part of it. The whole game, together with its functions, devs and GMs are literal dog sh*t at the moment.

They will lose plenty of players in the long term and finally go bankrupt if they dont reconstruct the whole company.

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